Here we are with another day folks,
Please check the day 2 3 above, and good luck to you all
Remember you are all beautiful <3
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Thank you for the giveaways! I hope things get better for you soon. <3
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Hey, it's just my own opinion but in the end getting better is all up to one's self, also I believe having too much hope, always saying "tomorrow's gonna be a better day" and stuff like that can be actually bad for you, since as you said, what if tomorrow isn't all that good? I think it's better to have a reasonable amount of hope, I always say to my self and friends : "No matter what point you are in your life, no matter how good or how bad things are, there is always the possibility of things going better, and vice versa, things can always get worst" this motto has kinda helped me to ease some of the hardships but it's not a cure, it's more like a pain killer.
good luck, thanks for the gibs, and stay strong :)
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Totally true, is just i can't get outside my head and think straight. When things like this hits you, is really difficult to focus your mind and find a way to "fix" yourself. Especially when other daily duty overwhelm you, leads to more stress.
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To add to that, a former boss once gave me a bit of advice that really resonated with me and helped when I was in a bad spot: "Things are usually neither as bad as they seem when they are bad, nor as good as they seem when they are good."
I certainly understand just how easy it is to be overwhelmed by daily stress and responsibilities / obligations. I think it's onto us to take time out to de-stress and do something fun and enjoyable for a change - like playing games. :)
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Good job on going to see the doctor. Even though you didn't get the help you wanted from him, it's great that you went. Shows that you have the get-up-and-go to look for help and solve what you see as a problem.
Might be more difficult some days, but keep that mentality and it'll help you to find help or work on things yourself.
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Yea, the idea to talk about it with a doctor Tormented me for a while, but i'm glad i pushed myself and did it.
Thank you!
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Thanks, I have to...might take longer,but i have to
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good that you look for help.
Common that it don't work very fast with the help. I needed 3 months of nearly daily calls and letters till something happened and first after 6 months were really a help present. Don't let it demotivate you because you try it at least and that is more as you done in the past. And it will lead to success, earlier or later, if you try it the next days/weeks/months too.
I advice you from my own experiences in the past with many years of depression I am out of them since around 3 years a structured day cycle. Stand up in the morning, eat a bit, go out for at least 15 min. each day, cook yourself (that is very important because you have much more energy as from bought finished products or ordered stuff), sleep at the night.
Don't be "all the time at the computer" because it give happy moments in games but because you don't have it in the reallife you go more and more into the online world and solve lesser and lesser problems in the real world.
The same counts for "everytime reachable per mobile phone". You got distracted very fast from such stuff and chatting and such things are far more liked as office stuff that must be done to give a example.
If you are able, meet friends and try to write different ToDo lists.
Different because you should categorize them into "must be done very soon", "must be done not so soon" and "want to do/have time".
And then pick a few things from the first list for a day, not all !. If you done that stuff, breaks between it are completly ok, and still have energy then pick a few smaller/easier ones.
It's very important that you only pick a ammount that you really can do -pick at the start lesser as you think you can do- then you get a energy boost from solving it, feel great and all that.
If you take too much at the ToDo list for that day/week you are frustrated that you don't done all/so much left.
And yes it will give days that you don't fullfill your "small" goals and that will frustrate you BUT in that moments try to say yourself "sure it is lesser as i wanted and i should have done more BUT i done today more as the last weeks/months/years before i started with it".
I wish you all energy, strenght and motivation that you need :o)
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Yeah, Masafor, you make some really good points. You can't always control your anxiety and depression, but sometimes you can find ways of living that help you cope. When I've been depressed I've found physical activity very helpful, both for balancing out my emotions and for keeping my sleep cycle more regular. Similarly, actual in-person socialization, that person to talk to you mentioned, Viking4King, is invaluable.
Computer games can be good too. I've been grateful for them. But, past a certain point, I start to feel like they're distracting me from my problems but not making my life better. For example I used to binge on 4x games when I was depressed instead of doing my work. It would distract me from my troubles, but as soon as I put the game down everything was that much worse because I'd messed up my schedule, or felt guilty for not doing something.
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Exactly, a few hours gaming can be great but if you "flee" to them because the reallife is bad then it is no solution with digging deeper and deeper into it and get a worst/worse reallife each time when you "come back to it" because of not done homework, office stuff and and and.
It stacks up and make more and more problems if you don't solve it directly or at least "soon".
I hope he can take a part of my advices and copy the part that feels right for him and his situation.
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Thank you both, i'll take as much as i can from what you all shared, something must work for me to help me out... If it doesn't i'll keep looking
thanks again!
Be sure to check in tomorrow for more gifts
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I know you didn't write this for me in particular, but this was quite helpful.
Thanks Masafor <3
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All the best, Viking - hang in there, and don't be too tough on yourself during those more down and difficult periods. Just believe that you're strong enough to get through them - after all, you've done it before, you'll do it again - and if games help with that, then that sounds more than OK to me. Games are wonderful!
Thanks for sharing, and for the giveaways too, of course! Good luck everyone, with this, and with all of your personal boss battles.
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What you are going through right now is really crappy and I do hope that you will get professional help soon. As depressions are often stigmatised(maybe depending on where you are from), so they can feel very lonely. Someone who didn't have to experience it himself will never know how it feels. Just know, that there are lots of people who lived through similar things as you do right now and can understand how you feel.
Regarding professional help: I don't know how psychological care is organized where you are from, but where I live(in Germany) there are two types of doctors. One makes the therapy and the other prescribes medication. Only for the one with the therapy do you have to wait for a long time, for the other one you get an appointment really quick. So if you have the possibility to get an appointment for medication, I would recommend to do that. For me medication wasn't what solved my problems, but it gave me a really helpful boost for the time I took it(about 8 months).
Wish you all the best, stay strong!
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Hi my fellow sufferer,
I totally know how you're feeling. I felt the same and in january this year I finally find the strength to seek for professional help and commit myself in a psychatric clinic. I was there for 7 weeks and be home again since 5 days. I feel so much better now, even if I'm not fully recovered but the suicide thoughts are gone and thats really a relief.
Maybe this could be the right way for you too. I wish you all the best and if you like to talk, there are many people, including me, outthere with an open ear. ♥️
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I really appreciate it, thank you !
And thanks again for your kind advice Masafor !
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"I've look for professional help from my Uni and they told me i can be booked in the middle of the summer" They told you that you couldn't see a doctor all term?! That's crazy, and irresponsible. Where are you at university?
But, I really hope you're feeling better. I've tangled with depression too--I'm diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. There are seasons when it's better and seasons when it's worse. Things in life fluctuate; your worst moments aren't just the new way things are for you, though it might seem that way.
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They sent me then to my doctor(GP we call them here in UK) and the GP sent me home with some free sites to call them if i need like what in the world i'm paying taxes for facepalm
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Huh, wow. I teach at an American college, and I feel like no college I've been at does that bad a job. They all have a counseling center, referral options, etc. Though, they've all been private schools--I don't know how state schools do things.
Anyhow, sorry you weren't taken better care of.
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Could you have just come across a bad doctor?
I mean, I've generally had good experiences with doctors, but I did once go to a doctor who was just terrible - didn't believe me, misdiagnosed me, sent me home with a prescription for something that wouldn't help as he misdiagnosed me, oh and also his office lost my samples. I ended up having to self diagnose and self-medicate and it worked out alright, but that doctor was just terrible.
It sounds like you came across a pretty bad doctor yourself. Could you try a different one? What sites did the doctor refer you to, anyway?
Regardless, it's great that you're trying to get help - even if the people around you seem to be useless at providing it. Keep trying to get the help you need, keep surviving, and keep playing games. :)
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Hey, basically i've been referred from Uni to a GP doctor, gp said if i'm not willing to harm myself or others that's good and i will be fine... and then she gave me those two sites Moodjuice and " Mind website" they are all uk based.
I told her i need someone to talk with, because i'm at my limits of my powers i can't take it anymore, her answer was " We need to give you a boost so you can be positive before joining a therapist" ....
Such wow, if i wasn't positive enough to come and seek help, then wth was I ?...
I simply just took the names of the two website and left more disappointed.
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Thank you for sharing and I wish you a fast recovery.
I've never felt like this before and I wouldn't know how to help but continue the fight...
For sure, there is an organization somewhere with good people who can help you.
If video games are good for you, do it, have fun, but don't lock yourself in too much, it can be dangerous to isolate yourself too.
Cheer up!
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I am one of those people who does not serve to encourage... so consider that I put my hand on your shoulder, I squeezed it hard and nodded.
Keep it up, be strong.
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You are in good company... (possibly with more than even I can imagine) and while gaming is helpful in keeping us out of our heads, it also distracts us from participating in life. Admitting you need someone unbiased you can communicate to is a difficult first step and applaud you for finding the courage (but am also disappointed at the lack of professional availability worldwide), I would also encourage you to not give up and continue moving forward. Here is a resource that might help you if you are serious about doing something to help yourself. May it enlighten you and open doors to a whole new world.
Thank you for sharing your story and your gibs with us. Just know that you are not alone.
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I think it's good that you're posting here and sharing, so people can read and share back with you. If you haven't tried Kind Words, that's another forum (in the form of a game) where you can share things and get people to write you back.
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Hey everyone,
I wanna share a lil bit about me, my past 3 months has been really difficult for me. Fighting with my depression everyday and and having a low mood as a daily basis is quite uncomfortable. When you hope tomorrow is getting better, and wake up and feel the same, you starting to lose your hope and will.
I've look for professional help from my Uni and they told me i can be booked in the middle of the summer, i tried my doctor, it sent me home with some free sites to check and call for help and no professional help at all :/... is quite disappointing, it took me 3 weeks to build up my courage and seek professional help, just to be cast away...
If you know someone who's going through anxiety and depression, talk to them, but never challenge them to stop or change. Sometimes all you need is a good unbiased listener ... :)
The only good thing that helped me to go through it and "survive" another day has been games. Therefore i shall i give away everything i got from humble bundle at the moment.
I can creat 5 ~ now giveaways at a time, Please come in tomorrow and check this post for more updates with the next games, and if i delay a bit with the new giveaways, please don't be mad on me, I do keep my word! ^_^
/jNrrl/dead-in-vinland Forgot to add this one on the list also, apologize !
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