Well, for example, Russians, Serbians (my country) and some other i guess celebrate Christmas on 7th January, it seems even VALVE Steam doesn't care and other sites, it's totally forgotten, discriminated. I think it's time to do something about it, so, there is a vote poll, also feel free to comment and we will see if Admins of this site will do something about it.

Edit: i wonder if people would vote NO if they were Orthodox. I can only expect YES from Orthodox users which are not so huge population here compared to Catholics....

Edit 2: I don't do this vote cause of giveaways, but due to some respect between countries, to make the world better place where different religions show respect to each other...

5 years ago*

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Should Admins of S.Gifts make events longer for us who celebrate Christmas at 7th January? for example, some seprate event for Orthodox Christmas, delayed after this one.

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Yes, but not exactly that way

Do you celebrate holidays of other religions or nations?

5 years ago

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Yes, we usually make our city Belgrade in Serbia and our homes like it's Christmas before 25th December, so in some way, we do show some respect to that.

5 years ago

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Okay then, im down

5 years ago

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You could see it as double dipping.
Just playing the devils advocate :P

5 years ago

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Wait until you hear of 2nd NYE on the eve of 13/14th of January.

5 years ago

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This was the mental image that popped up in my head when reading this

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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And do you celebrate Muslim Holidays in Serbia and even have enough Mosques even in the main city Belgrade?
Of course you don't, because there has been a single Mosque in Belgrade for years.

And then you complain about Ortodox not having a holiday on Steam and SG, when your nation yourself don't honor other religions.
Then there should be a celebration on Steam for Muslim's Ramadan and Eid and outher religions too.

5 years ago

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I'm from Serbia and no, we don't.

5 years ago

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Happy cake day! :)

5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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Happy Cake day!)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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you're free to make an advent calendar with your giveaways and post it in the forums. 🤷

5 years ago

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Makes sense, but it's not about that, this one event i entered maybe max 2 games, so i don't do this vote cause of giveaways, but due to some respect between countries, to make the world better place where different religions show respect to each other...

5 years ago

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then we should include all religions, not just yours. islam, hinduism, traditional chinese, buddhism, judaism, scientology, hellenism, yoruba religion, etc.

or maybe each religious group could manage their own events instead of forcing this place to adapt to them and turning a gifting site into religious propaganda the whole year.
yes, that sounds better.

5 years ago

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Or no religions at all, for the agnostics/atheists among us.

5 years ago

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*gasps* my kind of people

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Finally !

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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+1, Most sensible comment here

5 years ago

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I'm not even religious.

Anyone can create an event and call it whatever he/she want...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Have on mind that its 3:02am here, most Orthodox sleep, we will see results tomorrow...

5 years ago

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Different religions show respect to each other when the admin make longer christmas "events" that fits only for a part of the users religion ? o_O

None of the "official" Events will fit for each one because behind each event stand one or more that organize them, spend their time and effort into it -and mostly the most GA parts too-.
So it is complete normal that this people decide when they want to do a event and because of which reason or date.
If that is christmas, the independed day of a country or whatever else.

cg is from canada and i think the christmas and haloween events fit to his country and a lot of other countries.

Oh and as a sidenote, when someone come around and speak from "discrimination" that isn't the right way to talk about "show respect to each religion" because you set yours in that moment above other ones.
And "demand/want" respect but aren't willing to give it in the same ammount is the wrong base for such a "sensitive" thing.

As above written, if you want to have some event at that date then invest the time, energy and maybe GA's and write something in the forum + organize it (if it give something to organize).

Very easy....

5 years ago

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when someone come around and speak from "discrimination" that isn't the right way to talk about "show respect to each religion" because you set yours in that moment above other ones.
And "demand/want" respect but aren't willing to give it in the same ammount is the wrong base for such a "sensitive" thing.

Agreed. And honestly, the use of the word "discrimination" makes me take the OP less seriously.

5 years ago

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This is exactly my problem as well, I thought that this may be a joke, but no.
Instead of complaining, I would find it cool to be able to buy things "post 25th December Christmas" as in shops things are at -50% and many people resell their gift for a low price on eBay.

5 years ago

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As far as I know that is only true for Old-Rite Orthodox Christians not all Orthodox Christians.

Regardless, I don't think the date matters that much. In my opinion what matters is the holiday spirit when people are trying to be a better version of themselves and be together with their loved ones and not the religious discrepancies between countries or cultures.

5 years ago

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This ^^^

5 years ago

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I celebrate Xmas on the eve of 24, but I'm not going to demand anything because of it. Although my parents used to move Xmas a weekend early sometimes if we were travelling so I've gotten used to it as a symbolic event rather than a set day. Admittedly that's far from orthodox, but imo it should be about the message and celebration (and family) rather than a mark on the calendar. Again, anything but orthodox. However the easiest solution to me is where the admins of each site are based. That's Christmas for them, and I'll go along with it.

5 years ago

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I'd be down for a second Christmas event, there's still time. Why don't you start organizing it?

5 years ago

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No (Russian here). The huge difference between Christmas as the main holiday of the Western civilization and the Orthodox Christmas is that the former isn't really tied to a certain religion anymore, while the latter is still purely religious (meaning it's not a holiday for people like me).
But as it's already been mentioned, you're entirely free to make your own SG event, I'm sure that it would be quite welcome.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Hmm, you actually have struck a chord with me, though probably not the chord you're expecting.

Being a completely non-religious person, I'd much rather all religious context be left out of site events, outside of strictly user-created events. That way those groups can feel free to celebrate and others are free to join, without it becoming a "this [whatever] is favored while this [other whatever] isn't."

Having said that, I usually just go with the flow and don't concern myself with it much. You've at least presented me with a different perspective, so thank you for that.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I can only expect YES from Orthodox users which are not so huge population here compared to Catholics....

Fyi, it's not a Catholic Christmas it's THE fucking Christmas everyone knows and/or celebrates around the world. It doesn't necessarily have to be in a religious context, I even knew a Muslim family that celebrated christmas with a Christmas tree and shit, and there's nothing wrong with it. Valve are not discriminating Orthodox Xmas, they are an American company and in America celebrates their Xmas right now,. If Valve were to respect all religious celebrations and make an event about it, you'd have constantly event sales (which they have anyways, but I guess you know what I'm saying). Also, the curent event is called Steam WINTER sale and not Steam X-MAS sale which goes past the holidays anyway...

5 years ago*

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It's actually Yule, the pagan festival of midwinter where you eat, drink, dance around the phallic tree and then have orgies to ensure spring will come again. Just like every other "Christian" holiday that they stole, relabeled and made much worse.

5 years ago*

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It's a real shame so few people know this.

5 years ago

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Even less people know the truth behind Santa

5 years ago

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Who gives a shit? That was not my point.

5 years ago

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Yes, who gives a shit about your point?

5 years ago

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Look, I feel sorry for you that you can't have orgies with people from your tribe like your grand grand parents had, just as much as I feel sorry for op that he feels betrayed and discriminated but I wish both of you a merry Christmas anyway, no matter if it is right now or in January, or with or without an orgy involved.

5 years ago

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And I feel sorry for you that you have to stick to your inferior festivals corrupted by false gods. I don't see any reason to celebrate any time of the year now that we have established that the seasons will just come on their own without any rituals involved. Xmas is for kids to get presents and I'm not a kid, so why bother?

5 years ago

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I couldn't care less about religion but once you have kids you'll understand that Xmas is more than what you think it is.
Merry Xmas

5 years ago

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Why would it be any different than it was to me when I was a kid? There is literally nothing interesting in the celebration except food and gifts and gifts interest kids far more than food. And I wouldn't lie to my kids about some made up Coke Santa, what is the point in that? Just to blackmail and bribe them into being nice?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Wait, orgies? Damn, I was completely robbed of that! :o

5 years ago

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Winter sale ? That's discrimination against the whole southern hemisphere!

5 years ago

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So true, those damn Valve nazis...

5 years ago

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I even knew a Muslim family that celebrated christmas with a Christmas tree and shit, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Unless you happen to be a practicing Muslim....

Personally, I believe people should be free to practice their religion as long as it does not involve harming others or unwanted proselytizing (i.e. not leaving others to practice their own religion). On that point, Tzaar and I agree.

5 years ago

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I think Christmas on Steamgifts is more of a traditional popular event than a religious event. By the way, in many places, the religious part of Christmas is completely forgotten (I could even say that it is sometimes just a commercial event). The date chosen is simply supposed to suit the majority of people, that's all. If you want to celebrate Christmas religiously on an other date, in my opinion Steamgifts has nothing to do with it ... But, like some others said here, nobody will criticize if you create your own event in a new thread (more giveaways are always welcome :).

Edit: I was blacklisted by someone (it's not by the OP) after I wrote this ... It does not encourage you to join the conversations when you're added to a blacklist (or more) as soon as you make a comment!

5 years ago*

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every day should be christmas (or whatever) so people create top notch gibs all year round.
or is this another BL experiment? hue hue hue

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5 years ago

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Thanks for the Black Mirror flashbacks T_T

5 years ago

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If it was a requirement that you had to be a certain religion or group to participate in the Steam sale or SG events here, then yeah that would definitely be discriminatory. As it is, everyone is free to participate regardless of what they believe and what their traditions are, so no I don't think there's any discrimination going on. Plenty of nonreligious people still celebrate Christmas with their families.

5 years ago

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Hmmm, lets just ditch the whole Xmas thing, and celebrate Newtonmass instead, its 25th of december

After all if Newton hadn't discovered gravity we'd all be floating off into space turning into popsicles :)

5 years ago

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Yes. Because that's how this works, that's how all of this works.
Just as we were all asphyxiating up until 1774 when Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen. Life was tough before then.....

5 years ago

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Don't be silly. People were breathing air until then, naturally, then they switched to oxygen.

5 years ago

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Ah, of course... How silly of me.... ;-)

5 years ago

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I am glad it was sorted out then. ^__^

5 years ago

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Right. On to the next problem then.
How do animals not fly off into space still? They can't read, so they cannot know anything about gravity.....

5 years ago

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Oh, that is not needed. Ever since Newton invented it, gravity affects the entire planet.
Before that, they used twines, naturally. And many animals just lived in caves, where the roof prevented them from floating off.

5 years ago

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Once again; Of course. We are soon reaching Newtonian levels of understanding together here. Its good. This is science at its finest.

5 years ago

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🤣 Thanks for the laugh!

5 years ago

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I don't see why there can't be a separate event but Christmas in the West isn't 100% religion. Yes we get religious music and themes but that doesn't make it a religious only holiday.

5 years ago

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I'm Orthodox and even my family celebrates Christmas on 12/25. The whole world (not sure, at least in the US) has recognized it as the holiday and not the 7th, for example, schools are always open on the jan 7th (at least where i live). I'd say it doesn't really matter when you celebrate or if all people recognize it. Extending the sale to the 7th would probably just be weird and/or impractical

5 years ago

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Steamgifts didn't celebrate Eid Mubarak, yet I didn't create this kind of thread because I understand Steamgifts isn't an eastern-oriented site

5 years ago

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There are religions with a lot more followers than Orthodox Christianity (Islam for example) who don't get their holidays celebrated here. And they do sometimes make posts on the forum to celebrate those occasions. I don't feel it's particularly insulting.

We're celebrating the season of consumerism, and that's always worth celebrating, regardless of your religion. :)

5 years ago

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I'm from Ukraine which is Orthodox and I voted "no". It's time to ditch the outdated and innacurate Julian calendar and switch to the Gregorian one. The fact that Orthodox Christians still stick to the Julian calendar isn't a display of their stronger dedication to traditions compared to Catholics (like many of them believe) but more like their resistance to positive changes. There is nothing canonical in sticking to the Julian calendar and there's nothing disrespectful in switching to an updated and more astronomically accurate calendar. I hope our newly formed Independent Autocephalous Orthodox Church will find the courage to switch to the Gregorian calendar and let us officially celebrate Christmas with the rest of the world. I think all the Orthodox Christians should want that instead of asking the world to "respect" the old Julian calendar dates.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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So you mean the astronomically correct 13 month calendar that follows the natural cycles of Earth instead of something some long dead roman made up based on nothing?

5 years ago

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A 13-month calendar? I guess you mean the International Fixed calendar, but as far as I know it adds nothing in terms of astronomical correctness compared to the Gregorian one. Basically, a year in the Julian calendar was slightly longer than the actual astronomical year. This was causing a slight drift that was corrected by the Gregorian calendar (and it's the calendar everybody uses these days).

5 years ago

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It adds the correction of the lunar cycle to be closer to 28 days rather than random pick of 28-31 days. They are called moon/months for a reason.

5 years ago

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The lunar cycle is 29.5 days though, not 28. Wouldn't say it's that much more accurate. It was made mostly for convenience of having months with exactly 4 weeks for simplicity of calculation, from what I know. Regardless, my original point stands.

5 years ago

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Right you are, I was confusing it with the human lunar cycle which can vary much more but averages on 28 days. That's the real convenience the calendar would bring, more important than having the full moon at same day every month. And minor side benefits like making it much easier to organize things when you can know what weekday some date will be. So it would just make life easier but not add any astronomical correctness. Seems like the Muslims are using an actual lunar calendar where the year just is ~10 days shorter so they get leap years every now and then.

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5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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Christian feels discriminated against because nonreligious site creates holiday event ending on what the majority of Christians regard as Jesus's birthday despite no day of birth ever being mentioned or commanded to celebrate in Christian scripture

What a time to be alive. You have my deepest symphonies regarding your perceived persecution.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Nero has entered the chat

5 years ago

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You have my deepest symphonies

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Every day on the Internet celebrates Festivus! Hurrah!

5 years ago

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I can't talk for other country but here Christmas is a recognize holidays for everyone and I imagine a lot of country are the same.
I don't think it's got anything to do with religion even if it's got religious roots.
As many have pointed out, you could create an event in the forum, now if they were to forbid people making other event, that would be discriminatory...

On a side note, I have a coworker who is muslin and doesn't celebrate Christmas and she still came at the Christmas party with everyone.
She said for her it was just an occasion to have a nice meal with coworker as opposed than an holiday dinner and I thought it was a great way to see things, she even participated in the gift exchange.

5 years ago*

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Closed 5 years ago by Indig096.