I can tell you how it works from personal experience.
They did this intially with DeusEx:HR. You bought the DIGITAL version of it in the store. You had to ask for this because the store people had no idea what the heck it was. I was literally 2 days from launch and I was the FIRST PERSON EVER to do it at my local store, to give you an idea. But the process works like this
1) You go to Gamestop and ask to buy the digital version of game X. Wait for employes to go through their manuals to figure out how to actually do this.
2) You purchase the item
3) your receipt will contain a code DO NOT LOSE THIS!?!
4) Download the gamestop client
5) Redeem the code in the client
6) Download the game
For Steam games, once you register your code in the Gamestop client, you can then get the Steam code for the game (yes that's very very weird) and just register the game directly in Steam without having to download whatever it is the Gamestop client would. Then you just manage your Steam game from Steam instead.
If you purchase Steam games from within the Gamestop client you can repeat the process of getting the Steam key. I did this with Payday:The Heist.
As long as you only buy Steam games, you only need the Gamestop client to get your Steam cd-key so you don't have to have the client running except for that one time. So far I've bought DeusEx:HR, Payday the Heist, Shogun2, Shogun FotS, and Mass Effect 3 this way (ME3 was again an Origin key). As long as you're careful about buyign Steam only games you don't need the client for anythign except giving you a cd-key to copy and paste into Steam.
Let me know if you have any other questions and I can answer them to the best of my ability.
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Indeed one must be careful to ensure that you're getting the most optimal pricing! It's simply another avenue for which you can possibly purchase games for cheap.
Note the only reason I was really into it was because it's only recently that you could use Gamestop giftcards in their online store. Before they fully integrated Impulse, you could only use them in the physical store. And I had a LOT of gift cards I wanted to use so I'm purchasing things in a somewhat sub-optimal pricing way just so I can get rid of them.
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Gamestop needs to be doing something like this for the sake of their business because once the next gen consoles are released there wont be a used game market except for older consoles. Going digital seems to be the future for games, if Gamestop doesn't evolve with the game industry they will be put out of business.
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A purely digital market is going to be impossible in the near future. Unless you happen to live in America, and are on FIOS, everyone else in the world lives in a bandwidth metered environment. For xbox games you're already getting into the 10-15GB range for stuff. For PS3 we're already pushing close to 30GB for some games.
Also many people do not live in areas where they have broadband speeds. Thus even on an unlimited plan, if you're on DSL, good luck trying to download even a 4GB file.
The push for digital items in Gamestop is purely a 'mindshare' game. Their competition in this case is PSN/XBox Marketplace. They want you to keep thinking about buying stuff IN THEIR STORE. Note DLC content is very lucrative from a margins perspective and obviously Gamestop wants in on that. DLC content is something they've never been able to get their hands on because it was sequestered away from them on PSX/Xbox Marketplace.
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Yes, they have a thingy called "Impulse". Quite the hassle, I remember when I got a code for a copy of BF3 through IGN's glitch I had to redeem it on their digital store in the software and then obtain the code for Origin.
Needless to say, once I got the Origin code I had Impulse removed.
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Whats the point >.< if you are in the store buy the damn CD or DVD...
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Every Gamestop I've been to has always had a pathetic selection of physical PC games. It'd be given one side of a small shelf and filled halfway with WoW and its expansions.
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They just announced today they know have the largest selection of PC games in their stores. with 1,500 downloadable games available in their stores. Not much to be excited about besides being able to buy digital games without a credit card or PayPal, but since some games are going on sale up to 75% I was wondering on how the system works. Will I receive a card with a CD key or will the game only be available to download directly from them? I'm really hoping I can buy some of they games on sale and if it's indeed CD keys will they be redeemable on Steam, such games like this: list
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