
It's for explain my story to serve other people and if someone have a solution or say what indie gala respond to me.

I trade Kane & Lynch Collection for We Happy Fews and when i receive the key it was evil maze.
The system of trade from indegala suck very much. For me the key was check by the system to correspond to the game but apparently he didn't.
I hope the customers service are a solution.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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+11 .

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The "system" can't check you key because Steam doesn't offer that functionality.

8 years ago

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That's what you get for trusting that site. Also, wouldn't trust the customer service can/want to help you, if there is one, that is to say.

8 years ago*

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More specifically, IndieGala trades have ALWAYS had a reputation for being scammer-heavy, though there's a lot of disreputable elements to the site as a whole. :/

8 years ago

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"If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is."

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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My advice? Trade with established people on barter.vg instead.

8 years ago

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If someone has a good rep on both barter.vg and steamgifts, the odds of a misencounter are extremely unlikely.
Of course, discretion and careful judgement are always important, as is making sure to only access friend requests through the steam profile links a trading site provides- but that aside, I can't recommend barter.vg enough.
I've seen a new wave of greedy, spammy traders of late, but they're easy enough to add to your ignore list- past that, I've overwhelmingly had positive experiences with the site, and have only had one scammy encounter [and even there no items were lost, as it devolved into them harassing and being bigoted toward me rather than accepting or responding to my request for them to trade first].

The majoratively positive community aside, the site has a profound wealth of customization and organization options that are a delightful convenience for trading. :)

8 years ago

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The greedy, spammy traders have been there for a while. "Choose one of these 30 gleam.io leech keys for your never bundled game! Oh, and comments are disabled!" My block list there grows by the day, but I agree, it's a fantastic and highly recommended site.

8 years ago

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Even me who suck at trades know that trade like this couldn't happen.

8 years ago

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it can happen.
but you have better chances of getting struck by lighting twice before ;)

8 years ago

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trading keys blindly without rep won't end good

8 years ago

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No amount of customer service or security measures will save people from their own stupidity.

8 years ago

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this +1111

8 years ago

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For me the key was check by the system to correspond to the game

Could you tell a little more about this? Just because keys are impossible to check without activation - and the site claims it can check their validity? o.O

8 years ago

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It probably checks if it fits the format of a standard Steam key.

8 years ago

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It does not, during my very short period of trading there I once recieved a Steam URL instead of a key.

8 years ago

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Then the quoted sentence is getting quite mysterious…

8 years ago

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I guess you traded with 'Not guaranteed situation' - unknown source of key (you could easily get scammed unless freebie vs freebie)
If you trade with '100% guaranteed' it means the game is in the trader's Indie Gala account so it should be safe this way.

8 years ago

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Non guaranteed trades are created with serial keys that have already been redeemed or not bought on Indiegala.

They have no way to know whether a key has been redeemed on a Steam account, or if it's for another game.
Heck, it's even possible to add non-Steam keys there, or even a string of gibberish...

A user that accepts a non guaranteed offer or trade assumes all responsibility should the serial key fail to work.

They're only providing a service, therefore it's not their fault if someone decides to take advantage of it.
However, they WILL provide a working key, if something goes awry, but ONLY for "Indie Gala 100% guaranteed" keys.

Once the trade is completed, he will be able to leave a positive or negative feedback about the user with whom he carried out the trade.

The only thing you can do now, and that in fact you're encouraged to do, is leaving him a negative feedback on his Indie Gala profile.
You could also do a bit of research, and see if he's registered here, to leave him a negative feedback here too.
I wouldn't be surprised at all to know that he's already known as a bad trader, or an outright scammer.

Just to clarify a bit, technically your key hasn't been "stolen", just traded with something of lesser value (no value at all, since that game has been available for free in multiple copies), or, better yet, the correct definition would be "scammed".

8 years ago*

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Ok thanks for the explication.

8 years ago

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"They have no way to know whether a key has been redeemed on a Steam account, or if it's for another game.
Heck, it's even possible to add non-Steam keys there, or even a string of gibberish..."

My first and only trade there was for a key. Here's the key I got:


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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They should allow only gifting confirmed IndieGala links.

8 years ago

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