Become Jesus Christ, the famous man on Earth - in this highly realistic simulation game. Pray like Him for getting superpower, perform famous miracles like Him from Bible like casting demons, healing and feeding people, resurrection and more in "I am Jesus Christ".

5 years ago

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Oh. I was ready to write a sarcastic "congratulations" but this is only a post about a game.

Now I'm disappointed.

5 years ago

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I entered to say "hello, welcome back" but...

5 years ago

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Good to know my mind wasn't the only one that went there

5 years ago

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Then you noticed he's not released yet?

5 years ago

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Didn't came back yet :)

5 years ago

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I'm sure he will be out soon after the dev fixes all bugs from previous release.

5 years ago

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As long as we have time to finish our backlogs ;)

5 years ago

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"Highly realistic"

5 years ago

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Hey, wizards are totally real.

5 years ago

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In Japan, you mean?

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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-quite sure- Francesco approves.

5 years ago

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added to wishlist =P

5 years ago

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Lets see how long t his lasts before the bible thumping church fanatics demand it be removed.

5 years ago

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Aren't they the target audience for it tho? Or their kids who wish for the latest GTA or other horrors but get a Jesus game instead.

5 years ago

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Yes and no. Officially [at least, by the tenants I'm familiar with], to assume yourself as equal to any facet of the Trinity [or desiring to be held to such a regard] should be firmly considered as being blasphemous [sin of vanity, sin of covetousness, sin of self-idolotry, and sin of doubt in the divinity of God]. Unofficially, adherance to the Christian faith is primarily a power game to certain adherants. So this may kinda fall into what we'd deem a "guilty pleasure" category for some Christians.

Put another way, I'm not sure a Christian parent who is paying any attention would get their child this game, and say with a smile:
"Here, little Timmy. Happy Birthday! Now go and pretend you're the avatar of God."

Then again, we've someone on these forums who is well known for believing that their abrahamic faith [I forget if they identified as Christian or not] is nothing more than going around chasing warthogs, so who truly knows? Humans can be darn weird at imes.

5 years ago

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Actually pretending to be a god or children playing a game as Jesus to learn about his adventures are two totally different things tho. Like some xmas school play about baby Jesus only meant as a tribute. Let's ask an expert opinion about it: β€œLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

How about: "Here little Timmy, we know reading the bible is boring so we got you a game so you can learn more about Jesus" ?

To me all abrahamic religions have always seemed like worshipping an angry male wargod who gives you the justification to kill infidels and oppress women. Then they added some hippie philosophy on top to sugarcoat it and weird people still fall for it.

Also tenet, not tenant :)

5 years ago

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too late, it seems we found at least one on sg. πŸ™‹πŸ˜‚

5 years ago

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"casting demons"? So Jesus was a wizard?


5 years ago

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no, he entered for wolrd's strongest man competition.

5 years ago

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Awww, right, so:

5 years ago

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Maybe a director for the graphics, all the demons are modeled after live ones.

5 years ago

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No, a fly fisherman. He'd hook the demons onto his divine fishing rod, and cast them out into a sea of sinners.
:checks the game's trailer video: Oh, no, you're correct. Definitely a wizard.

5 years ago

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lol I think they meant casting out demons.

5 years ago

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I blame you for this..

β™ͺ He casts the demons in
He casts the demons out
And then he preaches all about
This is Jesus, okeydokey, and he's what it's all about! ♬

5 years ago

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i miss Fist Of Jesus.

5 years ago

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If you ever bought it, you still have it.

5 years ago

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i miss being able to gift it to unsuspecting chuds, rather.

5 years ago

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At least, you can still share links to the movie's Youtube channel (NSFW?).
Somehow the videos which are there are better than the game. XD

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5 years ago*

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oh man i forgot that existed. they really went all in with the concept, how marvelous!

5 years ago

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game sucks pretty bad

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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i messed up on getting that cheevo by upgrading the finishing move! suddenly i wasn't pulling out hearts anymore, i was swordfishtromboning them and ripping out spines on a random basis, so i never accumulated the numbers needed. eternal sadness )))):

at least this new game won't last very long. it'll be troll material for a while and then fade into obscurity like everything else.

5 years ago

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Mwah, I am god.

Will probably be the sequel.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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A game that made me curious enough to add it to my wishlist πŸ˜…

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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There was also a point and click adventure about Him recently, looked pretty decent actually.

5 years ago

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It actually looks really crap, especially not 11 euro worth.

5 years ago

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this is like playing a fantasy game inside another fantasy game. ^^

5 years ago

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After all the hubbub over this silly comment, you deserve at least one notification about it. :3
And who better than the "grand poo-bah of ultimate evil on steamgifts" to deliver it to you?

In the name of the Spam, the Monty Python, and the Holy Grail, I bless you, my child.

5 years ago

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Sooo wishlisted!
Can't wait for the Catholicism Wow Edition.
I wonder if there will be a I am Brian DLC later.

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5 years ago

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I love how some people commenting take the opportunity to bash on christians by making comments like "fantasy game within a fantasy game." Real mature. Not all christians are bible-thumping maniacs who run around telling people they are going to hell etc etc. I like to think that people should have the right to spirituality, or even none at all, without being indirectly bashed or ridiculed for it. Just saying.

And, Yes, the game is strange.

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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It doesn't matter if they are two different things or not. As far as I'm concerned, it's all the same when it comes to respecting other people.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, there are zealots, but when you target an entire group of people, you're targeting the extremists, but also the people who go about their business trying to live life the best way they can. I have had nice mature discussions with people who were both religious and non-religious. Muslim, christian, atheist etc in the same room and discussing different aspects of culture, religion etc. I've been at uni with people from many different walks of life and still keep contact with a lot of them. I think it's very easy to respect other people. That's how I choose to live my life. If someone is disrespectful, fine then they don't deserve any in return. No one suggested that they do. But... being a disrespectful dickhead right off the bat because someone says they believe in God, now that doesn't fly with me. I've met the zealots myself, and they are quite insane, but... you're basically saying in that post that anyone who believes in a deity is unworthy of basic human respect. That includes not mocking them for something that is part of who they are. There are plenty of extremists on the other side too and they are very weird as well.

Anyway, it's obvious that there are people like you who will think the way you do and that the hate is there. Fine. I'm not going to argue with you. We are obviously people that think very differently on how to treat strangers we meet in our daily lives, whether it's face to face, or on the internet.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago*

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But you are basically a zealot in your own right. shrug

5 years ago

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Far better to believe in the Earth-mommy we definitely have. Or the philosophy/religion mix of Buddhism where you first need to strip yourself of all beliefs and then find out how things are on your own.

5 years ago

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You have not been disrespected. Making fun of a religion and making fun of a person is something very different. I am an atheist. I find the believe in any god ridiculous. I have no respect for that believe and I think it should absolutely be allowed to criticise it and also make fun of it. But that does not mean I have no respect for religious people. Of course I do. We should be able to differentiate between criticising the believe and criticising the person. Both sides should be. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Atheism is also ridiculous. Unlike the atheist zealots like to claim, it's fully about actively not believing in gods. If you just don't believe in anything not proven to you in any way it's called realism. It's like some people are artists, but are the rest of the people unartists or just people?

5 years ago

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Uhm yes, Atheism is fully about not believing in god. Who claims otherwise? That's the very definition of it. Realism is obviously a broader term and not limited to religion. Not sure what you mean with the "active" part. If you mean I go out try to convince people all the time - no, not true at all. But if it comes up in a discussion, I will say my opinion just like everybody else. And that's a good thing.Not sure what you want to say with the unartist thing.

5 years ago

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Sorry, I wrote it bit unclearly before I had my afternoon coffee. I meant actively believing there is no god. Some believe there is no god, some believe there is and some don't really believe one way or another, unless we get actual proof for either. Before that it's just meaningless.

I just mean that for anything else you're not defining yourself as not belonging to some group, so why should beliefs be any different. Once you say you believe in some -ism other than realism you're defining your beliefs to be something outside of scientifical proof. Some kids believe in Santa, but are most adults asantaists when they don't. Un(non?)artists are to artists what atheists are to believers.

Don't worry too much, I'd assume our thoughts about this are quite similar, but I just hate some -ism telling me what to do or not. Just like I'm very sceptical of sceptism. :)

And since there is always an exception to every rule, I believe in Omnomnomism as both my religion and diet. It's only tenet forbids you from eating food-like objects that taste bad or lack some essential component like being sugar or fat free. Feel free to ridicule. :P

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Or, as I often put it, "I'll believe when the dude sits down and has a beer and a pizza with me."

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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"a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God."

I don't think that. There might be someone who maybe knows about a possible god or no god, but if there is it's not me. I'm too lazy to try to find out on my own, so it's up to any possible gods to appear to me if they need something. Until that they seem unlikely.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Which is still realism which is the broader term for applying the same way of thinking to everything else too. It makes no sense at all to define yourself as a list of what you are not instead of just what you are.

5 years ago

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Sorry, I wrote it bit unclearly before I had my afternoon coffee.

No problem at all. :)

Some believe there is no god, some believe there is and some don't really believe one way or another, unless we get actual proof for either. Before that it's just meaningless.

Since you can't really disprove something that does not exist, we will never get definitive proof of the nonexistence of god. And I also don't think we need it. I mean, you know Santa and the toothfairy aren't real, right? But there is no proof that they don't exist. They might. But the chance of that being true is so low, we basically all know they don't. I see it the same way with god. It is not completely impossible that he (or she) exists. But since there is absolutely no evidence for his existence, I am pretty sure he's not real. Like 99.9%. That is enough for me to call me an atheist. I don't like the term agnostic, because people often associate it with a 50/50 view (even though there are many agnostics who tend heavily towards god not being real). Anyway, it's all about probabilities. And since we have no evidence for god at all, but a lot of evidence against specifics of certain beliefs, I think the probability is extremely low.

I just mean that for anything else you're not defining yourself as not belonging to some group, so why should beliefs be any different. Once you say you believe in some -ism other than realism you're defining your beliefs to be something outside of scientifical proof.

I get what you're mean. I just would disagree that atheism is the same as a religious group. I am not part of any group. I individually call myself an atheist, just because it explains rather well what I think on the matter. It's not like I go to atheist group meetings, pay atheist taxes or anything like that. I also don't say I "believe" in atheism. Atheism is the very opposite. The lack of belief in a higher deity. I don't believe in something different, I don't believe at all. And the basis for my conclusion is logic, reason and the scientific method. Therefore I would also absolutely disagree that atheism is a belief outside of scientifical proof. Not only is it not a belief, it's also tied to science in a sense.

Some kids believe in Santa, but are most adults asantaists when they don't. Un(non?)artists are to artists what atheists are to believers.

Well, we all know Santa isn't real. So there is no discussion at all. The whole world agrees on that. There is no need to invent any words for different views. Imagine we had a group of two or three billion Santa-ists, who actually believed in him, held rituals and tried to convert others. Then we would have a discussion about it, and then we would probably have use for a word like asantaist. ;)

Don't worry too much, I'd assume our thoughts about this are quite similar, but I just hate some -ism telling me what to do or not. Just like I'm very sceptical of sceptism. :)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are on the same page here. No worries. I won't convert to A-Starwhite-ism. ;)

5 years ago

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It is actually possible to prove something does not exist, but that would require having proof of already knowing everything that exists, which we are still a bit short of.

Imagine we had a group of two or three billion Santa-ists, who actually believed in him, held rituals and tried to convert others.

You mean like filling every place with their decorations, music and food for weeks already trying to convert everyone to their cult and having a massive ritual in 2 weeks where they sacrifice milk and cookies to Santa? I'd be happier if I could imagine them away :P

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Agnostic simply means that you're defining yourself as the opposite of or just not being one of these: which I am still not. Why would I need to define myself compared to some ancient cults when they are completely meaningless to me? If I really had to do that then I would at least pick some opposite with benefits like Satan because he has the heaviest music and South Park has taught us he's real.

Labeling everything based on ancient cults isn't helpful either. Just forget those and you suddenly don't need those words to describe yourself, it's just the natural state of being and thinking on your own. To prove this wrong just start calling yourself a+ a list of everything some people believe but you don't. Asantaist, aeastebunnyist, aetc and see how long does it keep making sense. Or take your favorite fairy tale book and become aeverythinginthebookist.

5 years ago

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You're thinking I feel insulted or disrespected by it, and I personally don't. I just feel that certain comments contribute to the whole divisiveness we see. I'm just a generally outspoken person. People are pretty horrible to each other when it comes to religious subjects and there's no need for it. Do I think the game is ridiculous and possibly very weird? Yes, yes I do. But I also don't think christians, pagans, jews, muslims, buddhists or anyone else who has a religion or spiritual belief is in any way funny. They are just people, like you and me. And if a belief in a higher power makes someone feel better about their existence, why does that make people feel uncomfortable?

5 years ago

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I think most would agree it's religious people throughout history who have created the most "divisiveness."

I mean, really -- I've yet to hear or read about non-religious people getting all into their non-religion and burning down clinics, or beating gays to death (or telling them they shouldn't be able to marry), or even burning witches at the stake, creating "non-holy" wars (or any war?), or anything of the sort (edit: or at least nothing anywhere near the scale of strife that religion has caused.)

So let's not make out like Mully set the world alight with her perspective on religion. You're making mountains of molehills.

5 years ago*

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Please stop responding to my posts because I ain't reading anything you have to say since last night. I know I will only get annoyed if I read it. Thanks and bye. I don't like you and you CLEARLY don't like me, so just stop. We have to live without a forum ignore feature, so please respect that I don't want to convese with you.

5 years ago

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Sorry, you don't get to silence people who disagree with you simply by telling them to be silent. An open forum doesn't work that way. In point of fact, I've been much more polite and respectful to you than you've been to others here.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Sigh. No. My confrontation with Tzaar actually has nothing to do with this topic. He's taken offense to a post from the other day that had nothing to do with him. I've just chosen not to read any more of his responses as he just doesn't care that I wasn't exactly in a good place when I made that response.

He brought up my really STUPID cancer donation post from the other day and has probably been seething with me since then. I never should have posted in that thread to begin with, but I honestly didn't expect anyone to respond to my post. It was just a dumb comment about buying the bundle because I wanted to donate to "Stand up to Cancer" a featured group. Someone who couldn't have known what was going on in my life at this time responded a little angrily about how chemo is a scam and what are charities doing to fix it. I got upset and started to cry and didn't respond very well. I felt so emotional and I responded basically telling the person to piss off, in so many words. These are not face to face situations, so it's not easy to see what someone's intentions are, or what they mean. Being an emotional mess, you're probably going to see the worst in it, or not going to want to hear it. The next day, I was like "hey, don't worry about it. It's just something that's raw right now." If this wasn't happening at this exact moment in time, my responses to that poster would probably have been VERY different.

If this has taught me anything it's that I should probably just take a hiatus from internet forums til things in my life calm down. My mind isn't in a good place.

5 years ago*

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He's taken offense to a post from the other day that had nothing to do with him
He brought up my really STUPID cancer donation post from the other day and has probably been seething with me since then.

Incorrect. I was neither seething nor offended, then or now.

I brought it up as one of three examples of you replying immaturely to something after you said "There are mature ways to say that you disagree with something."

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, and that was just a personal opinion. I wasn't annoyed at any point there. One can have an opinion that differs from other people's, right? It was more of an observation to be honest. Like, when I see my social media friends attacking each other over politics and religion topics, it always makes me sad. Like, I actually do REALLY dislike Trump. I have had to remove 4 people from my friend's list because I got to know what they were really like. I didn't argue with them, just removed them based on how they behaved toward others, both left and right wing. Then, I made a friend who was a friend's friend. Believe it or not, a Trump fan, but the debates vs him were actually fun and never vicious. It's very possible to have respectful debates, even when you don't relate to their opinion. So, no religion and political topics offend me. I just don't understand people who say things to be mean. Hope that kinda helps you understand where I was coming from.

Bringing up the other topic did offend me. That's kinda all I saw then and that's the moment I got angry, upset and possibly way too much so for what it was. I am not trying to play a sympathy card here. I honestly do think that my reaction to this is over the top and my emotions have been kinda dark. That's why I am just not going to read anymore of Tzaar's posts and may just take a break from SG once my current GAs end. (or, just stay off the forum side of it entirely for a while) Will see.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Meh, I know you are 100% right.

To be quite honest, I don't even know why I made the initial post to begin with.

I have been staff on forums myself for a lot of years. I certainly do have a thick skin...normally. But then, I have seen people who were normally very sensible, good members start to behave differently. And I've gone "Okay, something's not right with him/her." When you know a member for over a decade, you can see it. I can recognise and admit that I am acting exactly like that right now. Does it mean I can control it? Probably not. lol. That's a good time to slink away from any topics that have the potential to turn to something else. Although, who would've thought Yogcast could get under my skin. XD.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks, yeah you're right. I've done it before about 10 years ago when the internet didn't help with escaping real life, just added to what was going on then. I was a moderator at the time and the trolls noticed something wasn't right with me and used that to get under my skin. Admin was like "Shannon, take 2 weeks, or a month, whatever you need, but you need to get off this forum for a bit." I took 2 months, and when I came back, my head was back in a good place. I actually didn't realise I feel like this again until this thread. Weird huh?

This time last year started what was to be a horrible year, so this latest thing is just another straw on top. Well, hopefully, 2020 will be a better year. Need it to be. =)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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without being indirectly bashed or ridiculed for it.

Isn't that exactly what you're doing?

5 years ago

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No, not really. I mean, I don't feel the need to ever say mean things about any religion, agnostic, athesist or whatever anyone identifies as. They have that right, regardless of what I believe or don't believe. When other people say mean things that are obviously intended to hurt or annoy an entire group of people (which is going to include some extremists but also plenty of nice people too), I'm like "why, why was that necessary?" So yes, I called out an individual like two posts below their post. I didn't do it indirectly.

5 years ago*

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They have that right

You preach tolerance, and exhibit intolerance. It's as much Mully's right to believe religion is a fantasy as it is your right to believe otherwise. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's, and you're the only one here casting aspersions.

I didn't do it indirectly.

Yes, you did. You intentionally chose not to reply to the person, and instead make a sideways comment about them elsewhere. You clicked the "reply" button when commenting to me, so I am positive you know where it's at.

5 years ago

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My personal stance on religious topics has nothing to do with it. Yes, people have a right to believe whatever they want. However, when I see someone exhibiting what I consider an unnecessary tone, of course, I'm not tolerant of that. For some people out there in the world, their religion is all they have and it's very personal to them. For people fleeing their homes in times of trouble, it's often the thing that gives them hope or comfort. If a belief in something greater actually helps some people feel better about their insignificant lives on this ball of shit and rock, then who's business is it to attack that. There are mature ways to say that you disagree with something. ;)

Anyway, I have said what I needed to say.

5 years ago*

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There are mature ways to say that you disagree with something. ;)

Do you perhaps mean calling people fools, stupid, or idiots for collecting games or achievement hunting? Perhaps you're referring to attacking someone for posting their opinion on the merits and pitfalls of chemo-therapy? Or maybe you mean calling people immature via sideways comments for posting their views on a religion-based video game?

Now, I'm not a religious person myself (I'm agnostic), but I've read two versions of your Bible front to back. While numerous passages from your golden guide to living life definitely apply here, Mathew 5:38-48 seems very apt. You should check it out.

Edit: TLDR - practice what you preach.

5 years ago*

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I've never read the bible, and I don't really intend to either.

5 years ago*

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Yeah, and one thing that I will remember you for is bringing up that Stand Up To Cancer donation topic again. If you read the replies to that, you know EXACTLY why I reacted that way. Had someone you loved very much just gone through surgery for the very same thing a couple of days before, you might not have acted so rationally either. Especially when it felt, at the time, like the person was raging on me for making a donation to something close to my heart. It literally made me cry real tears, so yes, I was upset.

I don't expect you to understand. But I am done with you. =(

5 years ago*

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If you read the replies to that, you know EXACTLY why I reacted that way.

I did read the replies to that. Mayanaise was simply expressing her opinion (which is actually supported by many researchers and doctors) that chemo-therapy isn't nearly as great as they say, and she went on to say that perhaps other avenues to solve the cancer issue should be pursued. To which you replied "Piss off. Seriously." and went on to berate her in what is now an edited to hell and back comment.

But yes, by all means, latch onto a single thing I said to avoid everything else I've said.

I don't expect you to understand.

Of course you don't. I couldn't possibly have lost my sister or step-father. But that's irrelevant to the point I was making.

5 years ago

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fantasy game within a fantasy game

Haven't seen that comment here, but thanks for making it. Feels appropriate.

5 years ago

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It's there a couple of posts above my own. I'm so happy for you. Do you feel better now that you got that out of your system? =)

5 years ago

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Ah, right. Missed it. Thanks. I still like that comment. Anyway, as you say, people have their right to spirituality, and also their right to to not believe that a certain guy was the son of God from a mortal woman. That's one of the more bizarre convictions people hold, kind of equivalent to the Greek or Roman myths, and probably derived from them. Would make much sense for the period.

5 years ago

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I was expecting a parody game but it looks like a serious thing, odd, but not all that surprising considering the many animated adaptations of the bible and similar stuff aimed at children. Guess it was only a matter of time before a half decent looking game of this type showed up on steam.
That said this thing using the visual language normally used for wizard characters is kind of hilarious and completely misses the point of how miracles are usually described in the bible.

5 years ago

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I Am Jason Bourne

5 years ago

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I am not a fan of those super hero games, but apparently the book did sell extremely well.

5 years ago

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Yeah, with all that Marvel movies lately some people are taking advantage and making their own books and games about them!

5 years ago

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Happy cake day.

5 years ago

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I am Dosh

5 years ago

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One my friend hacker tell me that this game will probabily be removed from steam , not only the game but the people work and publish it will remove also all things about it very soon , right now i not believe my friend but we will see what happen.

5 years ago

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I just leave it here

5 years ago

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Faithless 🎡🎢

5 years ago

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Hell yeah!

5 years ago

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My favorite part of that page is the release date ;)

5 years ago

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"coming soon"...

5 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Andrewski.