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Awesome :D Another 2 decent games bite the dust because of some shitty Gleam GA. Luckily I already gave my copy of Lords of the Fallen away.
I wonder if website owners will ever understand that those people whose interest you can buy with 2 games that were sold for 0,50€ each recently are not the people you want as customers for your website.
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Yeah, if those keys are from the G2A Monthly Deal and have the same expiry date it's indeed not a big deal.
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But 0,75 € per game seems like a pretty high price for a promotional GA with several thousands copies (specially considering the way the promotion was set up with pretty much no chance of anybody even remembering for which shop the promotion was from) and SUPERHOT and LOTF aren't the games I assume lots of people would resell for pennies while keeping Siberia & Dirt. Also gamerobo (a SG user representing a smaller shop) claims that the devs that participated in the G2A Monthly Deal offered the same deal to various other sites. If that is the case I still assume the devs would put the same restrictions on all keys (expiry date) but it might be difficult to prove the origin of the keys.
Anyway I hope they get added back.
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0,75 € per game seems like a pretty high price for a promotional GA
They mass bought them to resell, but anybody who considers buying at resellers already did or picked from g2a directly.
So they had to get rid of excess stock before it loses all value.
That's also the reason why far less Superhot keys were in, those sell better.
the way the promotion was set up with pretty much no chance of anybody even remembering for which shop the promotion was from
not everyone knows how gleam works, they simply trusted it to turn out how imagined, not the first time things go not as planned ;-)
offered the same deal to various other sites
Quite interesting, but I have doubts for g2a to not secure exclusivity on such.
Maybe it is just used as an explanation why those games suddenly appear everywhere without necessarily being true. I just can't really imagine those devs to go round to offer that to every half shady reseller.
Do you have a link to that comment?
In any case, other sites won't get a better deal, so keys will expire everywhere 100%
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Quite interesting, but I have doubts for g2a to not secure exclusivity on such.
Maybe it is just used as an explanation why those games suddenly appear everywhere without necessarily being true. Do you have a link to that comment?
That's entirely possible and since gamesrobo isn't a well known and reputable store that's why I said claimed and If that's the case.
Here is the thread / comment I was referring to:
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through G2A Direct - B2B platform dedicated to sellers.
ah, so basically from G2A at wholesale price. Well G2A really knows how to squeeze out the maximum, haha.
(But no, that's not directly from publishers, they didn't offer it to anyone else but allow others to join in it seems. Fully legit though)
But this makes it sure, all keys will expire everywhere 100%.
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But no, that's not directly from publishers, they didn't offer it to anyone else but allow others to join in it seems. Fully legit though.
Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't think about it that closely.
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nice giveaway... too bad it ended that early. thanks madjoki.
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Dang it. Hope they stay in the giveaway list, still trying to win Superhot ...
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Awesome. I got Lords of the Fallen Deluxe. :D Thank you for the info.
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Ehm, not sure if it's working, but who wants to get a free Lords of the Fallen key? :D Comment here.
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So I bought Lords of the Fallen GOTY at 66% OFF back in a day (yes...I know) and Steam still activated the key for Digital Deluxe. How come?
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It's probably some weirdness with the way Steam packages things. I remember even seeing some dlc for some AAA games warn in the description that if you have the GOTY version, Steam still lets you buy the dlc despite the fact you already own it through the GOTY version.
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