Hey all. You might recognize this post from a now-closed thread, and whether you’re familiar with it’s puzzles’ obtuse difficulty or not, I hope you’ll give this revamp a chance. I was originally going to create a different puzzle, scrap the one I had, but I saw people making progress that must’ve taken a lot of thinking and testing, and I didn’t want any of that to go to waste. Instead, I’m going to give this another shot.

Changes made:

  • There are now two weeks to solve the puzzles
  • All encrypted clues revised, but using same encryption methods
  • Three additional concise clues for each train in guide below

Alright, let’s do this one last time.

I’ve got five videos from five YouTubers with under one million subscribers. These are mostly video essays, feature-length stuff you can’t burn through on a lunch break. To keep them topical, they are all about video games, though only one of them is specific to PC gaming and two-and-a-half are about games that can’t be played on PC legally except by ripping and emulating roms from your own legally purchased console games, which is the "only method I recommend..."

A Brief Review of Pokémon Generations 1-5, by KingK

To ease us in, we have a sort-of popular gaming YouTuber with a six-figure subscriber count. Okay, I say “ease us in,” but the video’s five hours long. Here me out. KingK’s style is very relaxed but methodical. I especially love his Zelda and Sonic videos, but I went with his Pokémon retrospectives because he’s planning to release his Gen 7 retrospective within the next few weeks or so. You could watch the playlist of the original videos for this reason, as it includes two videos not in the compilation covering Gen 6 and the games for N64 and GameCube, though the compilation video has all of the sponsor segments cut out. I sort of wanted to be controversial and recommend KingK’s review of Link to the Past, because I think that video’s backlash was 90% unwarranted, but whatever. Go watch them all if you like.

The Appeal Of Older Graphics, by Internet Pitstop

I was originally trying to keep this recommendation list majority-zero-play-button, but I thought it was a bit too heavy and dry, so I switched in this guy. His whole aesthetic is relaxing, just chilling in a greenscreen. Looking at pretty graphics and animation. The graphics video is a feast for the eyes. I’m also going to break my game-only rule to recommend his video about Yu-Gi-Oh. Well, I guess technically it is a game… whatever.

Ocarina of Time is the Mayonnaise of Video Games by i am error

i am error has such a gentle yet emotional style that gets me kind of weepy sometimes, and that’s a feat. In addition to her big Ocarina of Time video, she’s also made an even bigger Super Mario 64 video. I also want to shout out her Minesweeper trilogy (the first one’s unlisted, see her playlists), and her video on “the pain of losing friends,” which hit like a freight train.

Franziska von Karma: Profoundly Misunderstood [Analysis & Retrospective] by Wendy Rocket

This one is purely a personal pick that I don’t expect everyone to see the same way as I do. It’s a defense of one mid-tier popular character from a mid-tier popular game series, it’s delivered via rantsona, I get it, I don’t care, IT JUST SPEAKS TO ME! But give it a chance anyways, especially if you like Ace Attorney, and especially especially if you just thought of Franziska von Karma as the black sheep between Edgeworth and Godot. Also, Wendy has a less intense video about Manfred von Karma. I’m mostly mentioning it because it’s her only other scripted video, but it's still good, I swear!

Exploring Dead Games by Redlyne

Finally, a bookend of another six-figure sub guy who is well on his way now that his videos are pulling seven-figure views pretty consistently. This recommendation is kind of the dessert. No essay or persuasive point, just entertaining content. I’ve seen all three of these videos thus far, they’re all I’ve watched, but I’m looking forward to watching his 2-hour flash game video. Skimming through it brought back a lot of memories.

2 weeks ago*

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== GUIDE ==

The clue most people have found is structured like this:


The purpose of these three clauses is to direct you towards three trains:

  • X: How to decode Puzzle 1
  • Y: How to decode Puzzle 2
  • Z: How to find Puzzle 3

In order to solve these puzzles, you will need:

  • X: The primary video recommendations
  • Y: The secondary video recommendations and the first train
  • Z: Both trains

The steps go as follows:

  • X: Decryption Methods A, B
  • Y: Decryption Method D, Assembly, Decryption Methods C, B
  • Z: No decryption

The trains contain games from the following:

  • X: Fanatical Jubilant Bundle
  • Y: Fanatical Summer 2024 Bundle
  • Z: 5 very positive games and 5 overwhelmingly positive games from no particular bundle, all full value listings. It's a surprise, but if you really need to know...

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Decryption A: Number in its name
  • Decryption B: Easiest method, doesn’t require a tool
  • Decryption C: Number in its name
  • Decryption D: Number in its name, but doesn’t have its own dedicated dcode page, also requires multiple settings
  • “??” Numbers: Tied to the post, there’s a pattern in the main discussion post that reveals the rest
  • Results of Decryption: The decryption will not give you the giveaway ID or parts of it, it will instead instruct you how to find them.


  • Train 1: In order to find the entrance, you’ll need five names. Once you’ve cracked the code, you’ll have only seconds to find them, but that’s all the time you’ll need.
  • Train 2: The code is in the right order, but in order to put it back together (assembly) you’ll need to put each of the five parts in the right positioN=.
  • Train 3: The main thread, dcode, and the videos will be of no use to you in finding the last train.
2 weeks ago*

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Halfway point bump!

1 week ago

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To anyone getting "page not found" on a certain part of the puzzle, friend me on Steam and I'll deliver that part of the puzzle personally.

Link replaced; you'll know what to do.

1 week ago*

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Sunday bump!

1 week ago

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60-minute bump!

5 days ago

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Every hyperlink has extraneous text attached to it. All of them are tied to a single video, and each paragraph has two hyperlinks. That is, except for the playlist, which has the following string:


Go to giveaway QCC7v, and use ASCII85 to decrypt the string there to get the following:


Train 1

error#(rev) refers to decryption methods A and B. If you look in the main thread, the error is bolded in i am error, one of the featured YouTubers. The subjects of her video recommendations are Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.

  1. Use base64 to decrypt the strings attached to each primary video recommendation to get the following:
    • N1JBSEM5NTAxVFMx > 7RAHC9501TS1
    • OXJhaGMyNjEyaHQ0 > 9rahc2612ht4
    • M3JhaGM5NTI1ZG4y > 3rahc9525dn2
    • NVJBSEM2NjI2SFQ1 > 5RAHC6626HT5
    • MXJhaGM1MThkcjM > 1rahc518dr3
  2. Simply REVerse the strings to get the following:
    • 1ST1059CHAR7
    • 4th2162char9
    • 2nd5259char3
    • 5TH6266CHAR5
    • 3rd815char1
  3. The “seconds” you need to find the five names are the timestamps sandwiched in the middle of the strings. Follow them in each corresponding video to get the following names read aloud with their subjects shown:
    • Rapidash
    • Sly Cooper
    • Sheik
    • Pearl
    • Clint Eastwood
  4. Take the corresponding characters from each name and place it in the case of the corresponding clue.
    • RapidaSh
    • Sly Cooper
    • Sheik
    • PearL
    • clint Eastwood
  5. Place each character in order from “1ST” to “5TH” to unlock Train 1.
    • SecrL

Train 2

R18>>13,6,17,??,??(error#/2(rev)) refers to decryption methods D, C, and B. There is an ROT-18 cipher, but it’s tucked away under the generic ROT page on dcode. The number pattern corresponds to the number of alphanumeric characters in each hyperlink, which means that the full pattern is “13, 6, 17, 15, 19. 64/2=32, and I don’t think I need to explain “rev” again.

  1. Take each string from the secondary video recommendations and use ROT-18 to decode them.
    • T796RZY5ZS (13)> GUWTEMLSMF
    • E9U9HCTD0S (15)> ZUFU2XEYLD
    • Z5FC7NCU55 (19)> GMWTO4TBMM
  2. Assembly is just putting all of the strings together in the same order they’re shown in the thread. Strings cut from the middle or end of a Base32 coded string are unintelligible.
  3. Decode using Base32.
    • 5-21rac4-8rac1-6rac4-5rac3-7rac
  4. Reverse the string.
    • car7-3car5-4car6-1car8-4car12-5
  5. Go to Train 1, find each car with the first number and then take the character corresponding to the second number:
    • JzNge,SGSoo, mi5yV, t2VGw, OZu08
  6. Put them together to unlock Train 2.
    • NomG8

Train 3


This is by far the easiest one, a little respite after all of the codebreaking, Each train has four copies to each giveaway, with the exception of the last ones, which have 5 each. Each five copy giveaway has a hidden hyperlink between the links to the previous car and the main thread.

  1. Solve the jigidi hidden in Train 1 to get the first part of the string.
    • nm
  2. Solve the quiz hidden in Train 2 to get the second part of the string.
    • Answers: 1. Peach, 2. Mario, 3. von, 4. Edgey-poo, 5. Kent, 6. Jorji [Costava], 7. [Atari] Jaguar, 8. E3 2019, 9. Robert Stein, 10. [The] Cheetahmen
    • 4D
  3. Substitute them for the [*5] to unlock Train 3.
    • nm54D
5 days ago*

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View attached image.
5 days ago

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Really cool puzzle. Thx for the solution.

5 days ago

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Thanks! I hope you enjoyed playing.

5 days ago

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I am really happy not wasting any time on this one. I would never figured this out.

Congratulations for everyone who can find these trains.

5 days ago

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Ah, that's where you lost me, I thought you had explicitly stated that we didn't need to watch the videos so I was like I don't see it.

5 days ago

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I did say not to scour them in the original version of the puzzle, but I was trying to stop people from watching the videos all the way through waiting for things to click, since you need to figure out the timestamps in order to solve the puzzle. Sorry if that was a bit confusing! It wouldn't be the only thing in version 1.

5 days ago

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I was fortunate enough to win several games from train 1 and wanted to say thank you here and bump the thread, rather than fill your inbox with a message on each giveaway. Seeing the solution now I realize I had no chance at reaching trains 2 or 3, but I do appreciate all the effort you put in to both versions of this event. Again, thank you very much for the trains and for all the gifts!

5 days ago

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You're very welcome. I'm so glad that so many people got enjoyment out of this after I flubbed the first version so hard. Enjoy your games!

5 days ago

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Lol, when I got to "error#(rev)" I got stuck for so long just trying to figure out how I broke the decoder

5 days ago

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The revamp! I hope we can get some solvers this time around!
I've already noticed a couple changes that have answered some of my questions, if that's any relief

I have to go to work now, but when I get back home I'll take another crack at it lol

2 weeks ago

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I'll give it another try, because I think I made it just as far as everyone else, but I suspect that you being overly vague about stuff like Decryption D (it not having a dedicated dcode page, but saying all we need is dcode are conflicting statements and leaves way to broad a range of possible ciphers) and making everything overly complicated, I suspect you'll still have trouble hitting that 12 solvers that you want.

Anyway, I'm going to recommend you check out zelghadis's and Mikalye's puzzle guides.

2 weeks ago

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To answer your concern, they don't conflict. "Dedicated" is an important qualifier.

2 weeks ago*

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Yeah, I'm at the same point as the original. I don't quite know how to "assemble" what I have and I have no inclination of what Decryption D could be. The updated "clues" only confirm what I thought was meant by the original clues.

2 weeks ago

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Sigh maybe the puzzle is just ROTten to the core.

2 weeks ago

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I take it all back, I must not be far at all, because D is for getting to the second train and I've not gotten to the first train, so obviously I'm stuck at B.

2 weeks ago

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Keep at it! You've just got to turn around your thinking.

2 weeks ago

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And that's where I'm stuck. I decrypted messages, did what you imply, but I don't know what to do with it.

Edit: eh, I see folks are getting it, so the info is there and Im just not seeing it, so Ill bow out

2 weeks ago*

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Bump for train 1 detected!

2 weeks ago

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So it's the same puzzle only in another thread with giveaways starting on the closing dates of the other one? oook

2 weeks ago

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I could have edited the original post, but I wanted to clear the clutter of hints and comments. Also, I didn't want to punish the people who had indicated making progress.

2 weeks ago*

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Well good luck. And to the people with enough fortitude to try and solve it again.

2 weeks ago

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Any chance we could get some highlights of the games on the train? Would be nice to know they're not all games I already own or anything before I try giving any more hours to this decoding this one lol

2 weeks ago

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I'll add it to the guide.

2 weeks ago

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can we name the games, idk if I want to make another attempt at this, will be disappointing to throw even more time at this just to find games we own or don't want.

2 weeks ago

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Sure. I wanted to keep some surprises, but I guess I could compromise and make that one voluntary.

2 weeks ago

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bump for first train solved :)

edit: btw your bump button may be problematic, it goes back to the original thread, not this one, unless that's a clue
edit2: very confused on what the pattern for train 2 is or what we need from train 1. Oh well, it ends in 2 weeks and not the 29th anymore and i got progress!
edit3: one step closer... but not sure what I have that could possibly be 17

2 weeks ago*

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Thanks for catching that! Fixed.

2 weeks ago*

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bump, I'll try this

2 weeks ago

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i got the results of decryption A, B and i think i found the five individuals, but i cant get a code of that

2 weeks ago

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nevermind, got it

2 weeks ago

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stuck on puzzle 2

2 weeks ago*

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bump for puzzle 2 solved

2 weeks ago

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bump for all solved! thank you for the trains and for all the help :)

2 weeks ago

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bump solved train 1 and 2, I feel drained and exhausted. thank you for the GAs

2 weeks ago

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bump solved all 3

2 weeks ago

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bump for train 1 solved! thank you so much for all the effort you have been putting in for making these puzzles solvable! :)
going to take a break for now and take a crack at train 2 later.

2 weeks ago

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To be honest, the last puzzle really took it out of me, but I'll keep trying...

2 weeks ago

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Made it to the first train, trying to figure out how to get to the second one now!

2 weeks ago

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I feel like I'm really close to getting to train 2 now. I'm pretty sure I've decrypted the message, but I can't figure out how to use it to find a working code...

2 weeks ago

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Found the first train.
Found the “??” Numbers.
I think I know Decryption Method C (but unsure, because it doesn't have a "dedicated" page and the results are not meaningful).
No idea yet on the Assembly and Decryption Methods D....

2 weeks ago

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I just realized I had D and C swapped in the guide. I'M SO GOOD AT THIS! ;_;

2 weeks ago*

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That clears things up. I was pretty sure what C and D could be (and felt like some of the clues were swapped) but now I'm far more certain. But I'm still getting other chars replaced by � hehe...

Can I ask what step I need the train for, that's for Decryption D, correct?

2 weeks ago

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The train won't be of any use until you finish the entire decryption.

2 weeks ago

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bump for progress.

2 weeks ago

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well for puzzle 2, i solved the ?? numbers. i then managed to decode the 5th clue pretty easily, and i was able to decode the 1st clue after a slight tweak: original decoding had an unknown character for the last character, but adding RQ to the end of the ciphertext fixed it. however, i have not been able to use decryptions D and C to decode clues 2, 3, or 4 yet no matter how much i fiddle with them. am i missing something?

2 weeks ago

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I think you're missing a step. Check the guide again.

2 weeks ago*

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man i couldve sworn i tried that at the beginning and it didnt work, but of course i just tried again and it did! i mustve messed something up the first time.

bump for train 2 solved!

2 weeks ago

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Good catch! I managed to get to train 2 with this info!
I used the same method as you, but never tried the fifth clue, because I was getting mostly unreadable chars too.
This helped me put everything together.

2 weeks ago*

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Well, I was right.

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Nope! Aug 28~ ;oP

2 weeks ago

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I love the whole thing man! It's too rich for my blood (And a lot of other people's too) but it has been a pleasure to watch and I'm really happy that folk are now cracking the code and getting through to the other side

Great work and I'm sure I'm not alone in the community saying it has been a joy to watch :D

2 weeks ago

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Thanks~ It's been quite a ride, really got discouraged after the first week, but I'm glad you stuck around.

2 weeks ago

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I know we don't get the figures for traffic to threads like this but I'd like to think lots of people have been keeping an eye on the whole thing and see that it's finally working.

It's been quite the ride for everyone but those who have cracked it will be feeling elated right now. And those who haven't now know that it can be cracked. That's what it's all about :)

2 weeks ago

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I've totally been peeking in regularly, wondering if I have the time to puzzle over it! It's intriguing.

1 week ago

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finally found all the trains! thanks so much for all the puzzles and all the help!

2 weeks ago

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Thank you! And good luck on the giveaways!

2 weeks ago

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This comment was deleted 2 weeks ago.

2 weeks ago

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darn. i think i'm going to need a little hint for part 3. At least we got a full-solve confirmed which is great now :)

edit: okay not solved yet.. but progress yet again. I just need 7+8

2 weeks ago*

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Bump for solved!
Thanks for the ride.

2 weeks ago

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Bump for 1/3

2 weeks ago

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Bump for solved! Thanks for the puzzle and the trains! :)

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Man, it's been 2 days and I'm still stuck on the first part... I have no idea what B is supposed to be especially since I don't see a simple way to get the 5 names of individuals from what I have currently, despite seeing some hints of ordering between them

1 week ago

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Remember B is the easiest method. It's also used in Y. Look for a similarity.
There may also be some additional useful clues in the orginal thread

1 week ago

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Yeah, the 5 names thing is where I dropped out.

1 week ago

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Technically it's five characters. I said "individuals" because I used the word "character" somewhere else in the puzzle to mean something else, but "character" is more accurate, so I'll edit that in.

Actually, I way overthought that. Neither is fully correct, but "individual" is probably more accurate, but I should have just said five names. Shouldn't have too much effect on finding the solution, though. Really not important as long as you decode the clues.

1 week ago*

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bump for solved. I was stuck way too long on something simple and thanks to slaveofwant for the puzzles, patience, and the revamp!

1 week ago

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~48 hours left bump

1 week ago

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Finding the ?? pattern has me stumped. Tried many things and nothing sticks.

1 week ago

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lol, right after posting this I think I might have finally found it!

1 week ago

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6 days ago

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