Asking for a friend

3 years ago

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I don't think there is a set number, I think it is up to the discretion of support. If it is an honest mistake and doesn't happen often, it's not a big deal, but if it continues and support thinks the user is doing it on purpose multiple times after warning or suspending them, then they might consider a permanent ban.

It really depends on the reason why the winners are not receiving the games. Fake giveaways to advertise something without sending the game will get you banned quick, but honest mistakes where a key doesn't work once in a while, but you are successfully giving away other games isn't as big of a deal. You may receive a temporary suspension, but probably not a permanent ban unless support feels it is necessary.

There are some suspensions times listed at the bottom of the page here.

3 years ago*

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Ah ok, thanks for your reply :o)

3 years ago

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I don't think you can get banned for it, but you might face a temporary suspension depending on the circumstances.

Attached is a list of the infractions and suspensions you might face for them - I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I assume it is the base guideline which moderators follow. Depending on the situation, you might get anywhere between 1 and 5 days of suspension time.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Why did i got 5 days straigt straightway? I mean i deleted a game from my list , but restored using support. I don't even remember if i ever got one day suspension.

3 years ago

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Are you saying that you got a 5 day suspension? If you removed a game from your Steam account that you won here, that will show as not activating a win because SG see that you won the game, but it is not activated on your Steam account. "Not Activating Won Gifts" is a 5 day suspension.

3 years ago

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Yes, you are right. Thanks.
They did remove the restriction after they saw the game, on the secound day.

3 years ago

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I'm not even talking like 1 key didn't work, I'm talking like a string of High end games (4x cyberpunk+more!) to promote.

Thanks for the replies guys!

3 years ago

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So a purple avatar guy with WL GAs aren't being fulfil...I knew it and didn't waste my points to join

3 years ago

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If they are creating giveaways for popular expensive games like Cyberpunk to advertise in the description and then not send the games, I would think they would be permanently banned fairly quick. Someone has to report the user for support to see it though.

Did the giveaways just end? The giveaway creator has 7 days to send the games after the giveaways end.

Edit: I think I see who you are talking about. The user had a good account but recently started creating giveaways for high value games and not sending them. Their last few were marked not received and have some that recently ended and are waiting for feedback. If those are also marked not received after 7 days and the user has never been suspended in the past, they could give him 5 days per game and give him another chance to start following the rules or they might just go straight to permanent in a case like this.

Just make sure not to post a link or identify the user here since calling out is against the rules. Who knows, maybe the user will send the games this time.

Edit 2: It looks like the user may have originally intended to send the games, but had some kind of issue and isn't able to send them right now. The user had a good standing account with over 350 games marked as "received" in just 2 months. As long as the user doesn't continue creating more giveaways that don't get sent, we should probably give them the benefit of the doubt for now.

3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Don't know if you can see the announcement on the steam side, but if this is what you are talking about:

3 years ago

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Appreciate the clarification. I hope OP updates his post with a permalink to your comment. While it is okay to be competitive, being human comes first. I hope they're doing okay

3 years ago

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Unfortunate all throughout but that sounds reasonable

3 years ago

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That was the OLD announcement.

The new ones are up on group recruitment (

Let's leave this to the support :)

3 years ago*

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Closed 3 years ago by BigDave.