I declare next week to Sci-Fi/Space - week!
To celebrate this occasion I will give away one space or Sci-Fi themed game every day from now until next sunday.
It's not that easy though, you have to solve puzzles first to find the giveaways.
Every giveaway leads you to a puzzle that leads you to the next giveaway.
All giveaways end at 7pm CEST (usually the time the Steam store updates), meaning you have a bit less than 24 hours to enter the first giveaway left, two days for the second, three for third, ..., and a week for the seventh and last giveaway.

All giveaways are already open, so if you manage to solve them all today you could already enter all of them.

Here is the link for the first giveaway, puzzle for the seond giveaway is found in the description.

Some rules:

  • Don't spoiler the puzzles! This means: Don't give hints or solutions for a puzzle in the forum, chat, comments or anywhere else. This also applies to ended giveaways while the space-week is still running.
  • Don't give away the links to the giveaways before the last giveaway ended!


  • Tier 1: Question #3 has (at least) three possible answers but only two of them will get you a 'correct'. Sorry about that.
  • Tier 2: You don't need any knowledge about space travel, all you need is in the picture.

There's a link to somewhat Sci-Fi themed music in every giveaway page, they are NOT needed for solving the puzzles, so feel free to ignore them if you don't want to click them. :)

Puzzle ended:

  • At least 275 people managed to click a link
  • At least 157 people can count to five
    Correct answers: 1: Fritz Lang, 2: Stanisław Lem, 3: Ijon Tichy (or Professor Tarantoga), 4: HAL 9000, 5: Do Androids dream of electric sheep?
  • At least 58 people left Earth behind them
    The giveaway code was hidden in the picture left of the rocket. Here's the picture with changed colours and saturation so it's easier to spot: picture
  • At least 46 people speak an alien language
    The text was encoded in Caesar cipher with a 12step shift. A hint to Caesar could be found in the text, the easiest way to find the shift was probably by looking at 'S.O.S./E.A.E.' or at the steamgifts link.
  • At least 55 people mastered the high art of internet stalking
    The code was the file name of the picture of Ghffovai's new computer in his pacebook profile's picture section.
  • At least 42 people were determined to solve these puzzles
    The giveaway code was the determinant of the matrix seen in the picture. I chose the easiest matrix form, so everyone who got the hint could se it immediately but everyone who doesn't know anything about matrices could still get it by guessing (or looking it up on Google).
  • At least 29 people made it back to Earth in one piece
    The last code was hidden in the picture: It wasn't just a picture but a zip-file as well. Inside it was a text file including the giveaway URL. Apparently opening it with notepad showed the URL as well.
12 years ago*

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Made it to the end really quickly after figuring out the Apollo 4 picture. Thanks for the puzzles!

12 years ago

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I just give in on this one. I'm probably over complicating things but the Apollo 4 one has got me :P

12 years ago

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do i have to search for sth into apollo pick???

12 years ago

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Yes, you need a 5-digit code that you out behind a steamgifts link like that: www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/***** (using the code you found instead of the asterisks)

12 years ago

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No idea how to solve the picture. I've read all the comments and clues but it makes no sense, and saying it's very easy really doesn't help unfortunately...

12 years ago

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Check your monitor contrast.

12 years ago

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3 giveaways are over now, 4 are still open.
Thank you all for your kind comments, they are appreciated. :)
I added some statistics on how many people reached each tier of the puzzles to the OP.

12 years ago

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Where was the code on the rocket picture?

12 years ago

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Sorry, I won't post solutions until all giveaways are over because the earlier puzzles are still needed to get to the higher tiers.
I will probably post solutions to all puzzles at Sunday or Monday.

12 years ago

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4 giveaways ended, 3 are still open. :)

12 years ago

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I am really looking forward to see how at least 58 people saw something that I couldn't. I imagine I will not be happy about it -_-' I tried a lot of ideas with that image.

12 years ago

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Only two days left now, two giveaways are still open for new entries.

12 years ago

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This week is almost over now but you have still one day to get to the last giveaway if you haven't found it yet.
Good luck. :)

12 years ago

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The suitcase gave me a headache, but it was a funny game :)

12 years ago

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Puzzle over, thank you for the nice space journey.

12 years ago

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Is it over now? What was the solution for the suitcase puzzle?

12 years ago

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Space week is over now, I hope everyone had as much fun solving the puzzles as I had making them.
I added links to the giveaways and solutions for the puzzles to OP.
Thanks again for all your comments and congratulations to the winners. :)

12 years ago

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Thanks again! Enjoyed it a lot.

12 years ago

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I don't know what what happened with last step. Maybe the image has changed. I can't get an unzip-able file from that URL. My first attempt was just unzipping it.

12 years ago

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Same troubles

12 years ago

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How do you unzip a jpeg file?

12 years ago

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To unzip a zip file hidden inside a jpeg file just open it manually with WinZip, 7-Zip or others archive programs.

12 years ago

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Like Bruto here I also have troubles with unzipping the file (actually it was the first thing I tried some days ago). Do you mind checking it for unzipping?

12 years ago

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me too

12 years ago

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I don't mean this in a negative way, but I do find the fact that the Alan Parsons Project song chosen is from Pyramid and not from the I Robot concept album rather funny :P

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ReinekeFuchs.