Hello everyone,

Over the years I have added and added games to this list without really removing any.

So I passed the 1000 mark a few months ago and I decided to start but I had to find some time between 2 games ^^
I made a first run a few months ago, rather easy where I went from 1000 to about 600.
Then a second one a few weeks later where I went from 600 to 300 games, pretty easy too :)
More harder but finally 10 days ago I set myself the objective to select only the best of the very best (mainly in agreement with myself) and to go below 100 games.

After a first run i got to 110 games, so the objective was not reached !!!
The next day i made a last run and here I am today with a list of 70 games only.

Honestly i'm quite happy with myself, it's very easy to add games and much more complicated to sort them out.
Even if it's an eternal restart, now I can see more clearly :)

To thank you for reading I made 7 puzzles for 7 giveaways.
=> All giveaway end October 16th 7pm CEST

In order the games concerned:

  1. Fury Unleashed
  2. 911 Operator
  3. 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure
  4. LVL 1+ Iron Danger
  5. LVL 1+ Remothered: Broken Porcelain
  6. LVL 2+ Lemnis Gate
  7. LVL 2+ El Hijo - A Wild West Tale

I hope I didn't make any mistakes in my puzzles.
As long as you don't give the answer directly, feel free to help other with tips.

Have Fun !


  1. If you look the link of the first game you can see https://store.steampowered.com/app/465200/Fury_Unleashed/?l=Ga6z7
    If you take the last 5 characters of the link you get the code to access the first giveaway
    = Ga6z7

  2. a4z8t30p are a part of the url to access to a puzzle on jigidi.com
    Solve the puzzle and get the code
    = YjFmK

  3. For this one i had to zoom in on the image where i added a red rectangle (see 1st image below) and then use a mirror effect (or a real one) in order to read the 5 characters of the code
    = 6eLfZ

  4. 723247785a is simply a hexadecimal coding
    = r2GxZ

  5. For this one I added in the description of the image the message "Hi from Tucs = 294wh"
    You could see it with online tools or simply by opening the image with notepad for example
    = 294wh

  6. The labyrinth puzzle was probably the hardest
    There are 3 parts to this puzzle:

First, you had to solve the maze to obtain 5 combinations
In the order it gives:

  • Yellow T↑ (see 2nd image below)
  • Orange F↑ (see 3th image below)
  • Green W↑ (see 4th image below)
  • Red V↓ (see 5th image below)
  • Blue X↓ (see 6th image below)

Then we had to understand the function of ↑ and ↓.
These only appear on letters, you had to understand that ↑ meant that the letter before it had to be capitalized. ↓ therefore meant lower case.
Now we have:

  • Yellow T
  • Orange F
  • Green W
  • Red v
  • Blue x

And part 3 is to find the right order of the letters.
To do this, you had to look at the text tags on each of the images of the mazes
In the order we could read the following words: Meet Sun When And Rain
By putting the words in a more logical order, we can read the sentence: When Sun and rain meet
It was necessary to understand that when the sun and the rain meet we see a rainbow
Then we replace in the order of the colors of the rainbow the combinations and we have:

  • Red v
  • Orange F
  • Yellow T
  • Green W
  • Blue x
    We got the code:
    = vFTWx

And finally the last one much easier
AUCGAUCACGUGAUU is a genetic code and by deciphering it
The image was there to show you the lower case or upper case depending on the height of the podiums.
= idHvi

Congratulations to all those who made it to the end.
Many thanks to the participants, I hope you enjoyed the event.

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2 years ago*

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What about you, do you think you need to clean up your wish list too?

View Results
Nope I'm good :D
Oh my god yes.. But lazy!
Your puzzles are too easy :)
Your puzzles are too hard ><

I have 7609 on my wishlist and looking forward to increasing it.

2 years ago

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Haha! Same passion but different goal ^^

2 years ago

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812...some are TBA, and some are DLC.
It always takes me a lot of time to finish a game, so I never make it balance.
Maybe I should go check again and again which I am not really really want...well, I'll do my best :p

2 years ago

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Eh, my wishlist is huge but I rarely bother removing anything and it's true enough that the games/DLCs always seem fun when I add them. Whether they remain a good idea throughout the years is a different discussion, I'm sure. I probably should clean it up a fair bit, but that's a lesser priority than, say, playing the games I already have, so I never do it! :P I do remove random stuff on occasion, though, but that's about it.

2 years ago

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I agree with you. Playing is better 👅🎮

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2 years ago

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I tried to trim my wishlist a few times before, never been able to remove more than 5, as I'm attached to them so much. I know most of them are trash, but by adding them to my wishlist, they are sort of my trash now.

2 years ago

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Nahhh! There are no bad games, only players who don't understand them.

2 years ago

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996 games on my wishlist right now.

I look at it daily, sorted by discount. Anything with a discount less than 50% or in early access is hidden. Though I only look at items with a discount of at least 75%, as that's when I start buying them.

When a game hits a 90% discount, that means I buy it or remove it from my wishlist that day.

Occasionally I look at the games that available for sale, seeing if I can figure out why and take action. Sometimes that means changing the wishlisted item to a different version of the game, sometimes that means removing the game because it's been permanently delisted from Steam. Mostly it's just a game that hasn't started being sold yet.

I should do that last bit more. I just found that 7 of my wishlisted games had become free at some point.

2 years ago*

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Yep i'll mostly do the same.
And i don't understand why steam doesn't inform us when a game from our wishlist goes free to play!!!

2 years ago

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have a bump ;)

2 years ago

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You gave me some inspiration. Did a proper cleansing yesterday. Down from 400+ to 80.

Stopped buying bundles last year, and now wishlist is perky. I'm done with the needless collecting.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Good job!
It's like cleaning, it clears your head and feels good during and after :D

2 years ago

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You have finally encouraged me to cut my wishlist to less than half of what I previously had. I honestly don't know why I had so many games, especially ones I probably wouldn't play often. Thank you for the encouragement :D

2 years ago

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I'm down to 149 games on my wishlist. Usually I have ~200 at any given time so that's a small victory for me!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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completed all your puzzles!

2 years ago

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Bump, thanks for fun puzzles :)

2 years ago

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Mine is at 50. I think the highest it's been is around 70. I remove the odd game when I've finally decided "actually, I'm not going to ever buy it." Hehe!

2 years ago

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Thanks for the amazing puzzles .

2 years ago

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Ok A little and last hint for the maze puzzle.

By solving the mazes, you will find 5 combinations. Each combination is composed of 2 elements: a color and a character.
The characters you find are directly part of the code to access the next giveaway.
The colors are of course not there by coincidence, and even if they are not useful on their own, it is up to you to determine their usefulness in this puzzle.

This is my last clue. I will give the answers to the different puzzles after the draw.

Good luck to all :)

2 years ago

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Have a bump! Finally solved it all ^^

2 years ago

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Congratulation ;)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You had me thinking about my list, and I actually went deeper and found lots of stuff I forgot and just don't want anymore and I removed over 100 games I think?

2 years ago

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Not bad. Good Job :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Bump for solved.
I was stuck on the second one for a bit, but once it clicked I got to the end
Ps nice labyrinths

2 years ago

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Congratulation ツ

2 years ago

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Last bump from me!

2 years ago

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Bump for solved.
I blocked on the second one for overthinking on it.
In anyway, thank you for this great variety of puzzles.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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lol im still stuck on the mazes... any hints?

also bump :)

2 years ago

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I give some helps on the Remothered discussion. Can't really help without give the solution sorry.

2 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Tucs.