Will King Varian Wrynn die at World of Warcraft Legion Expansion?
Rather, I think most of us would just completely move away from public giveaways altogether.
Not that I haven't mostly already done that :X
You'd still have to manually tab through private giveaways, due to how they're set up, so that shouldn't be affected.
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It's really not a big deal to click on the link and read the description of the giveaway before entering and perhaps give a comment appropriate to that description.
It would make things faster to just click on the list but one should make the effort and read the description of each GA (imho)
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Was hoping you were hiding a giveaway with that title, but... :)
Oh dear, you have to click on something to enter a giveaway? And possibly even read? Oh dear.
I see your point, that does sound like an undue hardship. Why don't you just post your wishlist and I'll buy them all for you*
]: No, not really.
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This thread will probably get you on a lot of people's blacklists, as you're basically saying you don't care about people's giveaway descriptions and that you only want to enter giveaways.
Anyway, this add-on adds the "Enter" button to the giveaways on front page just like you want. It also adds a button for reading the description of a giveaway without having to go to the giveaway's page.
If someone took his time to make a giveaway he spent his money on, the least you could do is read the description for a giveaway and thank the creator for it (unless he specifies he doesn't want "thank you" messages).
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No, I don't think it would be good. It would further encourage people to just enter everything, without considering if they want the game or not, and it would also mean that even fewer would read important messages such as "You can not activate this game in Germany".
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For giveaways without description - this is actually a good idea. As an added benefit people would be less likely to hunt for addons that provide this functionality, and therefore less likely to use some very annoying options that these addons offer (like auto entry of generic comments).
For giveaways with description - hell no. If anything, it would be nice if some people (e.g. rule breakers) would have to pass a quiz about the giveaway description before being allowed to enter ;-)
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humaninteractionfreeslotmachineforgames.com coming soon to the entitled near you!
Well, in fairness, slot machines require money to use, so even with that comparison, you could just assume taking the time to read to be the entry cost, here.
Since apparently consideration for others isn't a factor being considered :P
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I was going to blacklist you for that, then realizing that I was about to act like on of them "I blacklist anyone who displeases me" elitists...
So instead, here's my answer. No. Why? Read the dozen or so comments above. Basically my thoughts, and I'm lazy as fuck so I won't type a meaningless wall of text.
Jbond, over'n'out!
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He's the type of person who just enters giveaways without bothering to take a look at people's descriptions. He probably also enters invite-only giveaways he finds on forum without actually reading anything written in the thread.
Taking that into account, I don't think anyone who blacklists him can be considered a "I blacklist anyone who displeases me elitist".
I personally blacklisted him because I don't want someone like him having a chance at my giveaways.
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To be fair, the guys only 2 months old...When I first started, I admit, I i used that plugin thing...Cause I didn't understand that it was just average joes on here doing giveaways. I thought at first the companies were doing these giveaways as sort of a promotional thing, and that they didn't care who read their posts..but after I was on here, and learned that people didn't like it..and taking time to actually read some of the descriptions, and in fact meeting some cool people through their giveaway...I got rid of the plug in and only enter games that I REALLY want, as opposed to entering all the games I saw.
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You'll love that then. ;)
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People are doing giveaways for different reason. And some of those reasons may be noted in the giveaway description. You would basically rob their exposure with such a button. Therefore it is bad idea. Just open the giveaway in a new tab and read the description if there is one. It is called respect.
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People put comments in the giveaways that they sometimes want people who enter to read. This will make them mad. I'd rather make the people who put effort into creating giveaways happy than the people who are too lazy to enter the old fashioned way happy.
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How about you guys add a ENTER ALL THE GIBS!!! button. I'm too lazy to click on one giveaway at a time.
P.S.: This is why i started limiting my giveaways to invite only, wl, and group.
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how about we enter all the created giveaways automatically, without even registering on the website?
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Okay, but then how will giveaway creators be able to thank us for generously taking their games?
Also, auto-mass-blacklist anyone that uses groups or whitelists or whatever, they're evil.
Oh, but noone else is allowed to be blacklisted, okay?
Anyone that uses blacklist needs to be mass-blacklisted also.
Oh, and if they get blacklisted, they need to give fifty bajillion games to make up for it.
And, like, if I've entered 15 giveaways and not won a single one, obviously the site is a scam, so they should make more gibs to make up for that.
It's like they don't even understand how this is supposed to work!!!!1111
^So, did I get that about right? :/
Remember, in Soviet SG, Giveaway enters You.
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