Happy cake day as well. I appreciate the answer and apologize for looking so fat. The majority of my contribution to the site has been in getting more involved in discussions when I can and informing people of the site in general as a place to drop duplicate keys. I often prioritize my direct friends for any sort of gift giving and this post is a clear sign that my ratio on this site in particular is bothering me to a degree.
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Although I apologize for the way it's perceived, I assure you that there was no ill intent behind being interested in games enough to want to get my hands on anything and everything. The first game I won was Garshasp the Monster Slayer and I was ecstatic after a Bro Team video featured that same game in a comedic light. I can't say that the 1 duplicate key I've had that I thought was worth a damn is worth the 98 I've won combined, but I hope to make the ratio seem less harsh in the future.
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It's not a problem for You because this account have more than 3 years. You are able to sell cards from games you're won and giveaway some games. This is not a site where people giving away games - they also want something in the back. As anyone. You have 1000 games on your account so you know how this works? Only getting without giving is not fair and this is a mark of perfect leech.
You have more than 1.200 items in your inventory as you're posted. So is possible to sell them and give back something from yourself. Also, you have many good games so we can think of you only one...
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I appreciate the blunt delivery and apologizing for looking like a prime parasite. I'm not sure it's fair to assume that every contributer on the site expects something in return, but I do understand your point clearly. The inventory focus is another topic I find interesting as again, it's relative to the user. Some items are gifts, some were earned, others thrust upon me, and I hold a good majority of them dearly. It's not something I expect people to just be okay with because we all have our own preferences and values to things.
Low cost bundles seem to be the way to go for me in the future. For now I'd like to get something special for a little celebration and much needed give back.
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Let's put it this way: is your floor carpeted? Are your walls sealed up tight? Does your door lock? Do you have running water and consistent electricity? Do you eat on a daily basis?
All of those things would be super nice. So I'm going to continue not feeling bad about existing, you go ahead and assume whatever it is that you did when you thought I was "entitled." Have a good one, you presumptuous boy like the rest.
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The funny thing about questioning something about another person's life that you have little to no understanding of if that nothing is verifiable, thus anything is possible. I've answered the inventory topic to death, but it comes down to unease and sentimental value. It's not the most logical of reasonings but emotion isn't really logical. I'm much more comfortable with grabbing low tier bundles to contribute, I just wasn't sure if they were an issue with the site due to reports of level inflation on accounts that seemingly didn't deserve to be in the higher levels. There's been a lot of information to sift through in here and it's all helping me form a better understanding of the site as a whole and for that, I thank you.
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Honestly, there are a lots of ways to give back something to the community, even for few cents or for free (of you don't care about cv).
I see why a lot of people blacklisted you: with those stats you look like the second account of some leech. Peace.
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I typically get duplicate keys during events or direct giveaways and have this idea that if I ended up with a free dupe, then I can't or shouldn't give it away on Steamgifts. I typically end up giving it to a friend on my list that has it wishlisted or have played similar titles. Again, it was only a handful of people (prior) and I knew that brining attention to myself could and or would bump that number. Such is the price of knowledge I suppose, I genuinely feel kind of shitty that I "was right" and that my account looks pretty bad. I'm just a user on a site trying to play some games. People are brining up like my CS:GO inventory, my net isn't stable enough to connect to the game, it hasn't been for 2 years and somehow that seems to be some sort of point of contention in this discussion forum.
Oh well.
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Average 15 minutes of playtime per win and over a third without any playtime at all for a sum total of 17 hours over 98 games. In less than half the games with achievements have you actually obtained any and only 3 games do you have at least a quarter of all achievements. These are not exactly the track record of someone who claims to play their wins.
As for the ratio/leech... The original purpose of the site was to gift games to others, not trade games randomly amongst each other.
Edit: As someone pointed out, you have at least $80 worth of stuff in your Steam inventory
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There's a lot of DLC, the shovelware titles have minimal mechanics/content so getting through the meat of them tends to either be a breeze leaving me with nothing left to do in said title, or are so broken and unplayable that they won't launch. I appreciate the time spent investigating as it can help clarify for others as well.
I agree with the purpose being to gift and that's why I felt the need to question this concern and to gauge response.
And again, just because you have a nice thing, doesn't mean you can accumulate more nice things to get rid of and or are expected to give up nice things to give. I understand that it's an option but I'm fascinated that it's a focal point.
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Think there was 15 or 16 DLCs, but they shouldn't affect the percentages. You have 2 sets of games won with a separate DLC won afterwards with only total of 13 minutes of playtime between both games. You also have 0.2 hours of playtime for a game with 2 DLCs won, with over a year apart from both wins too. You also have 2 DLCs won for different games with 0 playtime in either game. Even if the games are a breeze, 15 minute average per win is quite low. On your last page of wins, oldest wins thus long opportunity to play, the community managed on average to play those games for over 60 hours, a far cry of your 17 hours for all the games you've won. This did not include DLCs, games no longer on the store, or 2 games with what appeared to be inflated values. 8 weren't played at all, even one with mostly positive reviews.
While the initial intent of the site is one thing, how it has evolved may be another thing entirely. As the site is nearly entirely supported by the users, both in terms of games given away and moderation, and how games are given away is entirely up to the individual users, the purpose of the site is fluid and changes between users.
Its a focal point because you made it sound as if you have no options available to provide more gifts.
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It's so strange to me, despite folks rattling off stats, I can scroll through my list of wins and know I've played "a ton" of what's there but I suppose stats must be good for something, despite variables like Steam not logging offline hours and the like. I don't intend to act like I've literally opened every game and or DLC received as of this moment, but I also don't intent to act as though multiple "games" won have more content to do anything with for more than 30 minutes, tops.
Great examples of this are Amazeing Lemons and TheGunRunner. I won both on here, both are asset flips consisting of you running over collectables within a time limit on the exact same maps respectively. Giving either of those titles even the prior mentioned 30 minutes would do more harm to your mental health than making an internet forum post.
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Both games describe their gameplay on the store so its hardly a shocker what was in store, and playing 3 or 4 minutes of a game hardly constitutes playing a game in my opinion. One of the games has an average of 19 minutes of gameplay so others have obviously given it a much bigger chance.
Regardless, that leaves 96 other wins to describe and I expect a better description if you want it to be considered a full description of the gameplay.
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Well, I'm glad that that's not the discussion at hand and that I won't be bothered to sit here and write 96+ lines of descriptive text on this one reply. Any take on the topic as a whole though? You've only talked about my games won, let's actually discuss ratio/leeches and the state of affairs.
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I have already stated my opinion on the topic as a whole. I also stated why you won't get a find a definitive answer from the community.
As for the topic of your won games, that is in response to whether or not you are a name that I shall not repeat, and that name is not leech, based on one of your claims and the information I was able to find.
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I think it's a knee jerk reaction for the most part. Maybe some folks get a power trip from it. I was aware of the risks when deciding to probe the forums for info on what seemed to be controversial even to me.
You have to be willing to chop down a few forests to make a new path.
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Maybe some folks get a power trip from it.
I'm just going to go ahead and clarify- if you're looking at the world with that perspective, then you're already trying to excuse yourself from any sort of responsibility by attributing fault to others. By doing that, you're seeming to indicate to others that you feel guilty and are being irresponsible about it, and that you're petty to boot. In short, regardless of how accurate your claim may be, by making it you're already suggesting that you're a less reputable individual than those you're accusing.
As such, comments like that one openly invite well-deserved blacklists which, to loop it all around, means that the fault for blacklists would be with you, not with anyone else, thus negating any sort of emphasis to your claim, and thus making it lacking in significance to the point that it wasn't suitable for presentation to begin with.
Since I phrased that rather awkwardly, let me give an example: If you walk into a restaurant and start harassing the waitstaff complaining about how you've been kicked out of other restaurants, then if you get kicked out of that restaurant it's not necessarily due to conspiracy, but more likely due to a continued negative mindset and presentation on your part, no matter how downplayed your presentation may be (ie, maybe it's a rather strict employee-first restaurant, and they're having a bad day to begin with. Your actions may not have warranted a boot, but they were nevertheless the cause of it, without any power-trip elements having been involved.)
Even more relevantly, the exact (other than the "maybe" part of it) claim that you've made is one that's overwhelmingly common among the most entitled "leechers" on the site, so you're making an immediate negative association for others- others who may just not have the time to analyze you further for any sort of discrepancies to their expectations- to apply to you.
Finally, note that power-trippers are presumably a minority while entitled users among leechers are rather definitively a majority. If we're working off generalizations of that sort, then you're condemned from the start. Rather, let's be careful to not make broad assumptions on either end of the matter.
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Many wise words indeed. I meant no ill will in mine. I was simply flowing off of 2 other users comments about their blacklist numbers jumping every other time they posted anywhere in the forums. I'm certainly not attempting to generalize the community as trigger happy lynch mobs, that's just asinine. I appreciate the warnings and can only promise to take what I can from them and carry on. I personally view the world for what it is, the realities, so trust that it wasn't a restricted perspective, just a passing thought as to a "perhaps why?"
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Sorry, I didn't do a good job of tying that back in to the overall perspective of my previous comment, so it may have come across a bit more targeted than intended. My point, across the comments, was that a lot of the response you're getting is based in expectations that people on the site already have, be it toward users with your stats, users who bring up blacklist or ratio topics, or users who use rhetoric similar to any specific comment of yours.
While I don't feel there was any benefit to the comment that I addressed above, my intent was less to criticize, and more to highlight that conduct really plays a large part in how "leechers" are perceived, especially when it relates to stereotypical behaviors. Similarly, I wanted to note that the perception that "leechers" have toward others plays a large part in the overall dynamic- if someone approaches a matter with the feeling that they're being victimized, or that those they're in conflict with are able to be blindly vilified as an enemy, then the heart of any conflict is going to be starting on the side with those perceptions.
Basically, just pointing out that comments of that sort don't do anything good for anyone. :P
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I sure do enter giveaways for and win, trash. I just like games and can grind out entertainment value from the obvious best of the best and the real stinky, worst of the worst. Though I appreciate the safe passage, I still hope to bring my ratio more toward equilibrium in the future as I am able.
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The monetary value aside, I feel the favour is outweighed and for that I really want to give that feeling back. I'm still so unsure if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I'm almost religious when it comes to throwing my points at giveaways and commenting here and there. I'm going to do something soon, I just don't know what yet... probably some Hyper Light Drifter keys or something. I love that game.
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Yeah the ratio could be worse and I guess it would be worse, if he were eligible for higher level giveaways. I think he got the best out of it with his Level 1 limitation.
It's not up to me to judge anyone except myself, but I'm amazed by his courage.
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Nono. Ur nt a leecher. Without ur contribution and effort, everyone ratio would be fked up. Imagine everyone care abt their ratio and only join "good" giveaway and "trash" giveaway nobody joins, i doubt me myself and most of u guys can even get to lvl5. Well to add more to the trash talk, giveaway are meant to be enjoyed. If you enjoyed the games you have won, well even if people judge u as a leecher, u would not feel ashame as u completed the games you won, instead of people tat kept games in their library for e-dust.
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I just really love video games and as someone who really doesn't have a direct way of getting some of these titles, let alone know some of them exist, I've had a blast on the site as a result and find every opportunity I can to promote it to friends and players I meet daily. There are some really nice folks here and some really great opportunities for some really nice games on top of it. I just felt like it might've been time or passed time to contribute more directly and it would appear the community would agree, for the most part.
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I'd say it's important to give back.
People who only take and take.. and never really give in return.. are not very good.
It's the same as in real life. If someone takes continuously from others, that's not very nice.
If someone gives and gives and never takes anything.. I'd feel bad for them and want to give them something to make it fair for them.
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I completely agree. I typically give keys to friends on my Steam list and it's dawning on me that I should drop some here even if its not such a great title. You'd think with all the not-so-great games I've won personally that this would've been made clear earlier... I can admit to human fault.
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Yes you are a leecher
98:1, last given GA years ago, 3 years at sg.
Nobody have so less money that he can't give more in 3 years (it give bundles for 1$ or less)
I am not sure what you want to reach with that thread but i am sure that you get much bad attention.
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It's a discussion topic so I expected nothing more or less than discussion. On the topic of $1, isn't that what's currently killing Steamgifts as a whole? People buying cheap bundles en mass, boosting their levels, then reaping rewards from giveaways intended to give to those that give on a consistent basis? I am genuinely unclear and it's been a fascinating side glance interest of mine on the site that I'd love some clarification on.
If not, then by all rights I am a Scum bag and should have been swooping up low tier Humble Bundles that I enjoyed and spammed them.
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There were lot of good 1 dollar tier bundles which you could have given away.my pc broke long ago so I play in laptop that I used in my college days and as I am currently unemployed I don't have money to buy PC but when I buy games in bundles that can be played in my laptop I giveaway the ones I don't need from the bundle so the reason of you being poor doesn't cut here if you worry about the amount of trash in dollar bundles there were very good games in dollar bundles previously you could have given those games. Anyways as you asked at the first look you indeed look like a leecher. No offence though and regarding BL unless someone behaves like a prick they earn my BL others than that I don't BL for wins as it's your luck you win.
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I agree with the low cost bundle argument across the board. I've been skittish due to discussions about spamming low cost bundles to boost levels to get into lower participant giveaways and it was another conundrum of "how is this going to look," only it didn't end up with a discussion of my own about it. It seems to be the way to go and most likely will be in the future, but I feel the need to give something special for my 100th win celebration. (Because I'm an idiot.)
I appreciate you being thoughtful enough to share games with people that can utilize them because you're incapable of doing so. It's commendable in my book, for whatever that's worth.
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It give good $1 Bundles and bad ones.
So when anyone wants give back anything AND don't have much money i am sure he can, at least, have this 1$ (or 1$/year).
Anyone that don't give over years don't want to. Thats my point of view.
I readed by a lot of people that they are poor, blablabla, and when i checked there steam profiles they had the newest AAA games and/or (mostly and) 1000 games+, nearly all play a lot of CSGO (and mostly have there skins that are a bit or much worth) and such things that show really clear that they are not to poor to spend $1 for GA's on a site they win a lot.
Because i was now curious i looked into your steamaccount and see.... 1000 games+ (CoD, Metal Gear, CSGO), skins ....
So sorry i don't think that you are to poor to give, a bit, more at your 3 years on this site. When you really wanted to give.....
Anyone that know me a bit know that i hate it when people buy cv farming bundles to boost there levels extremly for a few dollars.
By such stuff i speak from 5 copies+ (it give people that give each of them 20-30x away...and that is not because of beeing generous... ).
But between 1 or 2 copies, we talk in cases like yours, and 5 copies+ from each cv farming bundles is a big difference.
Sure is mostly a nice AAA Game better then a cheap bundle but that is no option for people like you that say they are poor and can't give anything back. So it is, for me, wasted time to discuss over the fact that you would make big GA's but can't and because of that give nothing.
In my eyes that are by 99,99% of the people then only "blablabla" to see and show themself better then they are.
My words are nothing against you personal and are focused only on the sg and steam things that i can see. I don't know you, so maybe you are a nice guy in the Reallife.
Ps.: I am poor and live at the existence minimum how it is called in germany. That's more then in other countries. That is clear but it shows that i must look on my money. I don't think that you see that at my Giveaways/statistics.
In short: When you really want, you find a way.
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I appreciate the digging as it's more reference for others to form their opinions. I agree that my library is a sight and certainly doesn't ring of poverty by any means, but that also wasn't the intended statement. I simply don't have money and haven't for many years. It's incredibly convoluted and thus why it wasn't a main point, but people latched onto it and now it's a focus. I'd like to spread gaming enjoyment in any shape I can, large or small giveaway, but I'll have to do so as I'm able to and that's that.
I take nothing personal and respect your neutrality and generality on the matter and hope things pick up for you if they aren't. As you said, I don't know you personally but I can empathize with your existence.
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Valve has implemented a policy that directly attempts to make it prohibitive to bundle games, while Valve continues actively encouraging the ever-swelling flood of junk games (which easily evade the issues that come with bundling). As such, it's not the junky, cheap bundle games alone that are to blame for any decline in giveaway health, but rather that Valve has made so that they've become so heavily emphasized, along with the fact that cg hasn't yet taken any efforts to address the matter.
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Well, we've pushed for SG to add a second bundle list for steeply discounted games, or to add them to the free games list, and that'd certainly help things. Past that, not much to do- more considerate users of the site are being pushed more toward moderated groups, but that isn't helping with the overall decline in bundle health or community activity.
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I had planned to keep my comments to myself, but this one couldn't be passed up. It's obviously better to give than not to give!
Your twisted logic to excuse your behavior is offensive.
The bottom line is that you have a number of low cost or free avenues to give back and you have chosen not to. Change this!
And it would only be spamming if you gave tons of individual GA's for the same game and that game was crap.
It is time to start giving back and stop discussing it. Make us proud and create a new giveaway or two today!
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I completely understand how you feel. It's not so much that I'm unwilling to contribute, I just haven't yet. I'm not sure why folks think I'm excusing something when I'm not even presenting a point to defend. I do plan on contributing more, I'm just not capable currently as much as folks seem to think I am. They're as right as anyone is in a discussion. I appreciate the the passion to give and hope you keep doing what you're doing to continue sharing entertainment.
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Your collected demeanor leads me to believe you may be a bit older, but your logic and excuses (whether you see them as such or not) lead me to believe you are younger. If you are under 16, I would say it is understandable why you have the attitude/stance that you do. If you are 16 or older I would encourage you to grow up a bit. Pretty much anything someone wants to do they can find a way to do it, and finding ways to create giveaways on SteamGifts is hardly one of the harder challenges. You will actually feel good when you give gifts and participate as part of the community. I'm done. You'll be/do what you choose to despite this discussion. Hope you choose to be a more viable participant going forward. Please understand. I don't hate you nor have I really judged you with regard to being a leech or not. My issue is that the reasoning behind why you haven't been giving is simply shallow and unconvincing to me and many others.
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Completely fair feelings. I still fail to see what I'm trying to defend or excuse, as I've now said multiple times. Don't worry about my idea of you, I don't think even if you hated me it'd affect me much so it's not something to worry about, generally speaking. It's the same for all folks. I appreciate you not jumping to conclusions on age, though I'd think telling anyone of any age to "grow up" is somewhat childish in its own right. A lot of the personality we put forward is developed from experience, the more folks telling you to "do" anything, the more likely you are to do the opposite as an individual. Perhaps not in a social setting due to peer pressure and the like, but certainly on the internet where anyone is dealing with any number of thins, physical, mental or spiritual. Just have to be a little understanding and empathetic, not that you were or weren't.
Again, I'll do what I can in Time as I see fit, as was the plan and described by you, but will have a better frame of reference to work from.
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Quick aside: puzzle games to stay calm? So many puzzle games can get hectic so fast, how do you manage? I think my favourite puzzle game of all time was Pokemon Puzzle League on the 64... which I'm now realizing may also help answer the age hypothesis. Though I suppose anyone can just buy an old N64...
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I appreciate the generosity. I take the time to show appreciation for the wins, but I've never thought to actually report in with some of my experience... that's something worth looking into, thanks for the input! I knew that trailing off was important.
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Some people can't afford to give away games and that's fine, but a quick look at your Steam profile shows you live in a wealthy country and have an expensive CS:GO inventory. Even if you don't have an income you can sell some of those skins and give back something in exchange for your 98 wins.
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I'm willing to divulge that I've been scammed in the past and for a moderate sum, so I'm rather skittish when it comes to trading/selling any items on any platform, physical or otherwise. I don't admit that as an excuse for all financial issues in regards to disposable income, but you have to understand that even in wealthy countries, with a few nice things, some people just don't have money. I didn't even make it a focal point, just a reference point, and yet I see it brought up in a few enough replies to make me mull it over. Perhaps people are pulling from passed experience and casting prejudice too early, but who's to say, I'm just one man.
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You seem to be surprised by the answers you get to a question that is rhetorical. Don't be. This is the internet after all. ;)
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When i can jump on....
From around 35k active users only 1,4k give anything at sg.
I am sure you will see that it don't work with that big difference.
And this change more and more to the bad site.
So yes, the people get/are more sensitive with each months/years that it move in that direction...
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Yeah, probably. Good think is not all 35k feel the need to ask if they look like ''leech bastards''. ;P
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That's quite a ratio, here's a little something to celebrate 🍺
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I'm not exactly sure how this should translate to me contextually. It could be taken literally as a congratulations, it could be sarcastic considering the level requirement, it could even just be a misunderstanding on the ratio.
All I know for certain is text is difficult to convey tone properly and I'll gladly accept the beer/cheers regardless!
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You say you are so poor you can't even buy a Tier1 of a good(!!! so no shovelware please!!) bundle for $1 and give those away in between?
I mean all my giveaways are bundle leftovers so in the end I didn't pay much to reach lvl 5 but at least I gave something back.
I don't blacklist anymore, I make lvl 4+ giveaways to make sure some leechers are left out, sadly there are still a lot of those there and I dislike leechers, sure you can have won more than given away, but 3 years here and only 1 given away and 98 won that is just not acceptable in my opinion and have no clue why you found it a wise idea to tell that here either...
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I never said I was "so poor" as that would be playing a victim for sympathy and that's not my style whatsoever. Though I agree that it's rather skewed and feel the need to fix it, thus why feedback to confirm said feeling was important, I ask you where your sense of worth for clarity was lost? The "idea" wasn't to expose myself as some leech, badtard, but to genuinely ask the community opinion on the current state of affairs and to help me come to a conclusion.
What's the point of asking any questions? To receive answers, is it not?
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Do I look like a leech, bastard? Is this even something considered when stumbling upon someone's profile?
I'm also curious as to whether or not it has anything to do with the handful of blacklists I've been put on
As far as I know I answered those 2 questions did I not!? The 3rd thing was sort of a question and I did mention that as well so as far as I know I did stay on topic.
About the bundle thing, you say you don't have a disposable income, I translate that as poor, maybe that was incorrect of me but everyone that makes more than they have to standard pay every month should have an income that can be used to buy something small to give away but maybe we just see that differently it's up to the person himself to decide if it's worth using their hard worked money for it or not. Simply said it's your money and your life and you decide what to do with it and the bad ratio only gives you blacklists, nothing else so it's up to you if you want to change it or leave it as it is, I mean high chance people won't take their blacklist back if you fixed the ratio anyway.
So yes, I see you as a leech, I check people their profile for it (not that it matters much because I gave up on blacklisting) and yes high chance a lot of blacklists came from your ratio (also maybe some from comments because people can blacklist for anything they want and some have weird reasons), to be fair not that blacklist mean anything and you shouldn't even care about them in my opinion but that's a different story.
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To clarify, I wasn't attempting any hostility, was just prodding more about the last line of why it was "wise." Just to gauge some feedback, nothing more.
I appreciate you being so blunt and hope to detach myself from the underbelly of this beast and move to all the side fat, but that requires pittance.
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you can't say you are poor with such inventory: CS:GO inventory of OP
i don't mind people taking as long as they at least enjoy what they are taking, and you played roughly 6/10 of your games...
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I never said "poor" as it'd be a sympathy card I'm not interested in playing. Though I do agree my inventory has a few okay items, I fail to see why it's such a topic for debate. I'm sure people have plenty of nice things lying around their homes they could pawn or sell online. Is it such a crime to not have disposable income AND retain your current possessions? Because it's spbeginning to feel like one around here. I'm not trying to attack you, just curious as to why it's such a focal point.
I'll keep playing games, especially if I keep winning them. You can count on that.
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After the first 24 hour period on a Wednesday and despite many assuming the worst (someone thought I'd have hundreds, plural), I'm at a 7:68 WL/BL and find it even more interesting as to why folks thought my post was so potentially blacklist worthy beyond the "mentioning blacklists" and misconstrued topic example.
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Well you did redeem yourself somewhat in your later posts, but 68's still a pretty big number for such a short space of time (you had what, about 5 before?).
As to why your post was regarded as a blacklist magnet. Despite the SG meme, I don't actually think "mentioning blacklists" is enough to get many blacklists, at least since the introduction of Two-Way Blacklists, nearly 2 years ago. But your opening post was pretty unrepentant and your apparent lack of caring about giving back meant the two-way BL wasn't much of an issue for anybody thinking of blacklisting you.
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The GamesAid bundle came to my attention at the perfect time amidst all this "commotion." Soooooooooooo fortunate. I was just going to spend roughly the same amount overall on a couple (more) copies of Hyper Light Drifter as I ADORE that game and the dev team's story behind it. (I've gifted 6 copies to friends and players directly in the past when it's been on sale, it's so good.)
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It does not matter. It's all important if one looks at the bigger picture as things cycle between both sides in a state of constant change. Both are equally vital in everything. If people did not take, others could not give to begin with. If people gave enough, there would be no need to take. Humans always want to acquire more - survival trait/instict or something.
Unfortunately neither sides are, or will ever be respected. I have won a lot, and played few - I feel as though I am a much bigger leech than you are.
"Poverty wants much; but avarice, everything" - Publilius Syrus
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I appreciate the neutral stance on things and the awareness of the larger picture. I have collecting tendencies and can see that side very clearly as well, though can personally say that: though my library may be large, it was not out of a "need/want" to accumulate, just a severe love of the video game medium. It's ability to encompass all other forms of media and provide and interactive component is just the best thing in the world. I feel bad that I haven't been in the right moment to give more, but I try to play everything I win and thank the folks that were kind enough to spread some of what I enjoy.
I hope to run into you more when I skull around these forums in the future.
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Lol mate, i am coming from poor country and still managed to create few gibs, its not even that hard. If you simply don't want to share that's okay, its not like there is rule about it, but do not make excuse that you are poor, you can easily gift some cheap game every once in while. And about how you look: first impression - 100% leech, but majority of your wins are mass giveaways of shovelware crap, so its not really that bad. I have seen here some leeches who won dozens of AAA-stuff and do not bother to give back, i think its way more bad and potentially harmful to this nice place. As for blacklists, i am too lazy to blacklist anyone and frankly don't see the point of it at all.
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I seem to be getting that finance is a big issue when it comes to validity. Or it would appear so as so many of you have latched onto that one piece of information. I have divulged more information, mostly that I've prioritized giving dupe keys to friends directly and that I've been a bit unsure on gifting as far as giving away dupe "free" keys I end up with or spamming low cost bundles that skew the level system. As I've also stated in previous replies, I agree that I should probably do more and thus this whole discussion was brought about. "Is this an issue? Why would it be if it is? Discuss."
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About possible dupe keys - you can make giveaway even if you are not sure that key not working, just write in description that you don't know is it working key or not and ask a winner to agree to delete giveaway if key happened to not work. And about low-cost bundles, of course there is exploit to get fast Level up but in many of those bundles there is still decent games and there is a lot of people who be glad if they won it. Cheers, mate!
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I agree completely. People have lives, lives are incredibly variable, some folks just can't get their hands on games and I think that's a shame. Do I think I'm one of those people? At times yes. Is that reason enough to justify a skewed ratio? That's what I'm finding out!
Just try and inform people, be active in discussions from time to time, and most of all thank your gifters.
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i have myself gotten blacklisted by 5 people even tho i have only won like 23 games and they are mostly pretty bad. i do giveaways sometimes but havent really done alot here on SG. im gonna guess i will be blacklisted more the more i post in discussions lol
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wow, thats bad. im guessing i will reach 10 by the end of the day but 42? R.I.P i dont really see a very good use for Blacklists. i wish i could see who blacklisted me tho sure if you find their giveaways you can see it but there is no way to get a list of it. would be fun
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yeah, its gonna be interesting to see how many blacklist someone for something like this tho. feel bad for you
however i guess blacklists dont go both ways. that would be nice but i doubt thats a part of the function, never used it and couldnt find any info on it by a quick search. would be nice, if one cant enter their giveaways then why would they be allowed to enter yours you know? well goodluck getting off the blacklists i guess
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I've always intended to but it's one of those things that's easy to think about and not follow through with, especially if you're me and end up coming up with tens of questions to clarify before even knowing if so should fox thing or not... basically I'm a human being and as human beings, all we can do is try to be better.
Have I convinced you aim not a bot yet? I'm trying really hard.
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Nothing on this site or its TOS forces one to give away games to participate, so I couldn't care less about the ratio another user has - more important for me is the way one behaves or depicts themselves and, if they're interested in, engages with other users. If one acts like an entitled prick that constantly uses these forums to harass other users, one doesn't deserve to enjoy the generosity many of this community display again and again, simple as that. If someone's then also in the position or altruistic enough to once in a while share some happiness with a complete stranger by gifting them a game they maybe really wished for to play, all the better, but being lucky isn't something to be looked down on, behaving like a fuckboi is though. Much of the over and over reoccurring discussion about what qualifies someone to be a 'leech' or not is just plain dishonest, IMO. But to each his own, I guess, and tbh I really don't care.
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I appreciate the passion toward people being kinder to one another. I figure we're all here for a similar reason: a general enjoyment of video games and or gifting. Seeing the "Unlucky 7" thread always made me feel bad for my stats telling me I'm lucky enough to have won X more games than expected.
I think this site is a testament to the generosity of others and their willingness to share something they enjoy with others. In that notion, I certainly do need to come up with something to contribute a bit more often. If not just to share, to make me feel better.
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Yeah, it really feels good to give back to such an actually awesome community and also might put a smile on your and a complete strangers face when giving something back, at least it does that for me ;>. I don't know, I just feel like that whole leechy-leechy business and shaming those that might fulfill the criteria is the completely wrong approach if one would like to encourage them to participate more actively. The more you pressure someone, the more likely they will reject everything you say, showing them how awesome it can be to just be generous once in a while seems much more effective.
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When you're asking, yes, you're a leech. It's not even a matter of perspective, it's a fact clearly shown by your stats. Good for you for wanting to give back, of course.
Speaking of that, depending on your location, age and situation, you may be able to give more than you knew, with a bit of smart planning and being informed. There's no shame in using bundles either.
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I feel that your opening statement is a bit harsh and perhaps a little reductionist. Essentially a guilty until proven otherwise scenario and I'd implore you to reconsider when the party in question is potentially handing you the rope to hang them with. I made the discussion fully knowing I'd get a spectrum of results, this is the internet and everything exists here.
Low cost bundles seem to be the way to go. I haven't had any real clarification on say a duplicate key from a free giveaway thrust upon me, as I typically tend to pass those directly on to friends on my Steam list. Either way, I do hope to give back as I can... which has always beenvthe plan, it's just an easy thing to have sitting on the back burners of your mind.
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How is it harsh? You're asking if you're a leech - I'm replying that based on your stats, yes you are. I don't care about it, not gonna condemn nor cuddle you, it's your thing and your stats. Was just answering the question you asked.
Even giving back is your own choice, not just if to do it, but also how exactly. Is it better to buy 1 HiB Monthly and give away 5-6 solid games, or to use same $12 to buy 6-12 dollar bundles on Fanatical and give away 30-70 cheap games instead? Are you into quantity or quality or maybe making puzzles or... Your thing, random person from the internet.
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Just the way it was phrased seemed to imply that "if you're asking about it, then its probably true" and that may just have been an issue with the medium of text based chat or word choice. No harm, no foul. I completely agree with the random internet person notion, it's one that's seemingly becoming more and more lost to time as the internet years tread on.
Personally, I'd like to give games I'd play or would consider, so that'll be the plan A.S.A.P.
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I'm nearing 100 giveaways won and gifts received (98 gifts won, woo! Thanks to all the gifters!) with a measly 1 gift sent. I'm not the kind of person with disposable income for anything and the majority of my library was gifted from friends and players over the years. (I'm planning to grab something for another giveaway when I hit 100 giveaways won.)
I ask you: what does my ratio say about me in the context of the site? Do I look like a leech bastard? Is this even something considered when stumbling upon someone's profile? I'm also curious as to whether or not it has anything to do with the handful of blacklists I've been put on, but that's not the focus of this discussion.
Edit: To be more clear: "What's the current community consensus on Wins:Gifts sent, what's the deal with leeches, and how does each person feel about ratio/leeches respectively?"
Edit: Someone decided to make their point by creating a giveaway in my honour that I can't join because for all intents and purposes I'm a leech in the majority of the public eye thusfar: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/5chFA/game-of-thrones-a-telltale-games-series
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