Do you like to buy bundles for charity (HB, Fanatical, Yogscast...)
Used to bought 1€ bundle on humble on 2020-2021 (Humble Headup Games Band Boost Bundle / Humble Codemasters Bundle 2020 / Humble 1C Publishing Bundle / Humble Let's Fight Bundle / Humble Québec Indies Bundle)
And Humble choice on 2021-2022 when it was 5 euros for all games.
Last purchase in on October 2023 (Humble Choice) because of the 4.50 € coupon.
According to my stats, i have spend 107€ on humble since 2020, so around 5-10 € of them have go to charity.
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Since they added the choice of choosing how much goes to who, I split my expenses equally among all parts. I don't remember if it was there when I started spending in HB. I could calculate how much I've spent in HB in these four years but I'm lazy.
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Except Humble Choice, I've been able to split 25% to each on almost every purchase I can remember. Devs, charity, HB and referral. There are three options. Default, extra to charity, and custom amount. Except for a brief period where they removed custom amount, I've always used it.
Even with that, I've seen that my contribution to charity doesn't go above $400. Not that I've spent so much on HB, I guess it's a decent amount.
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While I generally love Humble Bundles, I'd rather pay a little less for my games and give to charities I chose. Not because the charities they pick are bad, but because every dollar they give is a tax write-off, which in turn reduces the taxes the company pays. If someone benefits from tax deductions, I would prefer if it was the customers.
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Yup. Their "generosity" is paid for by tax deductions and used in PR stunts like this one. And on top of that, as you mention, our ability to choose the charity we want is a rare sight these days.
I sure miss the days when we could pick our charity for (almost) every single bundle, and when we could fully move the sliders as well.
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Is that not a thing anymore? I remember donating to this bird sanctuary in California, for my last few purchases I haven't paid much attention to the charity I donate to but if that's the case, that's unfortunate. Love my bird loving fellas out there.
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Is that not a thing anymore?
It still happens, but it's getting really rare. I don't have proper stats, but the feeling I get is that it's barely 20% of the bundles these days. Used to be more like 90% a few years ago.
For instance if I look at the current 5 bundles, none of them allows a custom charity.
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No kidding? That's a shame. You can't even move the sliders anymore? The next bundle I buy I'll definitely keep an eye out on if I can choose a charity.
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You can still move the sliders, but they made them harder to find.
Also, they are now a little bit limited: unlike a while ago, you can't set one to 100% and the rest to 0, HB's share must be at least something like 15% (I believe I've seen that vary a bit, but that's the order of magnitude)
All this isn't really new though, there was a couple of big threads about that here, when the change was being implemented. I don't really remember when, something like 2 years ago I'd say?
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I haven't been on humble bundle long enough for that, I know you can't give 0% to humble bundle. I mostly balance everything out and sometimes if it's a good charity I always add a few percent on top. It's bizarre they did that though.
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Awesome impact. Atleast something good comes out of gaming consumerism.
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tryin hard, so much hard, to believe this. humble relation with charity was true years (and years) ago. hb will surely fall and die, that's why they bought for.
as of now can see how they talk bout that fuckin shit of a slider... can we get rid of it wtf
why not learn, instead, how to sell keys prior than actin as phenomenally generous... ?
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But seeing a video like this makes me feel proud for putting my little grain on sand on a huge beach. $250 million raised.
And yes, by the end of the vid I was genuinely moved.
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