I was discussing this in another thread and thought it deserved a thread of its own.

Basically, at the moment, Steamgifts encourages people to enter giveaways for games they don't really care about, because otherwise your points will max out and you'll waste any new ones. That seems bad -- ideally, we want games to go to people who actually want them.

So I think that the site needs some sort of "point sink" that lets you spend points on something unrelated to games. One idea I had in my other post (which was about tweaks to contributor values) was to let people spend their points on "bounties" that temporarily increase the contributor value of a game (for those who give it away in a certain timeframe); and have a top 10 list for the most highly-bountied games. This would have two good effects: It'd encourage people to give away games people want, and it would discourage people from entering giveaways for games they don't want (because they'll spend their points posting bounties for the games they do want instead.) As the game is given away by people, the posted bounty on it goes back down.

Obviously you wouldn't be able to give away a game you currently have a bounty posted on.

But anyway, if anyone else has ideas for point sinks like that, I'd be interested in hearing them.

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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I think the points system is fine as it is. Sometimes I do have more points than I know what to do with (e.g. the day after a new bundle has come out and everyone is submitting giveawys), but there are plenty of days when I find myself having to leave giveaways with a few days left to run in order to enter a flash giveaway for a game on my wishlist. The points cap is enough to let you enter for the games you want without feeling too rationed IMO. I don't think offering a points sink would deter people from entering giveaways to spend points.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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These topics always pop-up during or shortly after a bundle. The system as it is works fine.

11 years ago

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My thoughts exactly.

11 years ago

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System is fine as is. If I understood your idea correctly, it would have $1 Contributors entering giveaways with $50 limits which would only serve to confuse the system to the majority of members and not serve those whom contributed the most.

11 years ago

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You misunderstood.

He meant something along the line "Do a highly sought after giveaway worth 10 bucks and get a contribution value of >10 bucks."

11 years ago

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In situations like this, examples work best;

Person A has 300 points. Normally, he would either sit on those 300 points, or waste them all on giveaways he isn't really interested in. With OP's proposed idea, Person A could spend 100 (or however many) of those points on a "bounty" for any game he wants - let's say Skyrim. Now, anyone who creates a giveaway for Skyrim gets the normal 40 in contributor value + X more (based on how high the bounty is).

This helps to entice those who want a bigger e-pe... contributor value into giving away more sought-after games, and gives those who would otherwise enter giveaways for games they don't want, a new way to spend their points that doesn't hurt anyone else.

11 years ago

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Your explanation is way better than mine. Thank you.

11 years ago

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Great explanation, and I think it actually seem smart. Perhaps a little confusing, but smart nonetheless.

11 years ago

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My sink is called Darksiders atm, I'm spending all my points on every giveaway that has less than 300 entries. Not like I can't buy the bundle, but this is much more fun :P

Edit: And yes, your ideas seems quite interesting.

11 years ago

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I agree with the general concept that the points cap encourages users to enter giveaways just not to "waste" points beyond 300.

Frankly I don't have a good suggestion to fix the issue. Removing the cap altogether would be the obvious one, but not necessarily the right one.

11 years ago

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Set a higher cap: Same problem after 1 more day. (currently you easily get 300p per day)


Restrict giveaways (no bundles): You will know what the points are really worth again,but even MOAR COMPLAINTS

11 years ago

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Generally speaking I agree, but forbidding bundle games seems especially wrong, since they're still games that people can and will enjoy.

An idea I like is the ability to spend more points on a single giveaway, it would help focusing on stuff you really want and partially compensate the effect of a point cap removal.

11 years ago

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Actually, I think a better approach to this "problem" would be to have the point cap be absolute, i.e., be calculated based on both unassigned points and the points you have spent to enter giveaways that have not yet ended.

So, if you spend your 300p to enter six giveaways, no new points will be added to your account until one of those giveaways end.

The current system where the cap applies only to unspent points makes no sense to me, since it means the effective cap is infinitely large if you are willing to go through the small effort of "depositing" your excess points into giveaways you have zero interest in winning.

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if someone have already created a greasemonkey script to automate depositing, managing (withdraw deposits from expiring giveaways and re-depositing them in new ones) and, when needed to enter a giveaway you cannot otherwise afford, withdrawing them. I bet I could write one in a few hours if I wanted to, and that even includes the time I need to learn JavaScript...

11 years ago

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I think you may be on to something...

11 years ago

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I haven't read all of this, so don't have a go if it's already been said.

Why not just make the points cap a spent points cap? You have 300 points, you invest them in giveaways. You cannot have more than 300 points invested at any one time. If you win a giveaway, you need to get the points back in the current system; if you lose, you get all those invested points back right away, so you can put them into something else. Combine this with a lower cap of say 200 points, and people will only enter into giveaways for games they really want. This increases the odds for everyone and means you can't infinitely enter giveaways - you have to choose tactically.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Aquillion.