How do you feel about SGTools managed GAs?
Thank you for all your giveaways!
I like it because what's not to like about reqs like all games activated, no multiple wins and no VAC bans? I would like Rick be in favor that, at the very least, these three reqs would become a genuine and integral part of the standard SG giveaways.
I also like the real CV value won/gift ratio and other ratio possibilities, no more winners with ratio's like 200/10 and 100/1.
And I hear that SG support will reroll if somebody has won a SGT giveaway with a leaked link (invalid entry) when you show them the list of valid and invalid SGT entries.
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That's good to know. This is a good reason why some of these features should be implemented into SG invite only GA themselves.
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Agreed and that reroll information I got from Knsys, the dev of SG Tools.
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+1; I also think it would be great if some of those features, like all games activated... were implemented in the standard SG giveaways. I mean even if someone made a mistake when they were new to the site and learn from it, it's easy enough to remedy by getting the game on your own for it not to show as unactivated.
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Good that you mention the ratios - wanted to make giveaways, but forgot about the ratio filtering SG allows. My level 2 limitation wasn't really good to filter out people who won 10-30times more than given - and ratio gives a better chance for lower levels as well.
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I'm still learning about sgtools, only used for CV and rule check, and entered some GAs through sgtools with various conditions.
May I ask you how you make max entry 10? It is absolutely new to me, makes me very curious. @.@
Let me guess, If there are 10 entries, sgtools do not show the link?
(edit) I appreciate you for reporting rule breaker, they need hammer of justice. ;)
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I am not sure but I guess SGTools will not show the link once it has given it out 10 times.
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It looks like not working well. When I checked my 'entered' page, each entries were 12/12/11/10/10/11 (Yes, I shamelessly entered 6 GAs. ;P). Hmm, I think I need to observe this until the end. Very interesting. :)
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Yeah, I think it's because SGT only checks the times it gives out the link not how many have entered. I do wish it would do that but it doesn't at this time.
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Thanks a lot for the chance and happy new year. :D To be honest though, I don't like sgtools. xD
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I just believe that everyone should have the same chances to win something. And obviously, I'm not talking about people that don't activate gifts or win them multiple times, because they don't deserve to win. :P I'm talking, for example, about people that don't have money to make giveaways. And, you know, the same goes for giveaways with cv levels - I don't like them too. But anyway, that's just my opinion. xD
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True. ;P That's why I said: "And, you know, the same goes for giveaways with cv levels".
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I only joined two. :B I never said I hate him. -- I said that I don't like sgtools, because he asked about it in the poll. -- I also don't like beans, but I eat them anyway. I would be a hypocrite if I was doing giveaways with sgtools.
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Hahahaha. I'm not doing a campaign against it. xD I'm just saying my opinion. You keep telling things I never said. You have a big imagination. Whenever people ask about my opinion about sgtools, I'm saying my opinion. When did I make a campaign against it? And how I'm doing a campaign against it? Hypocrisy means to conceal your true emotions about something and having a fake attitude about your intentions. When did I do that? xD As I said, you're imagining things. If you love sgtools, just say it. Just don't accuse people that don't like them. And if you really want to accuse them for hypocrisy, then talk with facts.
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No. It's not a campaign. Ok, you can imagine campaigns, petitions, and me as an angry villager with a pitchfork, but everything is in your imagination. When people are asking my opinion, I'm saying my opinion. Because that's just an opinion. Yes, I remember talking with you in the past and yes, I thought that this is what steamgifts is - although it's not. Because, if I remember well, I said in the end that I was sad to find out that steamgifts isn't about giving away gifts to poor gamers. But that was about something else. It was about steamgifts, not sgtools. So, why are you even bringing it up in this discussion? So, my imaginary campaign is against steamgifts or sgtools? Please decide. xD I'm promoting it, just because I'm saying my opinion, when people ask for it? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that I don't have the right of free speech. And I keep saying that I never said I hate it. I would just prefer if people would not used it. I never said: "You better not use it or I'll bring my pitchfork". If I stop entering them, will they stop existing? And how many I entered in my life? 10 sgtools giveaways? More? Less? But that's not the point. They'll keep existing, even if I don't like them. And a similar example to your cow example. If some people become vegetarians and stop eating meat, will also the rest of the people stop eating meat? No. So, in conclusion, what I'm trying to make you understand is that: 1) it's an opinion and not a campaign, 2) an opinion can't make other people change their opinions, something that could maybe a campaign do, 3) the creator made a poll asking about our opinions, so it's not like I randomly say my opinion in every discussion, 4) I don't like isn't equal to hate - hate is a strong feeling, that means to avoid everything relevant to your object of hate, 5) hypocrisy would be to make sgtools giveaways, because I said I don't like creating sgtools giveaways - I can't say to people to not enter them, because that would be stupid, and 6) so, do I have a campaign against steamgifts or sgtools? The answer is negative for both of them. Do you understand now? Support whatever you want, but just don't accuse people because they're saying your opinion. You could just have said that your opinion is different, but you only chose to talk only about my opinion and to change what I've said so far.
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1) Even if you use it as a metaphor, it doesn't mean you use it in the right way. As I said, an opinion can't be a campaign, because an opinion doesn't have the power to change beliefs. Still, free speech allows me to say anything I want, as long as it doesn't offend someone.
2) Learn to read the whole text. Just by reading a random clause, you won't get the whole meaning. I didn't write a whole text, just for you to read the half of it. I said that even if I stop entering sgtools giveaways, they won't stop existing, but they'll keep existing, even if I don't like them. And then, about THIS specific thing that I said, I used a similar example, like your cow example. Do you understand now or shall I use even simpler words?
3) Maybe you are referring to a different past discussion of us then? I remember talking with you in the past about my wrong opinion about what steamgifts is. If you're talking about this specific discussion, then why are you referring to it? This current discussion is about sgtools. And no, sgtools is different. It adds more restrictions, about ratio and other things. I think it adds even more restrictions that it doesn't need to. And although steamgifts isn't what I thought that it is when I joined it, sgtools is exactly what I think it is: just a way to restrict people, something that isn't even needed. So no, I'm not against sgtools because of my wrong opinion about steamgifts, but I'm against sgtools because it's just restrictive. It doesn't offer something, like steamgifts do, but it's only a way to add more restrictions. In conclusion, I already accepted that steamgifts isn't what I thought, but I think sgtools is something that doesn't need to exist.
4) As I said a million times, hypocrisy would be to create them. If I would hate them, then I wouldn't even join them. And if you didn't mean hate literally, then you would understand that you can join something that you don't like. There's a huge gap between hatred and just not liking the existence of something. For example, I don't like this cinema, but it's currently showing a great movie, so I'll go there. If I would hate this cinema, I would never even go there. And as I said, if you didn't mean it literally, then you should stop using it as an excuse to accuse me of hypocrisy.
So, maybe the gap isn't about language, but about the way that each of us thinks? You accuse me because I have an opinion, like I'm not allowed to. If you would write a comment that you like sgtools giveaways, should I accuse you of hypocrisy if you didn't enter every single sgtools giveaway that exists? It doesn't make any sense, right? Extreme example, right? But why, isn't this an insignificant hyperbole like yours? You turned my disliking into hate, so I'm turning your liking into admiration. xD So, don't use hyperboles to support your opinions and respect other people's opinions.
And have a nice day.
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1) Correct? CORRECT? How liking or disliking a thing is correct or incorrect? That's about personal preference. How's a preference incorrect (as long as it doesn't offend someone, of course)?
2) Why do I have to explain again and again the exact same things? The vegetarian example was similar to your cow example, but it was not about the same thing. I said that even if someone avoids doing something, it doesn't mean that everyone will follow his example. So, I used the vegetarian example (and said it was similar to your cow example, because it was about meat), but it wasn't meant to refer to hypocrisy, but refer to the campaign that you think I do (because it's not a campaign, but an opinion). So, do you understand now why I used this example? Do I have to say the same things for a 3rd time? Where did I say that it was meant to be about hypocrisy or that these 2 examples were similar for the reason that you think of?
3) I join them because I don't hate them. :B Is the answer enough for you? I don't like sgtools, I would prefer if it didn't exist, but it exists, I can't do anything about it, and if I see a giveaway for a game that I like, then I'll join. Why? Because I merely don't like sgtools, not like I'm running an active campaign against it, like you said. Are you forcing me to think that I hate it or something? So, just because I don't like it, what prohibits me from joining a sgtools giveaway? You? If I was saying that I wouldn't join sgtools giveaways, but I actually did, then this would be hypocrisy, but I never said that. And don't try to teach me what hypocrisy means. It's a Greek word and I speak Greek fluently. :P
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Because you didn't understand what was the example about, I am the one that went off target? o.O I wrote them along with some sentences that were referring to the fact that even if I stopped entering them, other people wouldn't, so it's not a campaign. So, how the hell did I went off target - because you didn't understand what I said? You are the one that got confused by my words and you are accusing me of getting confused? xD But you also pointed out about me doing a campaign and now you're telling me that you didn't? o.O I said 1000 times why it's not considered hypocrisy, but you kept saying the same thing over and over again. I didn't fail at English, but you failed in understanding every single thing I said till now.
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So, because you misunderstood something, it's my fault?! Yeah, sure, keep trying to find a way to accuse me. I couldn't explain everything more clearly anyway. And sure, I don't have any logic, I don't speak English, I don't speak Greek, ok, whatever you say. You are really trying to find a reason to accuse me, but you don't find any, so you just end up saying that I'm an illiterate. So, in other words, whoever has a different opinion than you, is a retard. Whatever. :P
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Never got off point. I talked about the campaign and the hypocrisy. So, when exactly did I get off point? I never go around saying that my opinion matters and everyone please hear me. When people ask for my opinion, I answer. Instead, you're the one searching for comments against your beloved sgtools, ready to spread your false and unreasonable accusations to everyone. There's no right or wrong in personal preferences. If I don't like sgtools, nobody can tell me to like it. If you want to force me to like it, then you probably have something against democracy. You can think whatever you want. My neighbor's kid thinks that Santa exists and it would break my heart to tell him the truth. I'm not a hypocrite. It's just that you're whimsical. Our exorbitant imagination tends to stop near existing out teenage years. Probably yours keeps existing. In your wonderland, everyone must have the same opinion with you, understand your nonsense, and drink tea with Alice. In the real word, people have different opinions and we ought to respect them, as long as they aren't offending anyone. And also, telling me that I can't even speak my own language and that I can't understand anything, means that you think that I'm stupid (metaphorically a retard), right?
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I appreciate your honest opinion. The way I see it there are hundreds of public GAs whose only restriction is the level of the entrant. Invite only GAs are a little different. The GA creator is not only restricting it by level but also by those he chooses to give the link to.
SGTools simply assists the GA creator with setting up conditions the entrant must meet to participate in the GA. Everyone who enters the GA still has the same chance of winning only access to the GA is restricted. This is not much different than someone level 1 not being able to enter level 2 GAs.
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True, that's why I said before that the same goes for giveaways with cv levels. xD But I agree with the fact that, this way, people that won this game already, can't enter again. And I was mostly talking about cv level giveaways and the ratio between sent and won gifts.
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restricted each GA to 10 entries each.
Check to make sure you get 10 actual entries. After a bit, temporarily blacklist anyone who hasn't entered, and increase the entry count by the amount of blacklistees.
Only real way to make sure you actually get 10 people entering, rather than people trolling your entries or forgetting to enter.
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Yes, that's why I gave myself a few days. I'll check again tonight and adjust as needed. Thanks for the reminder.
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Blacklist anyone that hasn't entered? :P How is that possible? :P
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Wasn't necessarily a criticism- even if nothing else, people might just not have realized they didn't have enough points, and then forgotten about it. There's enough valid excuses- but that doesn't mean it isn't a potential problem for the giveaway creator if max entry count is really low.
Though, I'm not even saying that's an issue- I'm saying that would be an issue, if it weren't for all the information-tracking/user-management/giveaway-management features of the two sites.
As is, it's a bit more hassle, but you can still make sure you get exactly the number of entries you want- which, as I said, I'm quite glad for :)
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It's a bit flawed, but an awesome resource I'm likely to use again in the future!
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Ohh, didn't know it was possible to limit the number of entries.
I always check the winner's game list on steam before I send the key to them, but I recently got burned even after being careful. In my case I don't think SGTools would have avoided the issue, but made me rethink doing public giveaways.
Thank you for the giveaway.
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I like sgtools managed GAs. When i made public GAs, the people i had problems were multi winners, not activators etc... so, this is a method that i support. Btw, thanks a lot Rick for the good odds chances :)
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Remove a few entries and jump in. This is a MUCH better chance for you to win. And it's only for people that give, not the leeches. :)
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This is my first time using SGTools for this. I'm kind of glad I have the extra time. Not all GAs are at 10 entries yet. Limiting the number of entries has presented itself with its own set of issues. The extra days gives me time to deal with them.
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You did well. King's Quest is awesome. :D But, of course, you can remove the entries and re-enter afterwards, when you have points.
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Wow, thanks! I'm giving away a lot of games/DLC but I haven't won a single thing yet. I joined 3 of your giveaways though, so I have a good sporting chance! :)
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By the way, as a suggestion, when you are giving away keys or bundle links, don't put the key/link in the site for the winner to see it. It's better to add him, after checking that he hasn't broken any rules, tell him he won and that you'll give him the key/link, but you expect him to activate the game immediately and mark the giveaway as received. ;P I think it's better this way. I mean, I always give away gifts (except once that I gave away a key), but I still add them, instead of sending the gift in their e-mails, to make sure they'll activate the gift and mark the giveaway as received. :P
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It just gets too tedious after awhile... also having constantly to wait for the other person to come online and then missing each other etc.
I've stopped with that at around no 75. Still do all the checks, as the key isn't shown until you confirm it, so that works reasonably well. Only down-side is the thank-rate dropping disappointingly...
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Yes, I don't have the time and patience do deliver each gift personally. Using SG built-in key delivery works very well for that, and if the winner is one of the good guys it's normally trouble-free. Just use SGTools to avoid the wrong users...:-)
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Of course. I check invalid entries and multiple wins. I know I can configure the SGTools filter to check for the latter, but I decided not to because of issues like this.
And I already got 2 winners perma-banned for using leaked links. As for users who used leaked links but didn't win, they get a personal message with some tips on why they should avoid it. So far with very positive responses. SGTools rocks! :-)
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perma-banned for using leaked links.
That's relieving to hear as I feared SGT to be seen as a competition of some sort that SG wouldn't want to support in that way.
issues like this.
It's funny you linked exactly that case, as he was indeed able to resolve the issue... My take on that is most don't even try hard enough (until the pressure gets too high) and quickly come up with excuses.
And it's not my fault when the wrongdoer keeps his car in the no-parking zone for months/years before realizing that to be not the best idea..
And I just had the case again of an already served 2 months old multi-win infraction and I had to give it to a rule-breaker again. So I'll keep using that check.
SGTools rocks
Fully agree on that one.
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I don't think it's really a problem to wait for someone to come online. How many days will it take to find each other online? xD Just arrange a "meeting" when you think that you will both be online. :P
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It's more the need of constantly checking if friend-req got accepted and then catching s/o online that can take hours. While most succeeded within a day it's still a time waster.
Let's talk again after you've gone through it a few more times ;-)
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Do what? Give away games? I've done it 33 times here and like 100 times in different giveaway sites and Greek forums. :P
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I was 11th in a contest but it allowed me to get the link and I left it in (for now) as an alternate if you have to remove a fake/troll entry. If this is not allowed, shoot me a message and I'll remove myself promptly. :)
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I love SGTools. It allows me to create Level 0 giveaways without worrying about having to deal with rule breakers every other giveaway. 81 of my last 100 GAs were Level 0, and using SGTools made it a very pleasant experience. Gone are the days that I had to create Level 5+ giveaways to avoid constant rerolls. Life is good :-)
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Just came here to post this: That's one funny and catchy thread title! :-)
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Hey man.
I am one who gave you some trouble. I think i clicked every single one of ST links and i joined all GA that wans't a DLC.
I'm sorry for that.
I entered this site 4 years ago but i wasn't realy active until few weeks ago. A lot of things are new for me, i didn't know that the SGTool would give the link to 10 ppl only. Now i feel realy dumb because that's how you restricted the GA to 10ppl, since there's no option for that in the SG itself...
Anyway, let me know if i can do anything to you. Leave the ga or whatever.
(Sry for my english.)
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It's all good Cabel0. When the GAs are done I'll take you off my blacklist :)
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And if i can give any sugestions for you, some big bold text READ HERE maybe can help ;)
Like: advertising that game x is a dlc/expansion.
I don't want discourage anyone from using the tool. Im thinking on how to set the requeriments from my next's GA, so somehow i feel what you are trying here.
Ty for the comprehension.
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This is my first time using SGT to limit the amount of entrants so I've learned quite a bit. Next time it will be smoother I am sure :P
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
All full table getting flipped lol nicely done though love i really
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75 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by funnyduck99
764 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Wintermute101
Last night I created a few invite only GAs then managed their access via SGTools. At the time, I was a bit ambivalent about using another website to manage access to my GAs. It seemed more work than it was worth. Later, as I was creating the GAs for this batch of games I noticed the winner of one my GAs had not marked as received. It had been over a week so I decided to see if he had activated the game. He had not activated the game but when I clicked on the humble gift link it stated the key was already claimed. So not only did he not mark it as received or activate it, he also regifted, sold or activated the key on another account! I wouldn't have noticed this at all if he would have marked it as received because it was a private group only GA. I contacted support, got the GA marked as received and the violator has been permabanned. So now I am feeling pretty good about using SGTools to manage GAs. I expect someday, some of the features offered will be part of SG at least for managing invite only GA.
Alright, about these GAs here. I have restricted each GA to 10 entries. That means you have a 1 in 10 chance of winning. Not bad odds at all! Good luck!
For those interested in Payday 2 DLCs, please visit this thread: Hands up, this is a MuthaFukinRobbery! (Payday 2 DLCs Level 5 GA)
GRID Autosport
GRID Autosport - Road & Track Car Pack
GRID Autosport - Drag Pack
GRID 2 - Drift Pack
DiRT Showdown
Colin McRae Rally
Company of Heroes 2 - The British Forces
CoH 2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces
Company of Heroes™ 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West
Rise of the Argonauts
Overlord™: Raising Hell (Expansion)
Overlord II
Hospital Tycoon
Oh, sweet Jeebus! One of my GA already has 11 entries. SGTools gave out the link 11 times. I don't know why it did that...Nevertheless, I am not going to worry too much about it. The difference between 10 and 11 is one person so the impact is minimal. SGTools is the one giving out the link 11 times so I am not going to fault the entrant.
Ok, this is weird. One person in particular who doesn't qualify and didn't enter any of the GAs is being counted as receiving a link. SGT is a bit wonky I think. Actually I think it may be more than one person.
If you get the link but don't enter the GA I am going to blacklist you. If you did so in error let me know and I'll take you off my blacklist. I don't know what some of these guys are doing but it's not fair to everyone else. If you are low on points you should not try to get the link and sit on it until you get more points. Several GAs are already locked out because folks have gotten the link but not entered the GA. The only way to be fair to blacklist those that do not enter then increase the number of allowed entries again. This is likely the last time I do this because it is seriously a pain in the ass. I'll likely increase the level and ratio requirements next time.
Again, if I blacklisted you it is because you got the link for the GA but didn't enter it. Just leave me a message here or via steam and I will remove you from the blacklist once the GAs are done. Sorry about this but it's the only fair way to manage entries. I already have more than one GA with more than the max entries I wanted. No hard feelings here, just trying to keep things fair.
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