Now that Steam is more strict about changing regions and buying games from other regions, how can you get games that aren't available in your region?
I'm not talking about only censored games. I'm talking about every game that, for some reason, can't be seen in your region. For example, the Football Manager franchise isn't available in Brazil due to licensing issues with Brazilian teams, so it has not been released in Brazil for some years. How could it be obtained by someone who lives in Brazil?
What about codes for games that aren't available in your region? Can they be purchased from an external website? Do the codes work in your local Steam store? If so, can you download and play that game?
What about gifts? Can people from close countries located in the same Steam region buy those games and gift them to you? Is it even an option for games not available in certain countries?

4 years ago*

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I buy keys from certain key reseller websites if possible. But it's pretty rare for me to not be able to purchase a game from Steam because of regionial limitations.

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Afaik if site doesn't tell you specificly "It doesn't activate on your region" you can activate row keys. If you can activate then you can play it. But i see a lot of keys that can't be activated on China alone. So be careful for your purchase. Not sure about steam gifts though.

4 years ago

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Easiest would be to play something else, there are so many games. Also noting that I haven't run into games not available for my region(NA).

In the case of Football manager 2020, seems like it has a ton of region locks. Something very handy is Fanatical's country restriction checker under "Add to Cart". If a ROW key won't activate, then I'd suggest getting a DRM-free like GOG but unfortunately, it seems there is no DRM-free for Football manager 2020 - I didn't check previous titles.

I dunno about gifting, it might be possible that Steam won't let someone else gift to a region that it can't sell in. Last resort, if you're desperate to play it, well, I guess just pirate it, you've tried! Other than achievements+leaderboards, it's a single-player game.

Someone else more knowledgeable might know if there's any run lock on Football manager, if there is, it might not dl/run even if you do manage to activate it.

4 years ago*

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NA is among the non-restrictive regions (no limitation on content whatsoever - like violence or sex) on Steam, and it being the home country of Steam means that no issue with unassigned price like in regions with more recent currency support..

4 years ago

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I would suggest checking steamDB
Example with purchase restrictions only:
Another example with purchase & run restrictions:

It all depends on the package configuration, however quite often it's possible to buy a key and play the game in a country where it is not listed on steam store itself

4 years ago

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