I don't think so. As far as I can tell, invisible mode is the same as what offline use to be, but you can now see your friends status without having to set yourself as online. I never understood why you used to have to set yourself as online to view others status, it really made no sense.
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That's not how it was for me. In the old version, if you were set as offline and you tried to open the friends list, it would show nothing and ask you to go online before you could view it. You could go to your public profile and click on the friends page which would show who was online, but it doesn't allow you to do things like view the server information of the game they are playing.
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Yes, but that is not the same as viewing your friends list through the Steam client, it doesn't give you as much information. You also couldn't view your friends list from the steam overlay while in a game.
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You still receive notifications that you wouldn't have received in offline mode, which is a bit annoying when you're a member of lots of groups.
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The big difference is what offline meant to be offline. You were connected to steam but you alone. You could play online, you could get achievements, you could get your time of play counted, etc. You just were offline, unable to be talked or talk.
Invisible is invisible. You connect online no matter what and you can choose to be "invisible", wich it's not the same. I wanted my privacy back
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I for one I'm more worried read: annoyed because there are now game cathegories shoved down our throats, I can't disable, hide or delete them. Pour salt to the wound, I even have to see ones for games I don't own, such Rocket League last night. What do I care who's or how many play a game I can't possibly join? Why must I suck it up and loose PRECIOUS space in an already cluthered, touch-screen friendly crap?
I, like maybe most PC users, I'm on a regular monitor not touch screen so I don't want nor need huge ugly icons.
If there were a petition to sign (not that it mattered, sadly) I'd ask -nay!- demand! to have the ability to customize steam the way I want it, dark/black theme (easier on the eyes and good looking minimal uncluthered UI), to hide/delete/dismiss even, the things I don't want or need.
So, Steam instead of creating new ideas and offer improvement, they just go and plain COPY discord, you know, because why not? creativity and originality are long gone, it seems.
IF you check the discussion forums for this new chat, you'll see most of us dislike (and stronger expressions there too) and for now I'm (we) left with only one option: suck it up and keep using it or abandon a sinking ship, meaning whatever investment and joy you have will be lost.
Good job Valve, keep alienating your player base customers. I'd bother sending this to support, but I bet they don't care either.
thanks for reading, sorry for hijacking your th, I think I needed to vent a little
Edit: see just ONE example, of thousands. I'm not alone in this
SteamForums chat beta
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Now before you adam or anyone jumps at me, the following comment is without intent to offend anyone, so take it as you will but I took yours for an honest question and I tried to provide an honest response, albeit a funny one if I'm sucessful.
Dang it, couldn't find a decent meme image so I'll have to improvise and say something stupid, like:
"What is better than deep blue and graphite?" - "deep black, maybe with accents of graphite"
I remember back in the day, steam had ui themes, I can't say if they were official, prob not, but you could have it like you want it, it's a client-side installed on your machine so..
I'm curious, what is it to you if I want a dark theme and not blue, green or whatever color they force us to use?
I mean I don't agree with those who call it "g@y blue sh!t" but I don't have to like whatever somebody else does. Surely I won't go to tell anyone what to like and what to use.
God forbids if some have different taste or a say on the matter, huh? :P
To Raidus: funny. Problem is that I can't see black text with yours, nor when does the empty field for bs ends. Maybe you can add it a blueish tint with unremovable elements to make it a hit... oh wait! XD
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I cussed at Steam like 3 times already because they fucked up the Metro UI mod I was using, so I can understand your point :) - it was a bit cheeky, but otherwise genuine question why someone wants dark mode for a service that alrady operates with dark tones. In comparison to SG or Discord (don't try light mode in discord, permanent eye damage!) Steam is at a pretty good (though now very un-customizable with the new UI) place, so thanks for the explanation.
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Point taken! :)
I did -unfortunatelly- suffered Discord white mode in the flesh, the very first time I was invited to, so yeah.. I know..
I'm using dark theme mode in win10 aswell, I do have and use SGDark aswell as ESGTS.
Something weird happens (speaking of the de-- of which) SOMETIMES whenever I press Shift+C the dark theme turns white, as if it were a keybind or keystroke to switch /reverse themes (light / dark). Have that happened to you?
It didn't happened now while I typed the above, but it happened lastnight and think this morning. Weird, like I said :P
Also, some users in steam forums are posting a workaround to get the old (betterlooking) chat option back, I haven't tried it since I'm worried that it could screw something up, or worse. We all know how ohhzealous Valve can be when you mess with their precious nowdiscordcopied baby! XD
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No, never had problem with shift C or other key combinations - I use SG Dark Grey by SquishedPotatoe with Stylish.
I don't mind the discord-copy chat, it's better. I just dislike my client turned from this: http://steamskins.org/metro-skin-for-steam/
into looking like how it is now. https://i.imgur.com/0rXBBrl.png
So much wasted space, the UI is like unneeded black bars on a movie
edit: oh wait, they already updated it! woohoo!
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woot? it's been the same for me all day long. I gave out and used the commands to go back to previous one, AFTER they decided to block chatting with friends I currently have (and had added for quite a while)
I don't know what's going on but it needs to stop. Seriously!
ps. no, he wasn't the only one. Anyone who tried chatting with me I get the same message, weirdly enough, I had currently another friend -added today, mind you- in which I had no issues while the other tab with the other friend couldn't read (blurred af) whatever he wrote.
I closed all the tabs and chat window, reponened and yet the problem continued as if nothing happned; current friend chat normal while the incoming was blocked.
GG Valve, go to sleep you're drunk!
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Funny you show me this now after the dark theme talk! hahaha good one!
That UI looked sweeeet! hope you can get it back, Adam
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Please stop talking about things you have no idea about, thanks.
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People hated the new wishlist and now it's fine.
The chat update was strongly needed and I like it. It prob. will get some updates too.
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