I agree completely. I've had game-breaking bugs pop up after oh, 150-200 hours into a save. And in such a way that I can't reload to fix them, and was just screwed.
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Doom 3: BFG Edition and Freedom Force are titles I can't run because of problems.
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Any game that corrupts save files is a doozy. Shadow Warrior Classic Redux doesn't crash often, but once when it did it crashed just as it was saving. Thankfully I'm paranoid and backup every single savegame I have.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, by far, is one of the worse. I got a bug on Shadow of Chernobyl that ruined the entire game and made it so I couldn't load any saves. Yay!
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stalker series, specially clear sky, seriously there was a bug that didint let me advance the first stage, then at the end SPOILER
there was this funny bug that after i chsed strelok and hurt him for a while, he just stood still in the middle of the firefight between clear sky and the monolithians.
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Fallout 3 & NV are buggy but I haven't had too many problems with them. Bully's PC port is in my opinion the worst port of anything ever and it bugs out almost constantly. I haven't played it in ages but I remember finding the audio glitches the most annoying. The audio randomly starts looping infinitely until you enter a door or a cutscene and there is no sense of volume relative to your distance from the sound source.
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Every game I have ever played on a pc has/had bugs. Now that I think of it so did every console one. :/
I think the buggiest were the ones were everything made for windows 98.
The winner goes to Kotor 2 .. even though I have played through it 5 times, it was a mess. I have never learned the ritual of saving every few seconds like that one.
I kept playing it even though it was a clusterfruk.
Just because aside from the bugs, the story ROCKED.
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I was stopped on that one by the rain. Literally. My computer at the time couldn't handle it. I had almost forgotten how buggy the game had been though.
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Actually, I played and beat Colonial Marines on the 360. On the whole, it was a lot less buggy than Skyrim, and I didn't encounter anything game breaking, so I'm not too down on it.
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I've seen a lot of mysterious floating objects (aside from the obvious two) in Tomb Raider, in addition to scenes where Lara held onto thin air inches above a ledge. Other than that, just play an old game called Gods & Generals, and you'll know what it is like when a whole game is a single huge bug.
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You're lucky. For some reason, it hard-crashes every single time I do it.
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Every game i play. I allways find the bugs, and its so funny lol.
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Skyrim and Arcania.
but skyrim takes the cake...i mean how sad is it, that the mod community had to fix most of it?
arcania is more unoptimized than bugged...even with the 4 patches, this game makes my GTX580 cry manly tears.
most gamers out there seem to be tolerant for bugged out unplayable games on launch tho...idk why.
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Soul Calibur III on the Ps2 recently. Deleted my entire memory card somehow. Fortunately, I had a spare with all the data in it, but still it's ridiculous :/.
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Well, the worst bug i've found (still unfixed after 4 major DLCs, 2 class DLCs and dozens of cosmetic DLCs) is the one about Borderlands 2 inventory selection constantly unsyncing with mouse cursor. I don't know how many great items I sold by mistake and didn't notice in time for buyback... :/
Also, inventory management in Dead Island was buggy as hell, but actually the whole game was a mess...
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This all reminded me of another, older one: Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles. I had to buy an extra memory card, and constantly back up my saves, as the game was very, very prone to corrupting whole memory cards. People tried to claim that it didn't effect the official Nintendo memory cards, only third-party devices, but they were wrong. The game corrupted save data indiscriminately.
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So, what are the buggiest games you've encountered lately? Here are mine:
Fallout - New Vegas: I found quite a few bugs in this one, some of which were easy enough to fix through various means, although a few were game breaking. The one that stands out the most takes place in one of the games casinos. If you back out of a conversation near someone near the door, you could never enter the casino again after leaving, or it'd lock you into a dialogue loop.
The Walking Dead: I've been trying to play this although, for some reason, the game didn't want to carry my choices over from chapter two into chapter three. Once I got that figured out, the wonderful, moody music started randomly starting and stopping.
And my latest (and most frustrating as it took forever to download)...
XCOM - Enemy Unknown: Taking the top of the list, this game is so buggy I can't even finish the tutorial. My computer runs it beautifully on full specs... Until I'm instructed to build the alien containment, at which point it hard locks my computer and I have no choice but to reboot. Talk about frustrating. From what I gather on the forums, the company who made it doesn't seem to care about fixing bugs either.
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