It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
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They dropped it down to 25 the last 2 years.. guess they dropped it to 20.
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That's better IMHO. Otherwise they fill up the bundle with pure cr..p.
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...but it's MORE crap, meaning it feels like you get more for your money, even if it really just means more to giveaway...
I've yet to purchase a single Yogscast Bundle, so I guess it's still mostly crap after all, regardless of how many items are in it
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its total crap for many years already. I dont see it changing that year and the games given up to now prove me right...
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Smh.. can't believe Rapture Rejects is in there. It's online only and no one plays..
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Well that’s a bummer since it’s the only game I’ve redeemed so far. Should have checked if it was actively played I guess.
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It looked so cool too. Worst 75 cents I've ever spent.
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I have to agree it really does look kool and like it would be a lot of fun. I've had it since the HB monthly it was in and never found a match. I wonder if we organized a few Lets Play Sessions in the future if people would be interested in joining?
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I think people play at a specific time on Saturdays according to a few posts I read months ago. I'm just not too into having to make future plans in order to play a game.
I stumbled upon Super Animal Royale a bit after being let down by Rapture Rejects, it looked similar and is actually quite fun. The devs are also smart enough to fill up the matches with bots when needed. Updates are pretty frequent too, which is promising.
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Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack:
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Yeah, right. :) Anyway, it's a skip for me. Bundle-wise I don't think it'll be worth it with all the DLC fest.
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The important thing is this is for charity (100% of your money goes to charity)
100% of my HB purchased bundles always go to charity.
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I prefer giving money to developers. They too deserve money for their work. So it's like 50/50 for me. I just give the little bit to Humble. Really really little bit.
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+1. I have most of the games, but have two new 'real' ones and the beta for Dreadlands. You'll see the ones I already have here on SG once the new year comes around and things settle down in the BatBroch...
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If people wanted to give money to charity, they would give money to charity. Bundles are for games. Charity is a bonus, I think.
I bet people will hate me, but that's just truth. People don't buy this JJ for charity, because they can literally give as much as they want on any day of the year. People buy this bundle for games. And they want games they will play.
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Oh look, trashcast again. No thanks, I'm just gonna sit and laugh at all the fools who keep buying this stuff and be all like "it's for charity".
Early unlocks are already laughable.
Edit: Yes, keep those blacklists coming, let the salt flow through you.
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I'm not hating, just making fun of. I'm sorry I don't trust charities, and don't believe that at least some precentage goes to the needs of people that those charities are supposed to help. Thx for bl.
P.S. maybe in US all your charities are legit, I dunno, not in my country.
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If people wanted to give money, they would do that without bundle. Don't tell me You believe people are buying this for charity. They are not. Bundles are for games and it's charity what is a bonus. Otherwise all those thousands of people would just donate any amount of money to any charity they wanted. Right?
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No, wrong.
Sure, the games are, prolly, the highest reason why someone is buying it.
But I think there are alot of people out that are just like "yeah, most games are pretty shitty in there... but games + doing smth good is nice... so lets buy it".
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Bundles are for games and it's charity what is a bonus.
I won't even keep but a couple of the games, so I certainly didn't do it "for the games." And since I'm not arrogant enough to believe I'm unique in any way, I'm certain there are others who are buying it for charity. It's $30, whoop-dee-doo, and I'm a sucker for children/animal charities.
Also, you can donate by buying the bundle and by donating directly. Again, I'm certain there are others who do both.
Edit: (from your comment below, so I don't have to submit two replies)
I would rather want it to be quality bundle, so MORE people would buy it because of the games and then it goes to charity too. Don't You think this would be win-win thing?
Now this I agree with, but it's whoever donates game keys for the bundle that determines the quality.
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Laugh all you want. I bought it. The money is going to a charity close to my heart. I know most of the games will be shite. Not sure why anyone would expect to get expensive stuff in return for what is essentially a charity donation. You keep your money and let us do what we think is a nice gesture.
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It's not about expensive games. But look. You literally get CRAP. Or DLC to game You have to buy. That's why people get mad. And I definitely have NOT bought this game because the charity. It's an addon for me. I bought, cause there is Omensight here. And maybe there will be a few more games that I would like.
I can donate money even half a year later. If I want. So I don't get the "charity excuse". It doesn't really matter if it's charity or not. So really. I would rather want it to be quality bundle, so MORE people would buy it because of the games and then it goes to charity too. Don't You think this would be win-win thing? If games were better, people who don't want to donate momey would buy it and more money would be sent for charities. But now... many people won't buy it anyway. Cause if they wanted, they would do it long time ago.
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So I don't get the "charity excuse". It doesn't really matter if it's charity or not.
To some people it does, to some people it does not.
I would rather want it to be quality bundle, so MORE people would buy it because of the games and then it goes to charity too.
Considering the developers get no money for it, this is already an insanely good bundle. You don't get <insert popular highly rated game> in a $0 bundle, no matter how many people buy it.
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I hope one of them unlocks turns out to be "That Dragon, Cancer" cause it would fit perfectly with this bundle.
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Why would you think he was trying to be funny or make a joke? The game "That Dragon, Cancer" is a story game about the creator's son battling through cancer, which would fit nicely for this charity bundle. Next time do some research before accusing random people.
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I just want to thank you for making this post.
My dad had cancer, though after you shamed an innocuous comment he started making an incredible recovery. Even his balls are growing back normally, and--heck--they think he might end up with a spare. That's how much you've helped.
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All the best jokes are rooted in truth :-)
Dad with cancer? Yes.
Testicular? Nah prostate, though balls flowed better for the premise.
Miraculous Recovery? Eh, sort of.
Helped by self-righteous gatekeepers shaming creative expression? No fucking way.
The comedic potential of taboo subjects like cancer in skilled hands? Proven with unstoppable growth.
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Bundle proceeds go to charity, and one of the charities that can be chosen is the Stand Up to Cancer organization.
So no, it wasnt a joke assuming that the commentor was trying to link a possible bundle game's subject matter with one of the charities that benefits from the bundle.
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Last year this bundle led me to start giving away all my unredeemed bundle games, and I wound up finding this great community. ❤ So this bundle has a soft spot with me.
A few things worth noting this far about this bundle:
$30 for ? items (Steam games + DLCs + others)
FTFY, not $35.
This means a max CV of $106.20 assuming all games & DLC are already or will be reduced value. This can decrease when any no value games & DLC are revealed.
IMO 3.5 CV to cost isn't terrible. Retail value is $10 more than last year and has a chance at overtaking $94.55 CV.
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack contains a dummy app id so that people who already own the game and the DLCs can still activate this key and effectively waste it.
Wow...haven't heard of that before. Is that a new low even for Paradox?
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This means a max CV of $106.20
$708 retail value is calculated including the non-Steam stuff, as far as I know. In the end, the CV will be much lower than 106.20.
Wow...haven't heard of that before. Is that a new low even for Paradox?
Paradox is famous for doing such things :)
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That happened to me once. I bought the game Betrayer on Steam back in 2014. Later I got a key on a bundle and when I was activating the games, the Betrayer key got redeemed as well. I contacted support back then and after a few messages with me pressing them and not giving up, they agreed to transfer the key to a steam account of my chosing. Since then I never try to randomly activated any steam key that I buy. First I make sure I don't already own that game so I don't have to go through that again. After all, steam support really is useless and a pain in the a**.
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I too try to be careful of not activating something I already have.
Happy cake day!
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Unless there's a RU/CIS special sub (I can't find any at the moment), the actual sub provided in this bundle does not have any locks. It can also be that people from those countries don't receive a key at all, but that has to be confirmed.
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No, I'm saying I need more time to research this / more input from others who purchased it.
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Finally found it:
So: People from the countries listed here will get a region locked key that activates only in these countries.
Everyone else will get a ROW key that can be activated by the people from the locked regions too.
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last year was just to bad...
I would love to spend some money into bundles like this but this feels just not right.
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Pass. $30 is a little much for me right now, even though I did just pick up RE 2 remake last night off HB. Cheapest I have personally seen.
Yogcast, in the past, has only had maybe one or two games that interested me or my friends.
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Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack doesn't give you missing DLCs...
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I'm not sure what you're saying, could you be more specific?
The key from this bundle contains an extra item that is not visible in your library, but which makes the key redeemable for you even if you own the base game + 5 DLCs already.
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Last year was the first time I bought this bundle so it’s a bitter-sweet memory. Today seems okey but I am only interested in one game from the batch and I am (reeeeally) tight on money so I will think about it. If my boyfriend played steam it would solve my christmas present hunting and everybody would be happy.
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Now we'll see how many people have so much time in December, that they tell here day by day how shit this bundle is and how much they don't care after each and every unlock. We have a dozen or two every year who has nothing more important than being spiteful about something they don't even willing to pay for.
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Nothing wrong with sharing opinions though, whether you like or dislike something. You could say the very same thing about people who write how they like the bundle and the games, do they also have nothing better to do? One could even go as far as to say that you have nothing better to do than to be spiteful about people sharing opinions ;)
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that they tell here day by day
Missed that point.
And then something-something you shaming my opinion and single comment about someone daily revisiting the topic to tell that how shit this, with no intention to buy it at the first place.
We can cuddle-hug all the complainers and then wonder why the rampant negativity. You know, you won't see me go and comment on every bundle I don't buy how bad they are (that would be like 14/15). Partially because I value my time more, and partially because no one on earth is interested about how little me doesn't like/want something that is irrelevant to them.
Useless statements disguised as opinions are useless. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hell, many opinions are useless as they are only about the person, not the product, so they are no use other than giving unwanted info about the person. Shit bundle? Ok, they don't like it. But why? Is it bad, discontinued, not working or great but different genre? Without knowing these, it's just someone yelling at clouds because they can
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Useless statements disguised as opinions are useless. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Hell, many opinions are useless
Indeed, and it applies to the opinions that both praise and criticise the product. There's this bullshit notion in the gaming community that criticising something is unacceptable. Always took you for a reasonable person, so I was just surprised that you think that way.
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Useless =/= unacceptable. I just literally don't care that X person doesn't like it, because it has no information to it about the bundle I may be interested in. Someone saying only that it's bad is just as useful as sharing what they ate for breakfast. It's not more than a bump/spam. I would never ban or punish people for that in any way - someone just talking to themselves on a public forum is just something I have low tolerance towards, it's a pet peeve
But returning to the root of everything after being sidetracked about how not reasonable I am: I don't want to put up of yet another year of "HAHA I TOLD YOU THIS IS SHIT, 14TH DAY IN A ROW STILL USELESS DLC WITHOUT GAMES, LOLOLOL I'M JUST LAUGHING AT YOU TOOLS, LUCKILY I DIDN'T BUY" comments that constantly bump these topics - through weeks!.
I have shared my opinion how useless that habit isis, I have the whole topic hidden with ESGST. Everyone is free to have their show/sharing thoughts here, I'm very reasonably ignoring the whole ordeal and I'm super happy that I can do that because it keeps me away from the thing I don't like.
There is a difference between me thinking & saying that something is unproductive and possibly negative, and me actively trying to stop people from doing that. It's the thing you referred to at your first comment: opinion, that is not forced on anyone.
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You know, you won't see me go and comment on every bundle I don't buy how bad they are (that would be like 14/15). Partially because I value my time more, and partially because no one on earth is interested about how little me doesn't like/want something that is irrelevant to them.
Same here. I often find it much easier to simply ignore a bundle in which I have no interest.
This isn't at all about silencing negative criticism of a product, it's about the over-zealousness of people who feel they need to announce it, then announce it again, and keep announcing it every time they see the thread's been bumped (or even any remotely related thread in some cases ... i.e. anything to do with Humble Bundle). Then there's also the "vehemence" with which they announce their criticism, which often goes over the top itself ... but that's another topic entirely.
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🎁❤🎄 Humble Yogscast Jingle Jam 2019 🎄❤🎁
$30 for ? items (Steam games + DLCs + others)
1 Dec 2019 - 01 Jan 2020
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
Useful links:
Jingle Jam MEGATHREAD on Reddit
Yogscast' live Twitch stream
VODs on Yogs Live
Yogscast Jingle Jam 2019 - System Requirements
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Starter Pack
Super Chicken Catchers
Cannot be redeemed in China. China customers probably don't get the game.
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
Free extra content that you can claim:
Pay $5 or more to unlock:
Pay $30 (about €27.32) or more to get to get these games... and more added EVERY DAY through December 20th!
Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll.
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