Does anyone remember, i thought it was madjoki's site, maybe it has changed?

I don't care about a list of the games itself, just the sentence you have x games removed from steam.

2 hours ago

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I was told that by another forum member, and the group points to a scanner eligble to join.
But it doesn't show you have x games removed on steam unless the changed it or i am missing something?

1 hour ago

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After being logged in, click your profile (top right-ish) on that website.
You can see many stats there, including how many removed games you have.

1 hour ago

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Yep:, isn't it? If you login, you can filter for "Banned Games" and "Owned"?

EDit: hm, nevermind -- I guess you would have to log in sometime before the App was banned so the site knows you had it?

1 hour ago

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I thought it was from madjoki, but i also remember vaguely something about the scanner from the reply above, but on both sides i can't produce the wanted result somehow.

On madjoki's site with banned apps, owned, i get 0 results.

1 hour ago

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Maybe, but i also remember something about being able to join a steam group, that required you to have a minimum of x removed games, and that would fit more the site/group above, but that site seemed to have changed.

1 hour ago

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I know what you're talking about (I think). Is it this Steam group - and they say to use this "scanner" -

edit: I believe you have to login via Steam on that site and then go to your profile. There it will list out the stats for you. I believe that's what you're looking for.
edit2: I think the site it having problems right now. It won't update my games (and also says i have no items in my wishlist, inventory, and errors out on manual sync) and tried on multiple browsers.

1 hour ago*

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I don't remember seeing this before, just noticed it now. At the top here it says "Apps banned by Valve. Not visible on profile or the Steam API. To track ownership for these you must have this account on your friends list."

1 hour ago

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