people are selling it hib BTA gift links for 1 key each (which is like around 2$ each)

How so cheap when it clear value is 6$ ?

No, they are not retarded...

I hope I find someone who is selling at this price, i will buy tons of bundles from him :(

But why exactly is it so? Any idea?

Edit: Found half the secret - Can i give an ST link for that or will i get suspended?

1 decade ago*

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I bought the Humble indie bundle 9 for 12 cards with Bta and bonus
Thats like nothing.

1 decade ago

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Sounds to good to be true? It probably is.

1 decade ago

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Dirty bitcoins.

1 decade ago

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"Dirty"? Care to elaborate that? Like stolen? I have never really looked into the bitcoin currency.

1 decade ago

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Hubba hubba.

Tell me more...

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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How English so cheap

Why do people call HumbleBundle HiB, there is no i in HumbleBundle?

1 decade ago

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Humble Indie Bundle

1 decade ago

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Because they're stupid.

1 decade ago

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It used to be indie so it was called HIB. Now I usually use that or H(I)B to make sure people know what I am talking about.

1 decade ago

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Buying from Europe and UK.
Prices in Humble bundle are in USD so
1TF2 Key= 1.79EUR

1 decade ago

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That's the non-BTA price. What OP said is that people are selling the BTA bundle that costs $6 for less than that.

1 decade ago

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l know right . this happened to me l bought one fr 2 keys and still curious l asked the guy and h said : my friends buys for me. wtf?

1 decade ago

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OP, would you mind telling us the answer (since you obviously figured it out by now)?

1 decade ago

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Guys, better check your Humble Bundle link, I think something happened as expected, beware.

1 decade ago

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they took your games?

1 decade ago

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From others, not me.

1 decade ago

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still got mine though ;)

1 decade ago

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I hope it stays that way.

1 decade ago

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please some proof... or it did not happen

1 decade ago

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Can't do it here without calling out, but who can sell dozens of BTA bundles for $4 without doing something illegal?

1 decade ago

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But this has happened to people that dealth with more than 1 trader ? More than 1 trader trader bundles, whos keys got revoked ? More than 1 trader is in on this scheme ?

1 decade ago

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Btw, this thread is pretty identical to this one.

1 decade ago

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This thread was pretty much dead until I linked it to the other one. :P But I think it's a good thing to keep alive both threads, at least more people will notice this issue.

1 decade ago

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@OP your edit, the 'half the secret', does it link to illegal activity or you don't want to call out ? Maybe you could take a screenshot and censor it out, or just give us the basics.

I read about people using others people's PC's 'bots' to do their Bitcoin mining.

1 decade ago

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Why would he? OP himself claimed that he is now making profit out of it ;p (selling HiB links for TF2 keys)

1 decade ago

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OP has figured out the secret to having rich uncles and is in on the scheme now.

1 decade ago

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Nice. I would not be surprised if the information gets leaked in the end.

1 decade ago

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Well, the secret is pretty simple: you find your long lost rich uncles!

1 decade ago

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Maybe they stole credit card :)

1 decade ago

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so the thread creator also went into re-selling those keys too now? I hope that you will be getting burnt from head to toe. no way that this could be legitimately purchased keys and you are supporting this..

1 decade ago

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Hib ppl said they are going look into this. we will see what they can do about it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just ask them - lol.
What if it was a mail ?
U need a link to cross the street ?

1 decade ago

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It was just a question, where you got your information from. Seems like you just guessing, thats why you're so mad.

1 decade ago

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Do you have a copy of that said e-mail (maybe blur out the names).?

1 decade ago

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That's expensive, I've found a guy on steamtrades who sold HB android 7 bta for 15 cards lol I just checked him out now, it seems he increased his prices tsk tsk tsk 35 cars or 2 tf2 keys for the bta.

1 decade ago

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maybe you guys find this thread interesting. i honestly don't know, if posting this link will already be treated as calling out (everybody seems to be quite scared of getting banned for calling out ^^). but i don't really care. this is about potential illegal activities here, and we should be allowed to provide evidence or indicators, which come from other members, which probably are involved in illegal activities.

i quit pirating games for several reasons, and i don't want to start again, and i especially don't want to start again without knowing! if these guys do something illegal, i want to know. i want to know, that i would put my account on risk by buying from them. and i am pretty sure, someone who sells 6$ for 2$ has something to hide. something that's most likely illegal. and btw, i think you can forget, that legal bitcoin farming will bring you any money. those times are long gone. no, the explanation must be something different. i guess it's either paypal chargebacks or stolen credit cards, or maybe stolen bitcoins or whatever.

in that link you can read from a poor guy who bought a hib url (bta for 2 keys), but didnt activate it immediately. the seller demands to activate immediately from his customers, which after the price is the second thing i find a little strange. why is it so important the the url is activated right after the trade? i see no reason for that, except the seller expects the url to be invalid shortly after.

there are also plenty of other strange things happening in that thread (probable lies of what happened, bad reputation for this 1 trade from 9 different guys...). i don't want to go into further details. what i will say though is that i asked him several times about why he can sell that bundle so cheap, and didn't get a single answer.

well, as i said. i want to know what is going on. and if these guys are buying bundles with stolen money, this can have consequences not only for them, but also for the buyer. so if anyone knows, how they do it - damn it, just tell us!

1 decade ago

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it is most likely a hidden secret that much, cause it really is illegal in some way. i still bet its related to bitcoins. cause just humble is using them and only the humble bundles are offered for way less than their original pricepoint!

1 decade ago

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Looks like people went to launder their money on HB since laundering with ARMA's ain't secure anymore

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by STAB.