ah ok, i´m sorry^^ i was wondering if there would be a big gap between both times but yeah, this speaks not hin his favour.
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Hi! I'm sorry for your loss, but here are some tips:
1) You should always check the reputation of the user you trade with.
The user you linked has been permanently removed from SteamTrades.
2) People here can't really help with much. (We can only report them on steam, but that won't do much, as the evidence doesn't really prove that the person you sent it to used it)
I would advise you to make a steamrep report: https://forums.steamrep.com/forums/report/
3) In trades, money should go first, just like in a shop. (Keys should go first only when the user has a high reputation)
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thank you for your concern
1) I searched the scammer account on steamtrades but couldn't find anything, the account has been removed apparently (which is weird why they let people delete their account, this makes us cannot see if they have bad rep or not)
2) Steamrep said we couldn't submit a report there related to steam game code and steam wallet code
3) I had to go first because the key is very old and knowing steam key has only 15 digits, it is possible for it to be redeemed by random bot/person, and paypal payment has fees every transaction, refunding it would be a pain because the fees is so big.
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1) That should be a red flag for you
2) Oh, okay, didn't know that (Never used it myself, I'm just aware that it exists).
3) It's pretty hard to "guess" a steam key, because they are not made of only digits, they are a mixture of letters and number.
There can be 221,073,919,720,733,000,000,000 of them, so it's almost impossible to get a right one.
Also, just a thought: If a person can ask the support, when was a key activated... wouldn't they, if provided an unused key, tell you that it was not yet used?
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1) i did not know this one, i searched google that everybody can delete their account on steamtrades, so i didn't aware of anything when i trade with him
3) i'm myself have tried this method on my early days on steam, it is "almost" worked, i just put random steam wallet key and if i remember correctly, it said that the code i put is error. The next day, i tried it again and the code is used, this proves that the random code i put is actually exist, but maybe steam detect that it haven't been bought by a person yet.
and i just recently know that we can contact support to ask when the key is used because of the person i got the key from (my time at portia) said so.
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There are 221,073,919,720,733,357,899,776 combinations of 15 symbols (each one is one of 36 possibilities). And I'm sure there are other types of Steam keys apart from the 15 symbols one. So you can be sure no matter how old your key is, nobody has guessed it. And no, I'm not kidding.
Edit: I'm pretty sure that's right, but since it's different from the other reply, the number doesn't matter, the point is nobody's randomly guessing your key.
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yes i know this but have you think that probably 1/2 of the number you type is actually a working code? steam has a lot of games, not to mention you can provide lot of keys for 1 game as a developer (not sure the exact number, or maybe even infinitive)
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There are a lot of keys out there, and even if most are redeemed in a short time period, there still is a huge number of unredeemed ones. But that number is nowhere close to the amount of combinations there are. It should never be a reason to go first anyway, especially with the red flags with this guy.
Every person on Earth would have to have about 28 thousand trillion games in their library for just the combinations with 15 symbols to run out.
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Yes it is my fault for easily trust people, anyway, i'm just hoping this thread can be a reminder for lot of person out there, also i hope that this scammer account got banned from steam, so he'll give up scamming people again (his account is pretty big, 100+ games)
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Sweet of you to think 100+ games is a big account. Bot accounts is bigger than that.
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well i consider it pretty big, 126 paid games (can be 60$), over 1000 hours of csgo, and possibly lot of csgo skin (i know this bcs his account was public before i made this thread). if you mean bot account with 100+ of freebies, then it's not big
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"Your CD Key will be either 13, 15, 18, or 25 characters long" so that's more like 36^13 + 36^15 + 36^18 + 33^25 (the last one is 33 because the 25 character Steam keys do not include the following characters: 0, 1, and O)
IDK if my numbers are correct but there seems to be a lot more than just 36^15 combinations
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You have to take into account that they don't have steam keys that are too similar because inputting a key wrong would then get you a second game for free. But it's still a giant number.
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It was changed to this:
Private or identifying information. Users in the community have a right to privacy. Do not post their private or identifying information without their consent. For example, their name, address, phone number, photos, or private messages.
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When you post something which violates site rules, it does not matter in which sub-forum you post it.
The latest version of SteamGifts' Guidelines specifically states...
- Private or identifying information. Users in the community have a right to privacy. Do not post their private or identifying information without their consent. For example, their name, address, phone number, photos, or private messages.
If you obtained this person's consent to post his or her private messages on our public forum, your post is fine. If not, you are violating our site's rules. What you are doing is referred to as "calling out," something which used to be explicitly forbidden on this site and which is still discouraged.
If you wanted help "naming and shaming" a particular person, please do not do it on our website. If you want to warn other people about a scammer, do so in a "general" way rather than including personal, identifying information. For now, you should remove the identifying information contained within your original post. I am giving you an official warning for this particular violation. Future violations may result in corrective action by SG Support Staff. I suggest you review our site's Guidelines and FAQ.
Getting back to the topic at hand, this "trade" is full of odd things.
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In general, Steam profiles are considered public information. They may or may not contain private, personal, identifying information (such as your street address). In this case, it appears a private chat log has been posted in a public forum, hence the issue. There are instances where a chat log might already be public (i.e. widely known), but this does not seem to be one of them.
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"It is your choice whether or not to divulge your private exchange with Support, but cropping the quote and posting it out of context is disingenuous." -Khalaq
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Congrats. Not only have you cropped a quote and posted it out of context, you have also managed to select one that has nothing to do with the post to which you are replying. I find it amusing. )
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It was not cropped but I did post it without context with humorous intention so I'm glad you found it amusing. I find it amusing that sharing private messages isn't allowed on SG, but in hindsight I can see that I wasn't clear enough about that part. (You were telling me I could share my private exchange with support, and actually more like encouraging it, but you didn't say that other people could share theirs.) Does it mean I can't share private messages from publishers or devs or Valve or Humble?
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It was not cropped
My bad. To be honest, I was considering it in relation to the conversation (which I vaguely remembered), but that qualifies as "out of context," not "cropped." I applied the wrong term, so that's my fault.
Does it mean I can't share private messages from publishers or devs or Valve or Humble?
Technically, it does, but Support Staff do consider intent and affect when dealing with such things. In most cases, I would expect anyone working in a support capacity (e.g. Dev's replying to players, Valve Support, Humble Support, etc.) to have their "official response hat" on, and therefore expect their messages to be "public." (Do we really expect users to keep their interaction with Support private?)
In the case that spawned this discussion, the messages were apparantly intended to be private between both parties, and they were posted on a public forum (this one) for the purpose of discrediting and/or damaging the second party. That clearly "crosses the line," and that is why I took action. SteamGifts is neither SteamRep nor Valve, and this is therefore not the place to make public accusations of wrong-doing on Steam by specific individuals. If an SG user has a problem with what another SG user is doing on SteamGifts, he or she should contact SG Support about it, not call them out in our forum.
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Private or identifying information
what does this mean? my sg name is public, right? so can we talk about sg users?
whats with steam names? you can hide your profile but in generall they are not hidden.
and are theese names usable to identify somebody?
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Private or identifying information
what does this mean?
You should be able to answer this question yourself by thinking about what has been posted, above.
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well tbh he never use his account again, so it is mine now, maybe?
i'm using that account bcs he said the key is very old (said the person who i got the key from), and i'm afraid it will affect my rep if it doesn't work, i have positive reputation on that account aswell
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While +4 may be positive, it's nowhere near enough to be considered as trustworthy. The fact you're using a "friend's" account out of fear of bad rep just says that you shouldn't be trusted.
Your main error though, from what I can see, was saying you got the key in a trade and that it may be a dupe. That just screams "scam me". Your uncertainty is another person's opportunity.
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If I understand it well you did a trade for the key and then an other trade for money with an other person (the scammer)?
He seemed very worried of the probability of the key not working.
Not sure we can help you, as people said it is unfortunate, always check the person reputation, try to make direct trades (your key for their key/money and you both activate on personal account), there is a topic of "scammer names" on steamtrades I think so you may write there too.
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Rule of thumb: Never trade with a key that might not work.
FYI: You can do a giveaway with keys like this in this group though
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if we could just post other people's profiles and ask other users to report them then i could call out on anyone i don't like and you'll just have to take my word, right? you seem upset by this rule but it is just common sense. we have no reason to trust you.
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I don't think you understand their point. Imagine I make a post falsely accusing you of something and asking people to report you, even though you didn't do anything wrong, would that be fair? That's the reason the rule exists, you can't just take someone's word like that.
Not like we can do anything here either way. This is a gifting site, not a trading one.
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Whoever it was, you can leave negative feedback on SteamTrades.com
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Have you ever heard of EU and GDPR? They either let delete or get deleted themselves.
Stop assuming this or that single thing is any kind of flag for scammers, just assume everyone is a scammer until proven otherwise and it becomes much easier. SteamTrades feedback lost all of its meaning after they let it be ruled by botnets.
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since it's again steamgift rules for "Private or identifying information", i edit this, basically i got scammed. who are he? no, i can't tell you, too bad if you got scammed by him too in the future lmao
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