If you think that contributor value is that important: leave. No one cares.
It shouldn't matter whether it decreases or not. If you care, then you're giving away games for the wrong reasons.
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against it from the begining, have wasted the whole gifting spirit, now only contributed spirit matters.
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It's meant to be a simple stat people who are so inclined can use to give back a little to people who have contributed a lot. Although I personally disagree with the whole idea to begin with anyway. You shouldn't seek any form of tangible reward for doing giveaways and sharing some of yours with the world, other than maybe warm fuzzys and a sense of altruistic intent.
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Why not? It has the bonus effect of encouraging people to continue giving to maintain their contributor value (if that's something that excites them).
Some people need to get a grip.
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For one, it shouldn't decrease automatically over time simply because such an action is not advertised.
If people knew that the contributor value would eventually drop, if they were aware that the site worked that way, they'd be discouraged from giving away stuff in the first place. But such an effect is not well-publicized.
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I guess it matters to some.
To be honest, I'm not particularly concerned about my own contributor value. It is what it is, and doesn't affect whether or not I make a giveaway. I don't really understand this mentality...
Personally I think it's slightly sad that people are clambering up onto their soap boxes, angrily beating the drum, about how Steamgifts (a free site) is cheating them out of a contributor value, when in most (if not all) cases that figure is still far in excess of the amount they paid for the games, even taking into account the diminution of the figure over time.
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That'd be fine, too.
The vast majority of giveaways that I see here (I use filters so I could be wrong) are games that are already on sale. If the mods implemented an across-the-board measure that would lower everyone's contributor value to the amount that was actually paid--not that such a thing would even be possible--then there would be much lower values for nearly everyone. It would be the reverse of contributor value inflation.
And if that happened to everyone, then things would still be fair.
I paid about 20% of my contributor value in real dollars. If values were set to Actual Money Spent, and everyone else's value dropped to 20% of what it previously was, we'd all still be on even footing.
It's the unadvertised and (as yet) unjustified decrease in value that bothers me.
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I hear what you're saying and yes, the best way to stop any bickering would be to credit all contributors with the actual price paid. Obviously, as you say, this is impossible, and to even entertain the idea as some sort of panacea is a waste of time.
There is no easy fix, but for me, to make a big issue of this is majoring on the minors. For the most part, Steamgifts is a great site, well implemented, and well run. Most of the things which annoy people are in place as countermeasures against people intent on cheating the system - people giving away bundle games when they were outlawed, people trying to abuse the contributor system, so and and so forth.
The $30 bundle cap was a decent, workable compromise. Since it's not possible to track actual contributions, the way it works right now is good enough IMHO, and I just can't bring myself to get bent out of shape about a $20 drop in my contributor value, etc.
I don't mean to be a dick, and I understand where you're coming from to a point, but I just don't think it's a significant enough issue to merit getting upset about. Contributor value just isn't that big a deal.
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Easy words from someone who's only given away bundle games and $0.75 worth of DLC.
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It means something to me. It means something to OP. I'm sorry you disagree but you don't speak for everyone.
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I'm not clear on what you're saying.
Are you telling me that my opinion is irrelevant in the face of yours or are you telling me that I have not contributed or participated enough to have an opinion?
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I wish I had the money that Crossbourne and Mike have, so that then I could afford my contributor value not mattering.
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I wish I had enough money to throw around that I could develop a self-righteous attitude that would allow me to tell people who have less but who wish that life wasn't so hard that they were being materialistic.
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Dude your just pitying yourself, its pathetic. I am probably poorer than you, in fact I can almost guarantee it; i've still found ways to be generous and never complain about it. The only only being self righteous is yourself, acting as if your so victim; I wasn't even attacking you lol. Sorry if you think your opinion matters. Oh bye the way, good bye.
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Make your point, then say the conversation is over.
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Yes, because the reason I give away games is for the contribution value and the giveaways I'll be able to enter! Yay!
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I'm assuming this is a sarcastic post, in which case you're re-stating what I intended to state, even if I didn't do particularly clearly. Thanks for the concision assist :)
Either way, hi Crossbourne!
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I know that I don't deserve my 27€ contributor value (I only spent €2 for TBOI and the DLC during the summer sale) but I never complained about my contributor value. I'm fine with the system how it is now but it's annoying to see people complaining about a fair system.
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I believe it's considered as an exploit from somewhere but I have no idea where and how...
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"Red Orchestra price dropped and Nuclear Dawn re-added to the bundle list."
that's ridiculous. nothing should work like that. why does this affect past giveaways? I paid for a 4 pack of nuclear and decided to give a copy away. now I am being punished. If i Gift a 50 usd scyrim now and it costs 10usd tomorrow, will my contributor value decrease?
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Yes it will. And if you are giving away things for increasing your contributor value your are doing it for the wrong reasons IMHO.
Anyways, did you spent thos 106$ on the games you gave away? Did you?
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your are doing it for the wrong reasons IMHO.
So you get to choose what the right reason is and then dismiss anyone who disagrees? Considering that such a thing as a listed Contributor Value even exists, I'm not seeing any real justification it's wrong to give away games to increase one's CV and thereby gain access to a few of the more selective giveaways. Just "your humble opinion," which is frankly not a fantastic argument.
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So I can't state my opinion or what? I did not try to argument anything I just stated that I believe that contributing just for getting to high CV value tiers is not the best or the reasons.
Would you like to know why? Well first of all you have to contribute A LOT to see a significant decrease on the amount of entries, therefore having your chances increased. So if you only do that for the higer chances, join a closed giveaway group which is easier and cheaper that the other way round.
There you have your arguments, but I didn't know I had to justify every single opinion I hold.
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Yes. And these restrictions are in place to prevent abuse of the contribution system. The alternative to these restrictions, was removal entirely. I'm sorry if you somehow feel burnt, but why does this contribution matter to you? The odds are miniscule even with the contributor status, you should just give games away for the feel-good factor, not the contribution status.
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First of all, when referring to post someone wrote you can use "reply" button so the person would know you wrote something to them (that is main reason for "view replies" tab)
And for your question - yes, if the price in steam store drops so does the point value/contrib for this game. Therefore if you gifted 60$ game week ago and it got its price fixed for 10$ today it will be treated as 10$ game from now on.
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Yes, yours and everyone else who gave that game. Every one of us will see it's contributor value decrease when game prices go down.
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No giveaways in 3 months and my contributor amount hasn't moved an inch.
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Price drops have always affected contribution value, even before contributor giveaways. Out of simplicity, we'll say it affects everyone (in general) equally. The people who it's going to hurt the most are the people who give out the more expensive/newer games. People who are stingy with their contributor value in the first place are unlikely to be giving out games such as that in bulk unless they got them cheap/free to begin with by whatever means.
Excuse me my generalizations
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Until some bundle features them in the future? Or get re-priced, like Red Orchestra?
It does sound like a legitimate complaint. Bundle deals only seem to be increasing, as more stores and organizations get in on the concept. More expensive games see price drops over time. And Ubisoft just showed that companies are still willing to give out easily exploitable offers.
The site makes contributor amounts important because of contributor restricted giveaways. Some people just do low values, but others put high values. The front page current has three $100 limited giveaways. There have been giveaways that required $1000 or greater to enter.
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Invalid point. Every game on the bundle list has a start date added alongside it. This means that even if you give away a game, and it gets bundled later, you will receive full value, even after the bundle, as long as you gave it away before the bundle had finished.
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Except games tied to goals in the way that Groupees will add in games tied to the number of bundles sold are lazily backdated to be effective at the start of the bundle. This is quite obviously wrong as the games are not available from day 1, and the identity of those games are almost certainly not even known then.
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There have been many cases were the bonus games were leaked, or speculated upon before the bundle released. I myself was able to correctly speculate the games in a bundle before it was released, going by hints. Now, let us think hypotheticals. Someone speculates that a game will be added, either by CDR snooping, or other methods. They create a giveaway for it, that ends before it is added to the bundle. They have 1 week to send the game, and in that 1 week they have to send it, they recieve the bundle game. There really is no other option than making bonus games bundle giveaways since the start of the actual bundle.
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Yeah, but it does suck a little if you buy a previously bundled game in a Steam sale then give the tradeable(!) copy to someone. You'll only ever get the bundle value, even though it was bought outside of a bundle. E.g. Cogs.
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If Bundle status eventually timed out, anyone who wanted to exploit bundles for contributor credit would just sit on the keys until they returned to full value.
Even now there are giveaways created for bundles that ended months earlier.
Someone elsewhere suggested a system where value was determined by the rarity of the giveaway. Instead of reduced value for bundles and exploited titles, judge value on how common that title currently is. Bundle game value would automatically deflate in such a system, and only gradually restore with time and after the flood dies down. Post a rare game and get full or extra credit, and bonuses for posting wishlist games. But such a system would be a lot of work, and it is understandable why no one would want to try to implement it.
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My goodness, please do not leave!!!
opens the door
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I bet necromancer was your favorite class in Diablo 2
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The guy's post was 30% question and 70% whinging. This is pretty much mirrored in the responses.
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Question: 87 letters, his opinion: 63 letters
Total: 150 letters
Sounds more like 58% question & 42% 'whining' (aka: expressing your thoughts on the topic).
Unless you're just going by an unwarranted and completely juvenile bias rather than a factual break down.
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Depends on how much of it you consider a question. Personally, I count 24 characters as being a question, and 54 characters of whining. Where the 45 additional characters go is up for debate, depending on whether or not you consider passive-aggressiveness a "question". I also failed to count spaces, as you did. Makes the split a little closer to 19.5% question, 43.9% whining, and 36.6% up for grabs.
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Question and whinging:
Outright whinging:
"Yesterday I was sitting at 106 US dollars now it's 83..." < 42 letters
"Very demotivating. Makes me wanna not do any more giveaways...." < 49 letters
So, in summary, 28% question and 72% whinging. Still, let's disregard the factual breakdown and go for an unwarranted and completely juvenile attack on everyone in the thread.
If this is your idea of "a flaming" and a "shitty community" you've never played DOTA 2...
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Condescension to a tee. Just what I would have expected.
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Agreed. This community leaves a lot to be desired. Full of pompous people bleating about how contributor value shouldn't matter and that they only give for the warm fuzzy feeling. Which is complete and utter crap. If they didn't care, they wouldn't celebrate with special giveaways for the other forum lurkers upon reaching x dollars in contributor value.
A game is a game is a game. Whether it came from a bundle or an awesome (bundle) deal on Amazon. It is still a game, and the value to the winner is the same. They got the game and they didn't need to spend x dollars to get it. So why should the person giving it away not get the value of x dollars as their contribution?
Then there are the cries of "learn to use the search function" when someone asks a question that perhaps others have as well. Who cares how many threads there are about the same or similar topic? If you don't want to read it for the umpteenth time, then don't read it, just move along. Instead they take the time to be all irate or condescending and respond to the OP, not with a useful or helpful response, but with derision and grandstanding comments of how much better they are because they already know the answer and didn't need to ask.
TL;DR? It is quite simple, the community here should either be helpful or just shut-up.
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The value isn't the same, though. I agree that value shouldn't go down after the giveaways been made due to a game's deflating price over time, but there is a limit. A person who knows the game was in a Humble Bundle they could get for a dollar gets 1/x value for that giveaway where x is the number of games in the bundle....pennies. Meanwhile, a person that doesn't know about the bundle and thinks the only way to get the game is full price gets y value from the giveaway, where y is the value of the game, or at the very least the lowest price they think it would go on sale for.
TL;DR, people get different amounts of value for the giveaways. The contributor value reflects that as best as it can, by assuming that everyone knows about the bundles. Is that right? Not entirely. The problem is just that for the ways they could try to fix the system, there's usually still an exploit. By being so harsh, it's not really easy to exploit the system. Though, again, that does hurt the contributor. Depends really on how much you care about your contributor value. Personally, I'd love to have a high contributor value. Get in more giveaways. But I know that would simply inflate the amount of people with a high contributor value, meaning everyone could get in those giveaways, meaning it would be pointless. Hard thing to deal with effectively, you know? They're trying.
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Then don't give anything away. No one cares about your silly abused games. Damn key abuser.
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What are people gonna do when they've been here a year and their contributor value drops to zero or drastically decreases? I don't look forward to the day that happens. (I really think this needs to be in the FAQ because people are going to be mega-pissed that they didn't know about it.)
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Well you gave away two games you got for free and are marked as bundle ones and Bastion, included on HiB so you can't get pas 30$ CV
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Why does this work like this? Yesterday I was sitting at 106 us dollars now it's 83....
Very demotivating. Makes me wanna not do any more giveaways....
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