Yeah, I'm looking forward to that too, but that won't be out until next year. I was specifically referring to the currently available titles.
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I... Admit to having no clue. I've got a cap on my internet though, so likely won't be able to connect to the PSN anyway...
Before you comment, asking how I get games off of Steam on such a limited connection, remember that McDonald's has free wifi. I've spent more hours in McDonald's than some of their employees. ;(
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Hmmmm... I'm adding Valkyria Chronicles to my to-buy list now. Thanks for the recommendation!
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but thats 150 buck that can go towards steam? just wait for emulators or something
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Um, did you miss the part where I mentioned exclusive titles? Meaning you can't buy those games off of Steam. In any case, downloading games off of Steam is a huge pain in the rear for me right now anyways due to a bandwidth cap on my internet.
As far as waiting for emulators goes:
One, blatant piracy is just wrong. The only time I ever pirate a game is only if I want to try it out before actually buying it, usually to make sure it'll run on my PC.
Two, emulators that run PS3 games at 100% could be many years off (PS1 emulation still isn't near perfect), and I wouldn't have the cash to invest in a new gaming PC until then anyway, whereas I can afford a PS3 now. Today.
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The only time I ever pirate a game is only if I want to try it out before actually buying it, usually to make sure it'll run on my PC.
Woohoo, busted!
The only time I break into a car is only if I want to try it out before actually buying it, usually to make sure the steering wheel feels right. And I pay the owner his broken window in TF2 keys.
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Generally you'd test drive a car before buying it, yes? Considering how finicky PC games are, especially with laptops, I find it prudent to test before I buy. I've had too many cases of buying a PC game at full price in the past, only to find out it won't even load on my setup.
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PS3(and Xbox 360) emulations isnt happening in the next 10 years. If it happens at all.
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+1, to be honest; there isn't even a proper Xbox emulator yet, all of them have problems, and the PS2 emulator lags like crazy.
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Well, if you have found an XBOX emulator that works than that's a miracle. As for the PS2 emulator you have to config your damn ass off. The only emulators that actually work smoothly are the Gameboy emulators and a few others.
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Pretty much everything from the Genesis/SNES era back has been emulated nearly flawlessly. The Playstation and Nintendo 64 are mostly playable, but still need a lot of work. The Playstation 2 is coming along slowly while the GameCube is very rough yet and the xbox is nearly nonexistent.
Just setting that straight there.
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I already own Dragon's Dogma and Red Dead Redemption on my 360. Demon's Souls and The Last of Us are definitely on my to-buy list though. Beyond: Two Souls completely blindsided me though. I've only just heard about it this week and have no idea what it is. Need to look into that one.
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I might pick up the first game today, depending on how much it's going for.
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God of War Anthology (Doesn't include the latest God of War Ascension) will be a very good one if you like a lot of Blood and Gore and want a very satisfying experience of Killing and puzzle solving. It had 5 games, 3 on Blue Ray and 2 downloadable via PSN. I bought it the first day it came out.
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I tried to get into the God of War series back when it first came out but it's just not my type of game.
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God of War Saga(Doesn't include the latest God of War Ascension) will be a very good one if you like a lot of Blood and Gore and want a very satisfying experience of Killing and puzzle solving. It had 5 games, 3 on Blue Ray and 2 downloadable via PSN. I bought it the first day it came out.
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Lest we forget the Little Big Planet series. You know, for the kids. cough
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Demon Souls, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Killzone, Metal Gear Solid, Rain, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, SOCOM, Twisted Metal
All these games (singles or Series) are ps3 exclusives (As far as I remember) and are very good a& popular. These are in addition to the ones that have been already suggested. So you won't be making a mistake if yu buy a ps3. You would get access to a whole lot of new awesome games. I have been using Ps3 for last 4 years and have played each and every one of these I have suggested and loved them very much.,
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Don't forget Ratchet & Clank. There's really nothing quite like it elsewhere. You can probably get Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty and A Crack in Time for cheap, and finish them in time for the new one coming in November.
Also, Disgaea 4 should keep you covered for dozens of hours.
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I've got a cap on my internet. It'd be pretty useless for me to have, sadly.
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Guys, question here. Can I sign in to my PSN account on my vita and ps3 at the same time? I mean I just bought a vita, I plan to bring it with me far far away while the ps3 will be at my home where my family uses it for general gaming. Both uses one PSN account since I plan to subscribe to PS+.
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So they can download the game and play it on different account because I can't be online on my vita and ps3 at the same time right? I think I get it.
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Yes, the games you donwload will be available for any account on your PS3 :)
Though I believe that you can be online in both PS3 and Vita at the same time(not completely sure of this)
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Thanks for the heads up, I think I'll wait till next year before I get one.
I made a list of a couple of games I wanted to get as well.
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Aaand I'm back from town with my PS3! Adios folks. I know what I'll be doing, oh, for the next week.
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Here's hoping. I'll probably wait a year or so before getting one, mainly because next gen doesn't have a single launch title I'm interested in. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with though.
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I'm going to argue against Katamari Forever as a must own. I love the Katamari games, but forever was just a compilation of old levels, with a few added features that were more annoying than fun (jerking your controller up quickly to jump). In this case, I think the originals are better than the HD upgrade.
I'll add my my voice to the following:
Heavy Rain, Last of Us, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Valkyria Chronicles, Ni no Kuni, PS+
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I think I'd still like to have Katamari Forever in my game collection. :D
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Awwww, sorry to hear they aren't. I'm sure, as the next gen consoles roll out, there'll be a good sale in your region.
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That's what I've heard. I want to start at the beginning of that series though. :3
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Actually, the first game was originally released on the Playstation 2, then later ported to both the DS and PSP. I have all three systems, so I suppose it's just a matter of figuring out which version to get...
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Yeah, I was rather thinking of the ones that are available on the PSN store :P
Anyways, the PSP version is the best one. It has more content and new modes that were not in the PS2 game.
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I'd buy one, but I'm worried about the PS3 overheating- I hear there's this YLOD or something.
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It's never happened to anyone I know, and the newer models (in which it's likely to be fixed) are on sale too, so... shrugs
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1,324 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by elysium1988
25 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Blando
So... I know we're all PC gamers here, but I myself will go wherever good games are and I suspect quite a few of you are the same. That said, did you all know that GameStop has all pre-owned/refurbished Playstation 3s marked down to $149.99 until the 24th?
Personally, I'd been waiting until the system had a decent library of exclusive titles I wanted, as well as for a huge price drop to take place. I was thinking of picking up Heavy Rain, Katamari Forever, and either Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix or Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch...
Then again, the HD remastered versions of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus looked amazing too...
Anyway, thought you all should know. It's a pretty good deal.
edit: I picked up my PS3 yesterday as well as Heavy Rain - Director's Cut, Lair, The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, and White Knight Chronicles - International Edition. I'm surprised I had completely forgotten about White Knight Chronicles until I got to GameStop, but whatever the case, I'm happy with my selection. :3
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