Just occurred to me that people will be able to change their usernames when switching over to SG v2, and possibly even once every few months.

So a quick question, how are blacklists going to be enforced, by both the users themselves and the site? Not that I care since I don't have a blacklist of any sort, but it would be good to clarify.

P.S Thought of it after seeing DeltaBladeX's blacklist

10 years ago*

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Start making your blacklists with steam profiles instead of steamgifts names :)

10 years ago

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This should be asked on the beta site and I think it has already been asked/answered. Also you can only change your name every year Username Changes

10 years ago

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It will be integrated. You just have to click black heart icon on their SG profile. Changing username won't affect it.

10 years ago

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It will just be annoying to find all those people again.

10 years ago

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You won't have to.

10 years ago

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I mean if you have a blacklist now, it will be painful to manually transfer over to sgv2

10 years ago

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Not if you have the profile IDs. Also when data will be transferred over, the usernames will be the same.

10 years ago

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How would you go about doing it? For example, Delta's blacklist has over 500 people on it without profile IDs. He has to manually go to the sgv2 profile of each of the 500 people and click the blacklist button. Right now there is no automatic way to do this.

Also, we can now change usernames once a year without consulting support I believe, so if you're on a blacklist, it's a simple matter of choosing a new name immediately when you join the site.

10 years ago

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Aren't blacklists technically calling people out? Just enmasse.

10 years ago

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if you don't add reason of why they're on there, it's not

10 years ago

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How is it not? So basically people can say fuck you and insult users, and there doesn't have to be any motivation or reasoning behind it?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I don't think SGv2 blacklists will be public (unless you decide to post them with your giveaway for the sake of being an jerk or something).

10 years ago

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I can blacklist anyone for absolutely anything. Don't like your avatar? Blacklisted! Don't like the way you talk? Blacklisted! Just randomly pick out names to add? Yup!

So it's not really a list of people who did bad things.

10 years ago

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Oh yeah! Well I'm gonna blacklist your blacklist!

10 years ago

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SteamID can't be changed... You can assume site has internal id's for users that never change (because otherwise everything would break).

10 years ago

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Using OP as an example, this is what it will look like to the site, basically: http://www.steamgifts.com/user/id/76561198039161985

It's converted to a username for human convenience.

10 years ago

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It doesn't matter if someone changes their name on SGv2. If you're using the provided blacklist feature from SGv2, it's all tied to their user ID which doesn't change at all, unlike their name. If you're thinking of having a blacklist outside of SGv2, like that pastebin link you posted, even here on SGv1, you face a similar problem. You can actually change your username if you create a support ticket, though IIRC you can only do that once (?).

10 years ago

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My recent list has SG nick+steamid64.

10 years ago

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Same old elitism as before. Really tells a lot about these "generous" hypocrites, doesn't it ;)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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yeah - the fact that you don't want to support a guy who (just a few examples): cheated in your puzzles, leaked private GA, regifted or traded games he previously won on SG, tried to Scam you or other users etc. with a free game you paid for with your own money means you're a hipocit? Entitled much?

10 years ago

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The question is... Do I have to bring my own monocle to join the club?

10 years ago

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Top hats are provided, but yes, you must provide your own monocle. We had a nasty case of pinkeye sweep through the club following a game of Twister with some furries and a few stripper clowns.

10 years ago

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Luckily in your case, you don't need a blacklist to show your character. You do it perfectly well by leaching more than twice the wins than you have gifted and acting like we are bad.

All the people on my blacklist have broken rules. Some of them certainly didn't read those rules first, and so weren't aware they broke rules, but that isn't an excuse.

10 years ago

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try a bit harder Delta, you close to reach 500 blacklist, only 4 more to go

Haha, remind me if you have any special announced when that happen

10 years ago

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ahahaha just see im on that list - dont even know who you are and i never broken any rule

seriously - pathetic person

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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People can add whoever on their personal blacklist, it's not up to you, and it's not your business.

10 years ago

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Its unfortunate I can't include reasons for inclusion on the list, but people there did something to end up there, be it breaking site rules or one of the occasions I've added people who ignored private giveaway rules elsewhere, such as entering a no wins forum giveaway (I've done this for a few of them). This includes you. Rather than calling me pathetic, consider yourself such for whatever you might have done to get there. Not one user is there for a simple case of disliking the user.

10 years ago

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you are just a giveaway-nazi ....

you judge people by "how they look here in forum" "what they say" and so on ...

seriously - its your thing but when they bring this even as a feature on new giveaway site than they should bring the feature too for autoignore you - i dont have room for this selfmade - "hate"


edit: and to make itr clear - you break here 2 rules too and should be banned from forum anyway

  1. Namecalling (and this with a very big list)- you cant even say why add people to this list and you make it public so other people can block this people too even when their is no reason for this. You shit here on people, on sitemembers, forumusers just cause you dont like something they did or wrote in forum and make them looking like idiots. You are on a witchhunt ... and we have countrys where we could sue you for this and this site.

  2. Blacklist - is against the rules you can read it and it say no extra,special rules allowed in a public giveaway

10 years ago

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I can dislike people for their posts in the forums. I'm not a saint, I don't have equal love for everyone. I'm going to find people I hate, and certain types of posts can help with that.

However, I haven't added anyone to the blacklist simply for that.

10 years ago

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no? you havent? than show me why im on this list? can you?

i never broke any rule and never will ... and still you put me on a list and make it public to show everyone i am a "rulebreaker"

10 years ago

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1 - No, I can't tell you. Guess what, my memory sucks. I've forgotten my own name at times. Since I can't include the reasons on this list, that is lost to history.
2 - You broke some rule, somewhere. It might have been a private giveaway rule as I mentioned, an example being those forum giveaways intended for members with no wins, which some will pop in an entry for anyway, those I have blacklisted for. If anyone has gotten far enough to enter after ignoring the forum list title, the topic opening post and the giveaway description (and sometimes a toohard quiz asking questions as an extra layer), I'm going to chuck them on. Those were very simple rules.
3 - This isn't public. This is a list typically posted only in a number of my giveaways. I haven't gone out of my way to spread this, nor make users piss on certain members for being on my blacklist. The list itself has grown so big in the last 30 months that unless someone is actually looking for your specific name, they wouldn't even see you there.

10 years ago

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again - no
i NEVER joined any forum giveaway cause i just dont care bout all this special rule stuff

and its ok when you cant remember and put on a list "for you" and blacklist people "for you" its your right

but you make it public and call people out with this

for now ... im out here

10 years ago*

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Yes, I can't remember. I can't remember the reason most of those several hundred people are there, I'm not going to single out one person to be remembered.

secondly, you are an idiot, this is not public. But then, knowing that would require the ability to comprehend text.

Congrats on finding my last name, since I don't list that on Steam. My middle name is Phillip, and the country is New Zealand. Should you require further information for your laughable choice, please contact me.

10 years ago

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S-ir? C-can I ask your lawyer a question? blushes Isn't... Bringing up the "real identity" to the public forum more "illegal" than ... f ing nickname on a f ing list on the f * ing Pastebin? Nevermind, I'm just wondering, "Mr. Douchebag".

10 years ago

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  1. There is no calling out here since a blacklist only means that you have done something he considers worthy of removing you from his future giveaways, but it's not actually stating any offense. If there was a note about what rule you broke, or whatever reason he had you on the list, then it would be calling out.

  2. Once your blacklist is approved by support, you are allowed to use it on private giveaways.

10 years ago

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Ok, I am on this blacklist, and yes I do know why. [rant] What I don't understand is your reasoning behind this blacklist, your entirely unfair reasoning for what you judge as bad character, and why you feel so entitled to do this kind of thing. I have been a member of this site for around two months, and have jumped right into the forums and mechanics of this random giveaway site; maybe a bit too far, as I entered the 15000 copy sins of a dark age giveaway thinking that I might enjoy it.

Over the time that the giveaway ran I had decided that the game being an MMO/MOBA style third person (odd camera angle) kind of game that I don't play, but didn't remove my entry at the last hour because I actually had a chance to win a game. When I did win I decided that instead of being one of those people who redeemed a game such as this and never touched it, I would give it (hopefully) to somebody that would enjoy it. After being told by two people on the giveaway page, I found the rule on my fourth time reading the section (third that day). Though stubbornly I let the giveaway continue until it was ended and I was promptly suspended for 10 days, which was a wake up call, first ban for me.

It seems though you are not a good judge of character, as you are just as bad as the rest for sticking to your narrow-minded path of elitism that I have seen on this domain, you lack grace sir. I find it hard to fathom that on a giveaway site, in which the whole point is to give games to people who cannot necessarily afford them, let alone give them away - win games. There are people on this site who are better than me, I will admit that, and there are some of my friends that I have told about this site but cannot match the $100 entry that is about as useful as valves 30-day trade lock. Only here do I see a petition to raise the account value, and to deny people who have done something wrong in another humans eyes the chance to win in a site that is already perfectly balanced and random. Here is your wake up call Delta, you are no more of a human than they are, have sinned no less, have no right to judge, and are less of a man for feeling that way.
This comment was going to be written late at night in anger, as this thread pissed me off right through, but I thought about what to write most of the night and for a couple hours today. If there was a private messaging system I would have conversed with Delta through that, but this post will be public. Good day sir, you have lost my respect.

10 years ago

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You were not forced to join this site or keep using it. If you're here is because you accepted the rules.
Don't break the rules! And stop complaining!

10 years ago

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blacklist is against rules too ...

10 years ago

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Blacklisting is not against the rules in a private giveaway assuming you get it approved by support first

10 years ago

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They're not. Don't get me wrong, I'm against blacklists but rules are there to be followed.
A far as I know this isn't a democracy, and the only one that can say what is right or wrong is cg. If you don't like it, leave.

10 years ago

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So, I'm a poor judge of character for blacklisting someone who knowing ignored the fact they were breaking a rule keeping up a giveaway for an item they won? Guess what. You broke the rules, I saw you breaking the rules, you get a place on my blacklist. Simple as that. The site rules really are quite simple.

I don't much care for your respect. I'm happy enough with knowing I can't contribute to possible future rule breaking.

10 years ago

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You are really terrible at living up to your user name.

10 years ago

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why even care if you are on someones blacklist? it just means you have no reason in joining the giveaway of the person who has you on their list. I don't know if i am on someones blacklist atm, but probably i am if someone notices that i dont seem to be on one

10 years ago

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gasps Oh no! You're not on any blacklist? I must add you to one immediately!

10 years ago

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Some piece of shit added me once and tried to blackmail me for games, because he had noticed I had made giveaways that had ended without winners, and he thought I was exploiting the system for CV. He threatened to report me if I didn't give him games of keys.

Are you telling me I should not have a blacklist because that makes me a "hypocrite" ?

Should that asshole dare entering and win of my giveaways, are you telling me I can't have a blacklist and either give him the game or bear the "not received" mark on my profile ?

Enlighten me, what does having a blacklist tells you about us "generous" hypocrites ?

10 years ago

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Way to start christmas with the usual arguing -_- I wont even get into explaining my point as im tired of this BS and double standards. Everyone can do whatever they want, dont get me wrong.

10 years ago

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I always used a spreadsheet with two columns - SG nickname and Steam profile permalink for my blacklist. Take a look. But as others have pointed out - SGv2 will have integrated blacklist support, so no worries.

10 years ago

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far now i never had any blacklist, maybe i dont giveaway enough :x

10 years ago

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im ok with this - when people need this for their ego move on

but when you bring this in steamgift than make it fair - i talk about "auto-blacklist everyone who blacklist me" (autoignore please too so i dont have to even see this kind of people)


edit: and just for info Rules

10 years ago

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Whoa wait a second my name is on that blacklist um.
I need to know why?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Unfortunately, I don't keep a list with what each user has done to get their place on my list, so I can't be certain. I'll assume it was because of your actions long ago where you accepted three copies of DOTA 2 and tried to regift the extras.

There is also the more recent Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition. Guess you didn't learn your lesson the first time?

10 years ago

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Why should it matter if he tried to regift if it is a free game? :/

10 years ago

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Because he was breaking rules. He also broke rules later, well after he should have learned his lesson.

10 years ago

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it wasn't "free" back then - at the beggining dota2 gifts had some real value. Also they were adding real non-bundle CV. Plus what does it matter? He broke the rules. The rule is "do not regift" not "do not regift unless it's free game".

10 years ago

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I was part of the closed beta... It was always free, people were desperate/idiots by giving it real value ($$$).
It shouldn't have CV value to start, but if he got 3 gifts of the same game at same time (or wasn't at same "wave"?Then he is wrong!) what better to distribute than here?
EDIT: I am not saying about the site rules, the point is:Was it bad enough to put him in a personal blacklist?

10 years ago

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He tried to profit from it. The site rules state you are to win a copy only for yourself. He won three, and tried regifting the rest for CV. Even ignoring that, he has broken the site rules again since then.

10 years ago

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Considering the fact that I've been blacklisted at least once just for the simple reason of 'I thought you were a fucking douchebag.' from a simple argument that literally no one even understood(You know who you are, and this was ages ago, about 3 years ago when I first joined the site) and yet because I was new, everyone listened to the other side and to this day it still hasn't been explained to me why I was blacklisted. The person even admitted that they don't remember why and yet they won't take me off because they "don't like the look of me" even though that makes no sense at all. rolls eyes.

Look at any forums community. People walk around in 'groups', sure, but there's always a dominant 'cool group' and people get shit on in most communities to the point where they're pushed around by even mods from a ridiculous argument where everyone is bandwagon-ing. I've seen threads here where people have gone so far as to say 'wow this guy is breaking the rules, blacklist him even though we have no proof' and the mods did... Nothing? Despite at least a few people blacklisting him for being misunderstood, at the very least.

Point being, enforcing blacklists would be ridiculous and everybody knows it and yet people love it because it's a form of control in most cases. It's fine if you have a legitimate reason but the majority of blacklists so far are personal 'I hate this person' lists. There's a simple rule-of-thumb. Treat people nice, you will be treated nicely in return. This community is awful and that's lynch-material right there just by me saying that because apparently I'm, y'know, not entitled to my opinion.

If it was implemented with some common sense, perfect. Either way, it's probably going to be implemented.

10 years ago

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The new method will be site integration. It will prevent the blacklisted member from seeing any giveaways from the other member, entering any if they get the link elsewhere, and if I remember correctly, prevent the blacklister from entering anything from the other user.

I'm willing to live with that loss. A drip in the ocean. :P

10 years ago

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Yeah, I got that part. It's basically a 'block' or 'ignore' system. Blacklist just sounds... Too cruel.

10 years ago

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It's not, why would you want to give a nice gift to someone who you don't like/ you hate / said something bad to you/ whatever

10 years ago

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Blacklisting is based on 'I hate this guy.' That's borderline discrimination(albeit everyone might think that sounds stupid)based on personal emotions, especially considering the system of giving a game away is random and not to a specific person. You are excluding the person from participating. There ARE tons of giveaways here but blacklisting spreads so that kind of becomes irrelevant at some point. Ignore/block gives a worse-sounding impression.

10 years ago

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This sums it up very well.

10 years ago

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just time to blacklist blacklisters ...

10 years ago

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As already mentioned, it would also block me from your giveaways the moment I blacklist you. So, since I'll be blocking you for whatever you did, I won't have future access to your bundle giveaways.

Such a pity.

10 years ago

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YEAH! I'm sure they will be sad when they wont be able to enter all your giv... oh wait.

10 years ago

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There's some really disgusting people in this community.

10 years ago

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It sure was necessary to necro this thread just to say that, Captain Obvious.

10 years ago

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Necro? The last post was only 4 days ago, thats no time at all

10 years ago

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Yeah still, it was an inactive thread and this didn't add anything to it, so basically necro.

10 years ago

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