Hello, got a little problem here. My mouse Gigabyte M8000x suddenly stopped working after I booted up today. Left click, right click, mouse software works just fine, the thing is if I move the mouse, nothing happens, mouse works on other computers, another mouse works on my computer also. Tried another USB, reinstall drivers, reverted PC configuration, nothing helped.

Any idea what to do? Tried to Google stuff, no solution found.

Edit: Reinstalled Windows, nothing, booted to Ubuntu Live, nothing.

Might be a MoBo problem then? I just turned my computer off and turned it back on today. :o

This is what confuses me the most. No idea if it was recognising my mouse as Logitech G3 (which is a mouse from different manufacturer) before it stopped to work, but... it weird?! (got connected two mice at the moment, second one is just a cheap "USB Optical Mouse".

Another edit and sort of solved: My mouse has stopped working on some surfaces, no idea why is that happening, it works on newspapers, but it's not working on mousepads. :o

10 years ago*

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Try another mouse?

Maybe something is interfering with the mouse movement. Did it work last time you booted and did you change anything since?

10 years ago

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I haven't change anything since the last boot, other mouse is working just fine.

10 years ago

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Sounds like the sensor on the bottom is broken, since other things still function. Not 100% sure though. Also, how did you manage to post this without moving your mouse?

10 years ago

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Got an old one plugged in at the moment. Sensor is fine, working on another PC.

10 years ago

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just buy new ;)

10 years ago

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Does it use some kind of software? Like Razer Synapse or something?

10 years ago

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Gigabyte Ghost, reinstalled already.

10 years ago

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RIP mouse.

10 years ago

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Your computer's battery is dead, try changing its monitor.

Just kidding, turn of your mouse for a few minutes, shut your computer down, unplug it and remove the battery (if any) as well. This would reset your motherboard (or whatever it is) temporary memory, which, if corrupt, may cause weird problems that cannot be explained by normal perspective. That may actually solve the problem.

Strictly speaking, maybe your mouse is broken, or you are using the wrong driver, or just bad luck. But still it is worth a try.

10 years ago

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Done it, didn't help.

10 years ago

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remove the stip of tape on the bottom of your mouse (the one above the optical seonsor).

if there is none, try another mouse.

10 years ago

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Sounds crazy that it would work on other computers, but not on yours, did you check the cable? You might have some wire problems there.

10 years ago

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Did check the cable, there's no problem with it.

10 years ago

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Using AMD CCC? Something broke on it for me a few weeks ago, which inadvertantly killed my USB 3.0 drivers (which my mouse was plugged into, giving the illusion of a dead mouse.) So I had to reinstall it. Could be that if you are. If not, pass.

10 years ago

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Nope, I'm an Nvidia user.

10 years ago

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So am I, but some of my mobos drivers are supplied by AMD for some reason :S Just a thought anyway.

EDIT Nvm, it's in the OP.

10 years ago

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Have you tried if the mouse works in safe mode? Or in BIOS (if it's UEFI)?

10 years ago

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It's not even working in safe mode, don't have EUFI BIOS.

10 years ago

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Is the mouse connected to the back usb ports or front ports? How many usb devices are connected? You should make sure there aren't any loose cables. Have you tried if CMOS reset helps?

10 years ago

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Přeinstalovával jsi software k myši nebo ovladač? Ve správci zařízení zkus nejdřív zakázat a potom znovu povolit myš a když to nepomuže tak ovladač ve správci úplně odinstalovat a restartovat.

10 years ago

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There's an old prank of putting a sticky note on the bottom of the mouse.

10 years ago

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Okay, there's a little update. Reinstalled whole Windows, tried Windows 7 - didn't work, now I'm back on 8.1, still not working. Looks like it might me mobo problem or something. :( Mouse wasn't working even in install thingy.

10 years ago

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can you try with a livecd? (ubuntu or something like that...)
if it works it's your windows and not your pc

10 years ago

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Tried, my PC didn't even boot to it, I'm not into Linux in any way, so I have no idea how to fix stuff with Linux, if it doesn't let me to boot.

10 years ago

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Update: Made it to Ubuntu, it's not working in it also, just clicks.

10 years ago

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Punch it a little.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yes, it does work on the other computers. Edited my original post a bit.

10 years ago

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what brand and model of mouse is it??

10 years ago

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Gigabyte M8000x

10 years ago

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youve already tried just about everything i was going to suggest. the only thing left that i can think of is a system restore. you could also try a ps/2 adapter and plug it into your ps/2 port and see if that changes anything. have you done a registry cleanup recently?; they can (every now and then) cause problems...

edit: looks like you completely reinstalled windows... not sure what to tell you if its still not working, sounds like a mobo problem to me.

edit 2: some mice (laser mice in particular) dont work with mousepads of a particular pattern or substance (plastic vs cloth), it could be the mousepad you use on THAT computer.

10 years ago

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Yes, I have even tried to plug it to PS/2 with an adapter, it only flashed when booting, but wasn't working at all when it booted. It's just not designed for PS/2 I guess.

Can this actually be a MoBo problem, when the clicks and scroll wheel works and another mouse works also? I'm so confused with this.

10 years ago

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edit 2 (also above): some mice (laser mice in particular) dont work with mousepads of a particular pattern or substance (plastic vs cloth), it could be the mousepad you use on THAT computer.

just a thought!

10 years ago

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Nah, the mouse cursor is totally dead.

10 years ago

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so weird, wish i could help more. good luck though.

10 years ago

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if you have the software for the mouse installed make sure it didnt mysteriously set itself to 0 sens, thats the only other thing i can think of.

10 years ago

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Tried every dpi setting.

10 years ago

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if you tried via a button on the mouse, thats not what i mean. its a long-shot but if somehow through the software (youd know if you have it installed-never install by disk btw) its setting itself to 0... or if windows mouse sens via your control panel is somehow set to 0 (or 1?) instead of 6, which is the middle sens.

or if something else like a tablet, or that useless tabtip.exe or whatever its called is somehow taking precedence...

other than that im out of ideas, sorry :P

10 years ago

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I'm glad you're trying to help, but already checked in the software and tried to mess around with that.

10 years ago

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buy a new one

10 years ago

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Why would I do that, since it's not damaged?

10 years ago

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well if it isnt working... maybe it is?!

10 years ago

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It's not working on my computer, doesn't mean it's damaged. :)

10 years ago

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Added a screenshot.

10 years ago

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did you forget to feed it?

10 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by WilliamCZ.