10 years ago*

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I think "réviser" translates to "study" :-D

If anything, it will help you face them with less stress.

I know how you feel, I rarely studied too before any exams... And I had good grades nevertheless.

edit : my bad, "revise" was actually correct.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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if it has only 6 subjects you should try just read it twice

10 years ago

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I never studied for my exams and I always did well...granted, I could have done a lot better if I'd studied but I still did well

10 years ago

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That's what i said after every single exam xD lol

still finished med school though XD

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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There were times when i actually learned in the exams :P More times than not was enough to get a passing grade, but it's better to study, less stress and better grades

10 years ago

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I wasn't used to study before exam but that changed after getting on university. Panic mode few days before every exam. I miss good old highschool times...

10 years ago

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Hell yeah! What I like to do is, 10 minutes or so, before the exam, take the subject(s) and just quickly read through it, just to get those tricky to remember informations.



10 years ago

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I don't want you to be my doctor/plumber/lawyer one day..

10 years ago

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I guess, pilot/president/architect is fine?

10 years ago

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I should've used <instert any profession here> placeholder instead.

10 years ago

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What do you have to lose?

10 years ago

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This reminds me of the national exams pre-highschool. I did both of them (maths + national language) without studying, i had bad grades in both of them @class. I had special class meetings taking up my free time to do exercises as preparation for the exams. I did alot of old exams in both subjects, both hard and easy.

When the day came, i did both exams with some kind of haste. I left some questions in both exams, still scored 70+ in both of them, i didn't even check the classifications after doing the exams, a friend of mine confirmed i got 70+ in both of them and my mother later confirmed i passed aswell.

While my classifications in both classes were 20-55 out of 100 all the time (i had to repeat alot of tests with some other people, some of them made easier even), as you can see, sometimes it's not about luck, but instead about how difficult it is in the end. I laughed so hard that day, my maths teacher was panicking i would fail while my national language teacher said i could pass easily if i focused on how i write things as i was sort of a mess when expressing stuff but had good imagination for hand writting back then, was one of the worst students but also one of the students with high potential to write books, and i never really liked writing or reading. Said teacher even troubled herself to correct my ways of writting to see if i adopted that lifestyle and make books out of it, sadly my brain went "nah" on the offer.

10 years ago

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If you're 100% sure you can pass all those 6 subjects, then don't revise, go have fun or whatever.
But I take it you're not sure, that's why you're creating this thread, so... you're not worthy! You're not worthy! You're not worthy!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Well... don't push your luck, mate.

10 years ago

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It sucks if you have multiple choice questions, then if you go over them, you think hmm well maybe it is B instead of A while A was the correct answer.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Multiple choice is the worst. It has that psychological effect on you. Like if there's 3 B's in a row you'll think that you're wrong..ect

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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heard of an exam that all of the 20 questions were "a".

10 years ago

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What a mind fuck hahah

10 years ago

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You won't pass Your exams If You won't change Yourself. You used the comma wrong, EVERY TIME. There isn't a space before it...

10 years ago

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all depends on how much you studied during the semester. if you came to classes and listened, you can be fine...

10 years ago

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Question is: Which profit do you get from not doing anything?

Sometimes in life, you have to get over your lazyness to archieve something.

10 years ago

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He could talk with me :3

10 years ago

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You could teach him how to speak in english.

10 years ago

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Well, unless you want to achieve in being "The Laziest Person Alive."

10 years ago

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depends on classes you took and profession you aim for.

if you want to get into politics, do as less as possible because you can only be successful there if you "do not know anything" and have no conscience

10 years ago

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I hope you fail so you do actually learn something. Not from studying, not for grades, but for life. Nothing is free.

10 years ago

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Yes your name counts to the mark

10 years ago

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Yes your name counts to the mark

10 years ago

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It is NOT. Don't be an asshole, grab a chair, shut down the pc, and study.

10 years ago

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You probably should, unless you're anything like my best friend who does absolutely no studying AT ALL and plays Dota 2 all day but still manages to maintain an A average and get into the Top 10 in the entire form

10 years ago

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Done it my whole life to be honest and has only gotten me C's and B's. I wonder where I would be if I actually studied.

10 years ago

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1st world problems ....

10 years ago

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It all depends on what you are studying. When i was in highschool, I studied "quake" before most exams (and during most classes, I was not a good student...), and that worked out well enough. Then I studied some history of ideas at a local university, and I somehow got even more free time than in high school (no quake in class, but as I had to attend 2-3 lectures/week and I only studied on my way to and from school, that still amounted to less work than highschool), and I did not study before the exams. And after that I decided that I actually wanted to be an engineer, and suddenly my old strategy did not work... (I did not fail, I just had to re-think my strategy. Speaking of which, I need to do some studying right now).

10 years ago

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