Are they any good? might be buying them (only played ACB)

EDIT: Is it the same story or different?

2nd EDIT : Also which one is the first book (title)

12 years ago*

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Yeh, i got the Assassin's creed Revelation's Book, its fairly good

12 years ago

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Well, my book is technically based on AC3 so dont get this book unless you have played ac3

12 years ago

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say what now o3o?

12 years ago

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Assassin's Creed books, why?

12 years ago

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details please :3?

12 years ago

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I havent read any of them, but as far as i know, the books have exactly the same history as the games(Seriously?!). So its your choice to play the games or read the books or even do both.

12 years ago

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Thats not true, I played AC3 and finished it, now i'm reading the Revelation's book and its very different to the game

12 years ago

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I mean, ths books have some extra details, but this details are nothing that influence so much in the history. Specially the revelations book, that have a lot of it.(In the game they have launched this as a DLC, i cant confirm because i hadnt played the dlcs, but they might appear there)

12 years ago

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Ah, alright then

12 years ago

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About the chronological order:
1 - Renaissance (Second game)
2 - Brotherhood (Third game)
3 - The Secret Crusade (First game)
4 - Revelations (Fourth game)
5 - Forsaken (Fifth game, the last one)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ZekentJR.