
Any one know a place (website) to buy Minecraft key cheaply!? I want to give it as gift and actually I bought two for each 12$ but they ware just fake keys so I don't want to do this mistake again. Maybe you guys can help me to find a trustworthy place.
Please share if you know some website. (at other hand 30 euro is too much)

12 years ago*

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In the minecraft official webpage? LOL

12 years ago

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lol XD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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theres tons of scam sites out there that claim to sell real minecraft keys for lower prices.

12 years ago

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Buy it from the official site, all other sites will be scams like those fake keys you got.

12 years ago

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So you bought 2 for $24. And still don't have the game. You could have just paid for the game from the official site for slightly more and actually received a copy of the game.

12 years ago

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This, just buy it from minecraft.net and support the developers directly and not someone scalping alpha keys.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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So This thread is back. Minecraft.net or MinecraftEdu.

12 years ago

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If you really can't afford it, the developer says pirate it.

Just quoting the dev!

12 years ago

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Minecraft did a store promotion last year selling cards with codes on them at Target, Gamestop, and Wallmart, maybe others. If you're lucky, one of the stores near you will still have some, and they have been half off before there

12 years ago

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the game stops near me sell them for 15 bucks

12 years ago

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either you pirate it, or you become a subscription whore and go to those minecraft giveaway videos, dont know if those keys are legit or not but idc

12 years ago

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problem with pirating the game is half the servers don't work so you're stuck with single-player and an occasional working server. for me at least, I really didn't like minecraft and got hooked into it only throught the mods

12 years ago

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Actually I have the game (fortunately I bought it when it was lot cheaper, before this version), I just want to give two for gift. I love Minecraft But I think 30 euros is way too much for this game. I think it worth 15$ in best situation. Supporting developers is something else, but this prices could FORCE lot of players to piracy!

12 years ago

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Yes, the price is high but at least Notch let the gamers play it without paying, and still people is buying it cause it is a good game, if Notch were forcing us to buy it you maybe couldn't play it right now.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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He released a tweet early last year about just pirating it if you can't afford it at the moment. Not sure if that's what Allan is referring to though. Some say this was a scheme for Notch to try and redeem himself because of some strong words Notch said against piracy, which I don't remember the specifics of what exactly was said... So, yeah.

12 years ago

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There are pirated premium Minecraft copies out there. Players of this version play through Hamachi, which redirects all requests to Minecraft.net to another server that approves all connecting clients as premium. This then allows you to play on servers that are also running a similar workaround. This will not allow you to play legitimate servers, as Minecraft.net knows which legitimate accounts are online at any given moment, and all legitimate Minecraft servers check with Minecraft.net for this status. An unmodified server will not allow pirated copies to connect.

People who can't buy it, won't buy it. Those who pirate it, might buy it someday.

12 years ago

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He released a tweet early last year about just pirating it if you can't afford it at the moment. Not sure if that's what Allan is referring to though. Some say this was a scheme for Notch to try and redeem himself because of some strong words Notch said against piracy, which I don't remember the specifics of what exactly was said... So, yeah.

12 years ago

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I completely disagree with that, I've spent more time playing minecraft than any $60 game I've ever bought. Plus it still gets free updates.

12 years ago

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As i told the other guy, the minecraft.net site is the best place.

12 years ago

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Or you could just not buy it.

sometimes i feel like the only person who doesn't see the appeal of it...
12 years ago

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sadly, you are that only person XD

i personally love it. Aside from the vanilla game, there are so many great mods that can be used to enhance it much further.

It seems, there is no end to your imagination, therefor no end to your gameplay

12 years ago

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To be fair, I've never looked in to the mods. All I know is I tried it quite a while back, when it was starting to get popular, and I can't see the appeal of chopping trees and picking up dirt to build giant things. At that point, why not just play legos? There wasn't anything else to even do.

Maybe the mods add something worthwhile into the game. It's totally possible. Maybe they've added things that make the game worthwhile. All I know is it's not a game I can get excited over.

Should be noted I do enjoy Terraria, but that's because it's not all building with dirt. There are enemies to fight and bosses to beat.

12 years ago

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mods make a huge difference in mc for me at least. Didn't really like the game and didn't play it til my friends started pestering me. Single-player is pretty boring so I just play mods.

12 years ago

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The problem with Minecraft is it requires Mods to make it worthwhile and if you're using masses of user created mods you're not playing the game as it was designed.

You shouldn't have to use mods to make a game playable, it should have it's appeal without them. Any game can have mods.

12 years ago

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As much as i agree, mods shouldn't be necessary to enjoy a game. I first got hooked by the community building idea.

The mods came shortly after, during my own attempt at a server, when i realised how much can really be done.

It's due to this, i believe, that though it's not essential. Games really do begin to develop much better once the community itself has a say on how the game grows. The mods give the user that freedom to make their experience unique.

Instead of say, Skyrims mods, you get a new house, a pretty new dagger. 10 minutes extra quest time. The fact that you can take nothing but an empty land, and essentially build civilization from it, not with an annoying GUI and aerial view, like in most games. But with your own hands. Taking real time and effort. Making the game that much better.

I hope this helps in any way, for the OP, and helps TeeJaxOff understand why i feel the game makes much more of an impact than you believe.

12 years ago

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You have an understandable view :)

12 years ago

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Minecraft is this generation's Pong. Within the group of people who have tried it, Minecraft has changed most of their perspectives.

It's deceptively simple, yet you can create so much complexity from it.

It is because of the way that it's designed, it lends itself so well to modification.

12 years ago

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you need an engineering degree to even be a master at minecraft, so thats probly why you dont like it cuz it needs lots of brain power to play

12 years ago

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Did you really just insult my intelligence because I don't appreciate Minecraft? Hate to break it to you, but I'm fairly smart, mister internet troll. Please take your rude remarks elsewhere.

12 years ago

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You don't need to be smart to play Minecraft, but the smarter among us will create the most impressive things with it. Such is life, and Minecraft. The smarter ones will excel more than the common man.

12 years ago

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Minecraft basially never goes on sale and the minecraft website is the only source of keys, therefore nobody has any logical reason to be selling cheap keys because there's no way to profit from it. So anyone selling cheap keys is either scamming you or stole them somehow.

12 years ago

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Wait for a Mojang employee to get married.

12 years ago

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Don't trust other sites, buy from the original one or just don't buy it, I wouldn't risk wasting my money.
Minecraft costs 20€ (not 30) and it's totally worth them, just try the demo if you aren't sure.

12 years ago

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Just wanted to point out that the important part of that link was "we're sorry, but we don't work through other retailers".

12 years ago

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You're right :=

12 years ago

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You could also get a cheaper alternative and support hungry devs... Block Story on Desura seems pretty good, otherwise Blockscape maybe.
On Xbox you can get Total Miner for like 1 euro...

If you want Minecraft there's no way around paying full price for it, Notch needs the money for his death star...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Did you miss the giant text in red where it says the product is not available?

12 years ago

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It was available when i posted it

12 years ago

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"I bought two for each 12$ but they ware just fake keys so I don't want to do this mistake again. Maybe you guys can help me to find a trustworthy place. Please share if you know some website"

Hahahaha, some people will never learn from mistakes :D You can't buy it cheaper, the ONLY official shop is minecraft.net and they don't sell it for less. Now do the math and guess why some sites sell it for less (hint: stolen credit cards).

12 years ago

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It is not about learning and/or repeating a mistake. I just asked.

12 years ago

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Buying a working key will also mean you're buying that person's multiplayer history. Many servers run something called MCBANS, which allows servers to share ban lists and reasons for those bans. If the person you bought the account from is banned on 90% of minecraft servers on that account, so are you. Plus, the original owner can reclaim the account via password recovery and you can't do a thing about it, because they're the legal owner of the account, not you. Minecraft accounts are not legally transferrable. Some servers will unban you if you plead your case, but realize that 'I bought this account recently' is the second most common excuse, right behind 'it was my friend/brother/sister/goldfish at the keyboard, not me.'

Go buy an account from minecraft.com. You will never be cheated there. You've already spent 24$ for nothing, when you could have spent 20 USD for a guaranteed working account. There are no third-party trustworthy sites.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by DarkProcessor.