No. That's even more segregative and juicy for exploitation from my point of view.
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It will need to be combined with all the other checks and balances that are in place.
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I peaked into it once or twice. Yeah,that's the kind of thing that reminded me of.
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It is similar to Gala but of course this can be tweaked and balanced better with the SG system and policies already in place. CP points can be lowered to only 1p for bundle games for example to help discourage similar farming that is going on with the CV system
CP is also optional, it is not the main currency method the standard point system that caps at 300p would still be in place.
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I just don't see how its better or less exploitable is all.
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Well I don't think there will ever be a system you can't exploit one way or another to various degrees but I think its a better reward system than the current CV incentive. Keep in mind putting CP on a giveaway is OPTIONAL therefore people who want to enter a CP giveaway will have no choice but to GIVE to GET constantly, not just accumulate a high contributor value by spending $20 and keep reaping the rewards indefinitely.
I think it will have a much greater reward factor as you won't want to waste CP points as they are harder to come by. The regular points will still continue to flow as people make giveaways so it won't convert the site into a Gala, Playblink or any of the others its simply a choice the user giving the game away has to reward those that keep the spirit of this place alive.
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People will still gain points by farming exploits, really nothing will change, it will just make it more complicated and possibly worse. Thats just how I see it though.
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Yes, give away more exploited games to enter non exploited CV games, got that part. You don't see CV abuse becoming a problem? Just gonna quote GerardinHo now
Plus, farmers gonna farm anyway, so if they need 60p to enter Bioshock Inifinte, we minions would probably get 3 Bioshock / ACII / whatever's worth 20p giveaways.
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Don't you just love quoting out of context?
Here's the full quote:
This way you'd REALLY think before entering a giveaway for a game you're not sure if you'd want. I like it. Plus, farmers gonna farm anyway, so if they need 60p to enter Bioshock Inifinte, we minions would probably get 3 Bioshock / ACII / whatever's worth 20p giveaways. And I like that as well.
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Not sure what your point is, I didn't quote the whole thing because I didn't feel like making it unnecessarily long, the point remains the same.
The point being that "farmers gonna farm anyway"(Oh look I quoted out of context again lol). Just because he likes it doesn't negate the point he other words this system would change nothing and possibly make it worse, that is all.
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That would end up costing as much as much or more than just buying the games yourself.
Just a thought.
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The user doesn't have to put CP as a requirement on the giveaway - if they choose they can leave it open for the normal point method to be used to gain entry.
I'm suggesting two methods of entering giveaways, CP is purely optional to the giveaway creator
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The way I understand this is:
Public giveaways don't change at all.
When you complete a giveaway, you get points to the value of the game, same as now.
If you want to enter an exclusive giveaway, instead of having to have a certain threshold, you have to use your points. Which means you have to build them up again. Someone creates a contrib only GA and decides its worth 100 points. If you haven't got 100 points, you can't enter. If you do, you enter, but lose those points, so you have to GA more the get them back.
If that's how it is intended, I can get behind it. Combine it with the current checks and balances, add a few tweaks, and you'd have more of an incentive to give than what's currently in place.
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In the end there's not really any difference. If this is being suggested to alleviate point farming, it would not work in that capacity. Both methods require giving away games to earn points to enter exclusive giveaways, so the people who are "farming" points to enter them would continue to do so. If the end result doesn't change the way people do things, there's really no point in making the change in the first place.
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The difference is the people farming CV currently don't have to continue doing so once they hit a magic number. This system would ensure you continue to give to get because your points get deducted upon entering said giveaway and do not stay constant (for the most part) like the current CV dollar amount system.
Bundle games can have point value decreasd so they cannot be used to earn points in an abused manner - if somebody wants to spend $60 on Crazy Machine keys to get 60 Contributor Points to enter Bioshock Infinite they may was well have bought it outright. People are going to want to spend these points wisely or stick to the public giveaway system.
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The people giving away games out of generosity or just for the sake of giving will continue to do so regardless of the points system.
The people giving away games to get themselves to a point where they have enough CV to get them into some exclusive giveaways will be much less likely to do so if they know that they will have to continue to give games away to keep that advantage. Basically it would lower the incentive to give games away, causing less people to make giveaways. And less giveaways = bad.
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This way you'd REALLY think before entering a giveaway for a game you're not sure if you'd want. I like it. Plus, farmers gonna farm anyway, so if they need 60p to enter Bioshock Inifinte, we minions would probably get 3 Bioshock / ACII / whatever's worth 20p giveaways. And I like that as well.
Not such a huge fan of being able to choose how many CP the entry would cost, though. It should be the same as the $ value imho, or maybe 10% less than the actual price of the game, to discourage "Well, fuck, I could buy the game and that's the end of it" kind of thinking.
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Noticed it xD it just took me fucking forever to make a coherent sentence out of it, and when I sent it, yours appeared before xP
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Not convinced. I'd prefer to see them converted into gold bullion.
There's nothing safer than gold right now.
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It would take one awesome giveaway with high CP requirement to bring about a shitload of other, minor GAs just to get the CP needed. Yep.
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If you lose the giveaway, I think you should get ~-90-95% of the CP back if you lose, so all that you given away isn't completely useless in that regard, but you still lose some so you have to think about it first.
Other then that, I agree with it.
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heh, not in a position to approve or disapprove :P dun have too much CV to care..
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Stupid, all stupid!
That would just give more of a reason for exploiters to buy games like crazy machines, give them away with no limitations and profit from a couple of coins in the long run by winning 50€ games, no thanks. Said games should be added to the bundle list for good reasons.
I would support if this CP was something monthly and a special type of giveaway was added to the list, at each new month, the CV would reset to it's original full value, and if you ended up making giveaways in the mddle of the month, obviously you would get CV in return to get instantly used within the same month.
Also CV giveaways should be based on full price of each game at the moment on steam, like giving away skyrim for 40 points/CV. CV would act as a special "currency" in this website, not entirelly necessary to win things but it would help. And to make things even more legit, CV giveaways should be up to half the CV value in your profile (eg: if you have 300€ CV, you can make CV giveaways per month up to a value of 150€).
Make a 4th option for contributor value only giveaways, said giveaways would work with monthly limitations and a new currency (1/2 of your CV can be used to make giveaways each month, full CV is used to enter said giveaways [reset each month, eg: 40€ skyrim would deduct 40€ from your total CV at the time]). And most importantly, remove the current CV option from all giveaways, except these new ones. Basically: Public, Group, Private, Contributor.
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It's clearly not all stupid if you were able to take the concept and tweak it. This is why I made this suggestion thread so that we can all debate on how to implement this concept for the greater good of this site. Nothing should be taken at face value.
I don't personally agree with your modification but its good food for thought nevertheless - one idea spawns another and that is how progress is made.
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I know suggesting things here is a bit risky at times but i'm a glutton for punishment so i'm going to throw my hat into the ring regarding the whole CV debacle.
How about turning the contributor value into a currency that will buy into giveaways?
For example:
You earn points by giving away games based on the current point value (so Bioshock Infinite would give you 60 CP). This will create a contributor economy and help to reduce exploitation while giving incentive/reward. You must constantly GIVE to GET, no more farming $1000 CV and "sitting pretty".
Feel free to discuss and tweak this idea, I find it would help bring back some of the original spirit of this wonderful site.
EDIT: I'd like to point out that the current way of gaining points would not change this is purely a subsitute reward system for the currently in place CV dollar value incentive. Public giveaways will still exist with the current point system that caps at 300p
rainynight65 summed my initial idea up perfectly in case I wasn't clear enough above:
The way I understand this is:
Public giveaways don't change at all.
When you complete a giveaway, you get points to the value of the game, same as now.
If you want to enter an exclusive giveaway, instead of having to have a certain threshold, you have to use your points. Which means you have to build them up again. Someone creates a contrib only GA and decides its worth 100 points. If you haven't got 100 points, you can't enter. If you do, you enter, but lose those points, so you have to GA more the get them back.
If that's how it is intended, I can get behind it. Combine it with the current checks and balances, add a few tweaks, and you'd have more of an incentive to give than what's currently in place.
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