And he failed miserably.

P.S: The little black line near the bottom is where I pasted in another screenshot of the rest of the conversation. One screenshot didn't fit the entire conversation.

10 years ago*

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but seriously reading it atm...

keys for Origin games.. ?? righto thats new to me

poor dude maybe he had a issue but now his rep is so low he cant get a good trade

10 years ago

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After the big giveaway of Battlefield 4, by AMD operators(?) in Dubai, probably a lot of people try to get profit. memph1s and Spammah gave away approx 3000 keys through twitter, Facebook , their site, and Steam Group chat. It was a complete chaos, but I got a key for myself :D. And scammers go on these, as Origin keys are good prey. Valve can do nothing about it, and the scammer can easily activate it.

10 years ago

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no wounder i never got a f-ing key

id love a key lol
im a chopper kinda guy on BF3

10 years ago

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If he can't write correctly (without shortenings), he is probably a scammer. Also: You had that code, so why did you say: I offer 6 keys? :D Anyways. It was clear, that he is a scammer, I mean he writes with shortenings, writes with a word per comment. Yeah you evaded him nicely, BUT If you got your key from memph1s and Spammah, you should use it, or give it away. I mean do you know how many people wanted to actually play the game? I got one for myself too, so I can play with my friend, not for trading. That's the problem: There were more than 3000 keys alltogether, and probably half of them were given to people, who wanted to use it on THEIR account.

10 years ago

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and im the unlucky SOB that doesnt get a key.

its all good ill "buy" it when on sale and i buy more RAM (this game runs better with 8gb of ram than my current 4)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Goofysoccer.