No you don't. I completed the game fully with just a keyboard. Its lots of fun. Takes about 5 min to get used to using both hands at the same time to control both characters at once.
I own all but 3 of those. All look good. I''ve completed Brothers, Batman and Quantum from that list. All are very good games.
Brothers, light puzzles, great story. very unique controls.
Quantum, harder puz, lots of fun.
Batman, Its batman. play it. played this one for 68hours. Enjoyed every min. The other 2 are fun as well but not nearly as long. Buy them all. (note, I bought batman and quantum on steam but played them to completion in my pre steam days)
edit. lol. No you don't as in..... You don't need a controller to play. I do believe you have one if you say so. :)
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Yes, I do have a controller! lol
Thanks for the recommendations!
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My son and I played this game by sharing a controller, each controlling one brother with our "half" of the controller. It made for a super-interesting couch co-op experience. Great game, BTW.
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Dishonored. why?
you can blink around alot + replay those missions + best discount yet + you can blink midair too
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I would talk of alternative places but being wallet money the only reason not to buy any of those isn't a factor so... Grab em all. Because yours might be the best list ive seen of late on SG/sale time. The only reason you won't see some of these titles in other lists is because many already bought then. Many even on release. Because they're that good.
Thats one damn good sale for you. Even my best projections won't get me as many so good titles.
The lowest ones i see are Conundrum and Retro Crunch. Conundrum i don't have yet(might buy this time) but ive saw many reviews that made me conclude it isn't as good as portal; That only means its not that insanely good but its pretty damn good.
Retrocrunch is a pack that i love. Its only some mini-games on the cartrdrige far outshine the others in fun. Its one i recommend for everyone, its only 'lower' in comparison to the other titles.
Man/miss: go on. No fear. Buy em.
Edit: my recommendation thus is grab all of them. If some needs removing you could go with the 2 i mentioned but with that discount and how good they are that feels just wrong. Id say all of then for sure.
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My mistake: Shadow Warrior is the one id cut if you really need to remove one.
Its good and funny and even more so if you like oldschool shooters like i do. I only expected more of it- it fell a bit short on what i felt would be the great coming back of retro-shooting. Shadow Warrior 2 from what ive seen fixed that while adding much more on top, also doom just recently. I may be biased since part of my view is from unmet expectations- and i may had too high of those when it was anounced. but im still to give it another shot- i didn't finished it and someone already told me i stopped just when things would get much better so...
Its not bad by any means. But seeing as theres no hardcore action or shooting on your list removing this one is leaving a corner of gaming that deserves visiting. Its true action and hardcore.
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it isn't as good as portal; That only means its not that insanely good but its pretty damn good.
Yeah, Portal set the bar kinda high. Thanks for the recommendations!
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From this, my pick for ~15$ would be:
I would say This War of Mine, Batman, Brothers, and Dishonored are the standout titles from your list, but they are all good really. If you decide to spend a bit more, I would add Mordor for sheer scope, or Never Alone for concept/atmosphere. Good luck making your choice ;)
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Yeah annoyingly the Definitive Edition isn't heavily discounted. I figure I'd get the base game now, and then later I could grab the better reviewed DLC during another sale if I want.
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Death Skid Marks
The Takeover
Double Dragon Neon
Counter Strike Source
H1Z1 King of the Kill if PUBG is too expensive
The Culling
Flatout 1 and Ultimate Carnage
Dead Space Pack
Infectonators: Survivors
Dead Rising 1, 2 and Off The Record
Dead Island and DI Riptide Definitive Editions
Command and Conquer pack Bundle
Darkest Dungeon
Burnout: Paradise City
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition
Ultra Street Fighter IV
I'd recommend Dawn of War franchise pack but it's over 2 euros
You could just check my wish list dude, I wishlist only the best, for the most part.
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Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons $1.49
This War of Mine $3.99
Batman Arkham City GOTY $4.99
Dishonored $2.49
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition $3.99
17$ and you have 5 great games. I own all of them except Dishonored tbh and never regret buying any of them! :D
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Dishonored as this price is so a steal ! This game is so amazing. At this price, you should buy it.
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Brothers is a must buy if you haven't experienced that game yet!
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Buy Dishonored, really, game give so much pure and entertaining gameplay, I really loved to play every "level" a couple of times. Being a "good guy" and not killing anyone gives so much fun (you don't have to kill a single person in the game) and the plot is one of the finest next to the games like bioshock or witcher's - Dishonored has own unique world and very hard climate and atmosphere, it makes it fantastic to play, you go into a different world. I really recommend this game for you, and as always - sorry for my english...
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This War of Mine( should be bought anyways, in any combo), Dishonored and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition are all different games which will provide you with a ton of content to enjoy so I reccomend such a set.
I highly recommend not to buy Batman + Middle Earth since they are very alike, it'd be better to choose one, depending on what setting( game world/ lore) you prefer. And if you choose ME, there is a spare dollar to buy Lara Croft or Brothers...
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No strategy games? Ditch everything and put some strategy games in it. CIV 5 Complete 92% Off :)
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I think Batman, Shadow of Mordor, Brothers, and 2 from this (This War of mine or Dishonored).
Every Batman is great (maybe except Origins for little bugs and origins blackgate which I don't finish).
Shadow of mordor is good, Nemezis system is great <3. this 2 games take around 120-150 hours from your life. for only a 9€. i recomend all batmans BTW I think City is the best, for gameplay and story, and riddler puzzles, cause in Knight a lot of them are with Batmobil and u must drive around and search a lot sometimes, even with information from riddler guys.
Brothers are game with good story, very sensitive, emotional ending, but it's only for 1 play.
This War of mine is game i dont play but last years games from my country, Poland are very good, and I hear a lot of good words about this game.
Dishonored is like batman and mordor, but I play dishonored and I dont like stealth games like this. Better stealh games are hitman or Splinter cell in my opinion.
Of course U decide what u buy but i think this is the best option for u, cause Batman + Mordor = 120-150 hours Brothers maybe 6-8
and this war of mine is repeatable like rougelite games. Dishonored have long story too.
I WL you BTW.
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Thanks for the recommendations! This is all really helpful.
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For once, I've actually got some money in my Steam wallet during a sale, so naturally my first impulse was to dump a bunch of games from my wishlist into my cart. However, I'd like to limit my spending to ~$15, so I'd like some help deciding. Let me know which games you think I should or shouldn't get and why. In regards to why I shouldn't get a game, I'm spending Steam market profits, so I don't really care if another store has had the game for slightly cheaper before. You can also suggest games not listed below, but they have to be under $5 and at least 75% off.
In no particular order, here are the games in my cart:
Thanks to everyone who made recommendations! I ended up buying these for $16.95:
The GA is stilling going for anyone that's interested:
GA - SGTools Level 2+
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