I would like to see these features added if possible. Thanks!

Having email alerts for new messages/alerts and also the ability to mark messages/notifications as 'read' so you know which ones are "new" and don't have to keep track of the numbers manually.

9 years ago

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not really, some replies are spam

9 years ago

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I do not want email notifications nor SMS notifications.
I can just check the website if and when I want for what is newly commented or posted.
I just read what messages I find to be interesting and click the "Mark as Read" button.
Society today is far to connected to fake things of social. meh.

9 years ago

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Would you really want an email notification for every new "thanks" on your giveaways?

9 years ago

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Dear lord that would be hell. This might work if restricted to trade only posts but I'm not sure.

9 years ago

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Not really, but having my phone go off every second would make me feel really, really important. And my friends in school would be like WTF, you must be popular!! :D Add me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc, ect, etc...

9 years ago

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Yeah, but when you get that " You've got mail" sound or whatever, and you come and see another generic thanks and 3 or 4 seconds later another thanks and so on for the duration of your giveaway, i bet it would get old pretty fast.

A good idea for trading posts though

9 years ago

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I was joking about all of it, don't want none of it.

9 years ago

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Here's another new message for ya, how's your phone like it?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well, I'm a trader so I would still like this feature. You all know that "features" are usually something YOU control right? Just because it's something YOU don't/won't use doesn't mean others won't appreciate it.

9 years ago

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If its limited to trades/trading then yeah good idea and i would want it too.

9 years ago

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You do know that the message page has a filter for "Trades" correct?

9 years ago

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Yes, I'm aware of that. But I have a life outside of this webpage and this feature would just make my life easier if I could just get alerted to when someone has replied to one of my trade threads instead of having to come back here all the time just to see if there's a reply. This is a standard feature everywhere else so why is it such a big deal to request this?

9 years ago

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Your reply makes me want to yell at you for contradicting yourself about having "a life" outside of this site, yet wanting a feature that makes you use this site and takes away from your life outside of this site.. When you can just do it on your own time, you want to feel forced to do so or "notified" on mobile that you should or need to? Okay. Have at your "feature", I hope it gets implemented.
I will go away and stop commenting now, I can see where this is headed.

9 years ago

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I'm an analyst and have to check emails regularly for reports and replies so it's a force of habit to want something that's already standardized to be implemented here. Why are you getting so upset over change? This isn't going to be forced on you or affect you in the slightest. You're obviously new to message boards sir, this feature has long been added everywhere else. I simply want a notification system (be subscription or what have you) to fit my needs.

You sir must be void of the world of technology where everything has notifications now days. Is it so hard to grasp the concept of wanting to check something only when you know it's needed rather than when it's not? You wouldn't bake something in the oven and keep checking every minute now would you? No. Because it's not needed. People today.

9 years ago

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You mean when you click on the envelope? I don't see a filter there..keep in mind i haven't fully explored the new layout of SG

9 years ago

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When you see it, you will shit bricks.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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That's great and all but why don't we have the option to choose what is marked as 'read' and what isn't? This button just marks everything as 'read'. This partially answers my concern but I would like to be able to choose. It's the same concept as emails and other such notifications, you can read something and then if it's important, you can choose to mark as 'unread' for a later time if such is needed.

9 years ago

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Ahh ok, i have seen these categories.
I thought by filter you meant...filter..and i somehow wasn't seeing it

9 years ago

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I don't see the harm as long as it was optional. If we could unsubscribe (or better yet make us subscribe to get notifications) to GAs/Threads so we got less spam this would be very useful as well.

9 years ago

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Thank you. This is all I wanted but some people are just hard up against change that has already happened.

9 years ago

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I think the email notifications is better used on these scenarios

  • Your giveaway has ended, login to see the winners
  • Your have won a giveaway, please login to mark as received (or not received)
9 years ago

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I know this thread is old, but I am commenting to support this idea without making a new thread.

I am a trader and sometime i forget to check this website every day to look to see if someone wants one of my games. Often time I come back to this site to see that someone commented a day ago, but I never noticed, and when I asked them what they want they say they already got it somewhere else.

I would love it if the site would email me saying that I got a new comment on my trading thread. It would be optional of course so everyone else doesnt have to see it if they dont want to!

9 years ago

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