The pandemic has gotten deep under my skin and I just needed an outlet to do a little project so I decided to make an Instagram page that makes bite-sized game reviews, spoiler-free, and gives you a score 0-10 on how good the best parts are and a second score from 0-10 on how bad the worst parts are because sometimes one number doesn't tell you the whole story of a game's quality, and not all of us have 20 minutes to read a long diatribe about how a reviewer feels about a game on a cellular level either.

The fact is, the more people follow me, the higher the likelihood of bigger publishers will give me review codes, and hopefully promotional giveaway codes as well (of which I would share on here).

Tldr; Hey everybody! I invite you to please follow my very scrappy little review outlet on Instagram.
My first review is for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Thanks for taking a look!

Real Quick Reviews!

Also, I'm no fool; hidden deep within the recesses of this post is a giveaway. You'll probably never find it. you must be lvl4+ and pass a couple other checks. maybe get rid of the two 0/10 scales hiding out in the code?

edit: I know sometimes it feels like the world is ending, but perhaps with a bit more digging you may find another gift

2 years ago*

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I don't use IG, but I do have bumps. Here, have one 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

2 years ago

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Appreciate the bumps ☺️

2 years ago

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not sure if using instagram as ur platform is the best decision, but good luck

2 years ago

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That's fair, I'm no fan of Facebook, but the point is that the reviews won't waste your time (and i absolutely don't want to be on camera) so i couldn't see any other options

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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You're not wrong, but i want people to be able to engage with this just through reading. My goal is that someone could just stop their scroll for a second, drop a like, and keep going with their day, whether they are sneaking it in while at work or school or in a public bathroom. So i wouldn't want it dependant on video or sound or that would be too much of an ask. This requires as much attention as a push notification on your phone

2 years ago

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Allow me some constructive criticism. Your scores are completely meaningless to me, since I don't know you at all. Your post isn't really engaging. There is already a pretty good review channel called the Escapist, that has 3 minute reviews which are infinitely more informative than your image. I think you might want to check out how they do short reviews. If you can somehow make those reviews even shorter and easily digestable on IG, now that'd interesting. IG is definitely an unlikely platform for something like this, I don't think I ever saw reviews of any kind there, so you might be onto something.

2 years ago

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I'll allow it! I am not a graphic designer so coming up with a more attractive template is going to be a work in progress. I also don't want to be the most informative, but you make a good point about how you don't know me so the lack of information can only be fixed with more and more reviews (and I'll probably add some top 5/10 lists so people know what i like in general). This was honestly pretty helpful, thanks!

2 years ago

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I dont think a template is the way to go, look at all brands that struggle with IG because they have strict guidelines. What people on IG are looking for is eye catching or funny or informative or cool content. When it comes to games, maybe showcasing short gameplay snippets with some supertext highlighting pros and cons is the best way to go. Try showing something unique.

2 years ago

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I understand that is eyecatching, but that's what everyone else is already doing so they can repost their tiktoks as ig posts and fb posts so i dont think that'd be unique. I still don't know what a unique type of image would be, and I am not sure that I want to use my screenshots because I'm hyper-sensitive to spoilers. I feel like if someone wants to see gameplay they can go to million other places for it that are focused on seeing gameplay. My target demographic is someone who already watches E3 showcases, has seen trailers but goes on media blackout after that, and your suggestion wouldn't work for those people.

2 years ago

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Just curious, 'cause I've no idea, is this demographic big? Most people look at gameplay on Steam pages first and they are looking for raw gameplay, review channels are incredibly popular. Do people spend 60 bucks on 20-100 hour games just by looking at the trailer and 5 minutes of gameplay?

2 years ago

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i don't understand your question. you just pointed out that people already have a place to go (steam page, psn, official youtube pages, livestreams etc) if they want to look at gameplay. i buy games based on metacritic scores, some podcast discussions (but games usually get spoiled at least in a minor way in those), and however i heard about the game. if im on the fence after having seen a cinematic trailer and gameplay trailer then ill just media blackout on it so that i can experience it fresh. if metacritic scores are super low then i wont buy close to release.

2 years ago

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I don't use Instagram but here, have a bump

2 years ago

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Thanks! Good luck

2 years ago

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No Insta, but have a bump.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I only have an account I created many years ago and I never used, (I actually had to ask Zuckenberg for the password. It didn't even belong to facebook then). Anyway, I entered to take a look and to give you some likes, which is easy to do.

Have a bump too

2 years ago

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Thanks for the bump, good luck in the giveaways

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Relevant review even, as Dredge is currently free with Amazon Prime Gaming rn!
I look forward to playing it one day :)

PS: Incase u dont have Insta, u can be a ninja and use Imginn

3 months ago

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