it is polite to agree to delete a GA if politely asked, because... things happen... for reasons... beyond a gifter's control - and that may be you someday
exactly. first time i got a bad key, i was slightly annoyed and wondered how that could happen, though i did agree to delete the giveaway. when i accidentally gave a bad key, then i understood. another time i received a bad key so i left a comment politely letting the gifter know and it turned out he just wrote it down wrong. he fixed it within an hour and i got my game, and also gave me a free dlc for it.
my point is, just don't be a dick. it's a free game. all you did is click an 'enter' button. people are fallible and if something does go wrong, just agree to delete.
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out of curiosity, what happens to both me and the gifter by marking as not received??
i dont want to make a big deal out of this, but im just curious
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Nothing is gonna happen to you ,
The gifter has only problems like if he has to many not received he can be suspeneded for some days :
The gifter can choose to replace the key .and you change the feedback to received
The gifter ignores it and will life with a not received
Or the gifter asks gently that you allow him to delete the giveaway ,so he only looses a giveaway slot,but you need to agree .in the giveaway ^-^
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It's considered rude to mark Not Received before properly discussing things. Beyond that, the only effect on the winner's end is that marking Not Received allows you to start entering giveaways for the game again. From the creator's side, staff uses Not Receiveds to determine trends of abuse. So long as there isn't any clear or excessive pattern of Not Receiveds, the creator won't be affected at all. Agreeing to a deletion is still more polite, where you deem it appropriate, but not doing so isn't likely to harm the other user unless they've a habit of not delievering the games they've put up for giveaway.
While some users on SG rush to hostility in their every interaction, and actively encourage others to do so, the site doesn't really work well if too many users start doing that. It's always best to try and work things out, and give benefit of the doubt. Results tend to be a lot more positive in every regard, that way. Further, while you shouldn't hesitate to close things off when the matter becomes too difficult or stressful, and it's clear the other party is deliberately being rude or exploitative or similar (versus, say, just being too busy to attend to SG properly for a bit), you still shouldn't rush to aggressiveness. Just wrap things up as civilly as possible, and blacklist if you feel it necessary, and let things go.
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Why advicing being so harsh? :)
I wouldnt respond either to a random friend request I dont recognize. And concidering OP wrote a comment on the GA 1 day ago and creator was online 2 days ago I cant really say it has been that much time.
Writing on the GA would be my first action if I received a dupe code, not trying to add the creator on steam without contacting him first.
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and since you got ignored, decline their request to delete the giveaway if offered. ^^
I think its pretty common curesty to agree to delete giveaway when mistakes happen and it cant be fixed. Advicing to not agree just because friend request wasnt accepted seems pretty unnecessary. The creator probably didnt even know who it was trying to add him.
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99% of the time it can be fixed, it's just that the ga creator decides would rather break sg rules by not delivering the game to the winner than to pay $5 and buy a new key (remember, making a giveaway is a promise, it's not a dumpster to throw unwanted keys).
on the other hand, breaking written rules is harsh behavior. returning the favor to someone that ignores you, isn't. 👍
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already 7 days, ignored by creator
just mark "not received"
in my case it's the opposite though
i make GA, winner just mark "not received", no response whatsoever. not even complaining
only know after some weeks too (i dont think there's notification about not received)
but whatever, doesnt matter if i lose my max ga lol (still irritated about it though)
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Had that happen with a level 0 giveaway once, 7 days past, only till i made a post about it on what to do it got marked as received. :p
If he does not have it redeemed on his account and prove you contacted him, you should be able to ask support for a reroll but you be asked that it's by own risk (as in key still working).
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Just to add some hope to this thread. I've won a GA which looked like the gifter was ignoring a bunch of people. Turns out the gifter hadn't logged in for well over a week. Problems were promptly resolved after the gifter logged in.
Go ahead and mark the GA not-received, you can change it later. Check the gifter's profile to see the last time they logged in. They might not have seen your message yet. If they're acting in bad faith, the system will catch up to them, but most people are just dealing with other things in life and had an honest hiccup (like getting a bad key from a reseller, or making a copy/paste error and accidentally sending the same key to both winners). Give it some time and I bet the odds that things will work out amicably.
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I see you've commented on the giveaway letting the GA creator know that the key was already used and you've marked not received. I'd post one more comment on the giveaway asking if they could provide you with a working key. Doing this may end up having a good outcome where you get a key that works and they get a received status. What's the worst that could happen?
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The first step in any giveaway win process, is to communicate in the giveaway's comment section. This not only is by far the most reliable method for communicating with the GA creator, but it also leaves an easy-to-reference log for staff [which can avoid certain potential issues].
Regardless of whether you're winner or creator, it's considered impolite to add on Steam without any warning [eg, such as putting in the description "This is a steam gift, so I'll need to add you"], as it's rather intrusive and spammy in situations where it's unnecessary. However, if you're a winner, and there's a clear issue, and it's been some days since it was addressed, it's likely that most would find the action excusable by that point.
Once you've gone past those steps (as you've indicated you have), there's really only two options:
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so i won a giveaway where there were 2 winners.. after receiving the key, i tried to activate it and instead i got a notification from steam that the key has already been redeemed...
i tried to add the giveaway creator on steam and so far it seems that i got ignored, so still no way of contacting that person...
i checked that person's profile and that person has given already alot of games... which is why i didn't doubt that person's credibility...
so what do i do at this point?
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