What is 3 hours? Spent almost 4 months beating freaking Yogg-Saron
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0 keeper? I think I got 0 keeper(been a while, cant check my achievements unless I buy game time) in my 10 man, guild fell apart before 25 man could do it.
Muru was by far the hardest for me. Something like 7 hours a night, 6 days a week, for 2 weeks. So much gold on consumables/repairs...did get 48th or 49th in world though.
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naah, 25 ;) we were raiding 25 4-5 days a week for 5-6hours and 10man we were doing in our spare time (the ones who wanted, but generally it meant whole 25m team ;p).
10 was relatively easy to accomplish compared to 25 - tentacle spawn during brain phase is much smaller than in 25 and they deal way less damage. Coordinating 25 people in brain phase, while the room has the same size as in 10mode yet you have 2.5 times more people and 3 times more tentacles on the same space was real horror.
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Yeah you don't have to explain the differences between 10m and 25m lol...I was in a top 50 world guild for TBC and SWP. I went semi casual in wotlk but even then we managed to get to +0 pretty fast, but thats easy when you got friends in BL and EJ. Never finished it like I said, guild fell apart to drama. For the better, quit wow for good.
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considering that character stats are now what? 100 times bigger? (honestly no idea, quit during Cataclysm) it doesn't mean a thing to me ;) If it became soloable with lvl 80 character in Ulduar Tier gear that would make it feel bad, it being soloable by lvl 100 characters having X times bigger stats - who cares?
On the other hand - how was it even soloable? Afaik during brain phase raid group had to split up - most staying outside killing tentacles, while smaller group going inside the brain. SO wouldn't a soloing player have to be in two places at the same time?
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It was still pretty easy to get yourself killed. So the average casual player wasn't going to be able to do it. I even had people die on me whilst I carried them oh and they killed me because they went crazy. Fun times.
Trying to remember what I did... I think I killed as many tentacles as possible. I was a hunter so if I got caught my pet just nommed the crap out of them. Then I went in to portals when they popped up, killed the thingies in the portals and used a CD on Yoggs brain. Then once you're out its pretty much a dps race, just making sure to wiggle your butt at him when he starts laughing.
I can't remember anything beyond that. It's been a few months. Few more raid stuff has since come out and even the casuals could probably solo it with LFR gear. Such is the way of WoW, making all content prior irrelevant.
I know there were some raid groups going back and degearing for some fancy achievement. Something about having below a certain ilvl.
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I didn't bother because it was jut boring tbh :P I stopped one hunt before and went for the endgame because I was tired of all the grind. Uh I dunno...how about other FF games >>
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Yeah I agree, the grind can be very boring. But there's so much to do in FF12 (and other Ff titles) beside the main story line which I absolutely love. I think in FF12 you can beat the endboss around lvl 50, and there's enough to do till you're at least lvl 80 :)
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I got at 99 naturally but getting there was a boring chore, after level 50 or so there weren't any areas with higher level mobs I could farm in order to level up faster which was so tedious. >.<
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Pardon the language, even though it is intended since this is text.
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i still remember that day...
it was early in the morning and i wanted to play my then favorite game.
3 fucking hours against that boss. -.-
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I could recommend Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, it's pretty good
also you should probably try Suikoden 1 and 2, and Wild Arms. Both of these games had a brilliant story, and some great boss fights where you will be clenching your butthole just to hope that he'll die
trust me :^)
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I had to learn to Parry properly during a boss fight to beat 'him' I hope people know which boss I am talking about,
Parrying is important in that game and once you master it, you will become a badass.
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I killed Omega Weapon in FFVIII without renzokuken and hero/holy wars. Played it 15 years ago and didn't even know about limit breaks. Now that I think about it, I was incredibly lucky. Don't think I could pull it again.
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The last boss of Killzone 2, Radec, is an annoying bitch. Each time you think you have him, you die. No matter how many times I meleed or shooted him, he wouldn't f*cking die! Eventually I killed him, I think it was luck. It still tooked me an estimate of about 30 tries or so. Maybe I was just dumb back then.
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I found Astrodotus to be perfectly doable, but then he's effectively a shmup boss and I tend to play shmups on a semi-regular basis so I had ample practive when I first faced him.
The others though...
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Dark Souls: Prepare to Die. Not much needed to say about it. It's a classic. While it's nowhere as hard as people claim it to be, it's a game, that should be a experienced by everyone who likes challenge
Dark Soul 2: Scholar of the First Sin. Huge world for exploration, however level design is nowhere as memorable as its' predecessor's. Boss count has been increased significantly, however some of them were lackluster. The 3 DLC-s (included in the Scholar of the First Sin Edition by default) fixed that problem and brought some of the best boss fights in the Souls series, including a boss that has 93% fail rate
Note: The original Dark Souls 2 was harder, due to different item & monster placement, however visually it's less desirable.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 1 & Lords of Shadow 2. Compelling story, great visuals and dozens of bosses to challenge. Great hack & slash fun with occasional environment puzzles to work that grey matter.
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Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (part of this) has a superboss in it (if you try to pick that path the game lets you back out of it 2-3 times while warning you how much of a bad idea it is XD ). It's a dragon so big that only it's head and hands are shown on screen, its health doesn't even show up until you're about 2/3 through and it has at least 1 attack that insta-kills you. Not quite a 3 hour fight but it is pretty interesting. :D
As for good boss fights in general, the Devil May Cry series (except DmC, because that one doesn't count) has absolutely awesome boss fights. I've personally played only 3 and 4 (and DmC- fuck that one) but as far as I've heard 1 is also great.
Bullet Hell games also tend to have really awesome boss fights if you're up for some high difficulty all over the place. I'd personally recommend these three. ;)
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As the title says I just managed to beat Yiazmat for the first time (during my third playthrough). This boss has over 50 million HP, all attacks directed at it are capped at 9999 max (6999 after you reduced him to 50% of his health), it can cast a spell that will instakill a character in your party and it''s attacks have a 5% chance of instakilling your character....
I actually only wanted to see how good I could handle him at the moment (so I could decide how much I should train party before battling him again), but after I reduced 5/50 of his 1million health bars I just couldn't leave him there. After more than 3 hours (and a lot of panic-moments since my entire party almost died) I finally managed to bring this beast down to 0 HP. It was nerve racking and after 2 hours I already really wanted this hell to end.
Here's some info about this fucker
Tl;dr: Killed ultimate FF12 boss, kinda proud now and I'm exercising my right to brag.
Did you ever beat a boss which had you cursing at your screen because it was just difficult, really broken or timeconsuming? Any other games you can recommend with great bossbattles or frustatingly strong superbosses?
Also have this Desura key for CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid: Ax243-JPS2S-KWVxS-xVIBP-QPX8x x=E
For all you non-Desura lovers have a small GA.
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