I hate how EA totally milked the BF3 franchise. BF3 Premium is like making customers pay for content they deserve for free. I'm so glad I sold my Xbox 360 before I spend any more money on it. Screw EA.
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Tbh, EA should get thier stick out thier ass and become partners with steam and start releasing thier titles on steam, would make them bigger aswell a LOT bigger, i know a lot of people who as myself havnt bought quite a few good EA titles coz well it isnt on steam so fuck it.
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well valve should buy is everyone out including shareholders so they make it private and dont care bout those sharehold aka money greedy
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No but EA did buy it out, just as they did with old Westwood.
Everything EA touches turns to shit.
I used to love the OLD C&C games now it is a fucking joke ><
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In a way they did.. just not directly. CoD is the spiritual successor to MoH. Google it and you'll probably find an article of AA's team left. Which is around the time MoH started to go downhill. Gee I wonder when CoD started going downhill..
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It doesn't hurt to ask. I guess Gabe was laughing his ass of!
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Maybe 16 trillion. Then we can make up for obamas mess he's gotten us into hey!
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Your country has been in debt for decades and you blame it all on your current president. You are stupid.
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I'm American and I take offense to that. You're stereotyping Americans as dumb ass southerners.
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I'm a dumb ass American and I don't know what you are talking about.
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Yeah and our populous still doesn't realize that the so called conservative presidents have put the US in most debt it had been in at the time of their Presidency. Started with Regan, then during Bush Sr,, we were in the highest debt at time, suddenly with Clinton there was a surplus, then even higher debt with Bush Jr.
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Basically, our choices are the party of big government, or the party of big government that lies about it.
We haven't had a truly "conservative" party in a long time.
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Ron Paul 2012. I don't care that he suspended his campaign. I'm writing him in anyway. Romney may understand how to fix the economy despite his numerous faults in other areas but Ron Paul understands how to fix the country.
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If it did happen we'd all bend over and take it, All we want is a good service and all our games in 1 place. Im sure even if EA had, they wouldn't have done anything with Valve, its a working system. And it would also benefit us with getting rid of Origin :P
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Im sure even if EA had, they wouldn't have done anything with Valve, its a working system.
Have you not been paying attention to EA for the past 15 years or so? That is EXACTLY what they do. Westwood? Bioware? Pandemic Studios? Origin Systems? DICE? All dead, gutted, dying. or a shadow of their former selves because EA runs them into the ground in the name of short-term profits, because of their horrendously backwards management philosophy emphasizing near-term (generally within the next 2-4 quarters) profits over long-term sustainability.
Buying up valuable studios, then destroying them because of their obsessive tendancy to fix what ain't broke, is EXACTLY what EA's business model does.
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EA would move everything to their servers (origin)... they will ALWAYS mess with things they shouldn't
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Yeah, Thanks for that.
Just to say btw, I'm sure they still want to buy valve too, but given Gabe's response, and the fact that the bid was already turned down means they are no longer wanting to...for that amount, so yeah. Anyway, thanks for the edit!
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<3 Westwood Studios, CnC Generals 2 sounds like a pretty bad nightmare, I heard they were going to make it free to play >.< I imagine a CnC4 style gameplay.
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People like you deserves aggressive attitude to straighten you up and are needed to be kept in isolation so your thoughts can't contaminate others.
You have a computer with internet access doesn't mean you can sprout whatever you can type. Freedom of speech is given to people so they can use it not abuse it.
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I hope that you're referring to God giving people freedom of speech. That's one of those things called natural rights which no person or entity composed of person's can take from you. They can certainly violate your natural rights but they can't take them from you or confer any additional natural rights to you.
Also it's impossible to abuse a right. Exercising your rights in a manner that other people disagree with isn't abusing them.
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The only good valve game is Portal 2. I think valve need to move out of the previous generation and quickly move through the current. Crappy source games.
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If Valve was bought by EA Episode 3(.1) woulda been rushed out asap and the preorder bonus for Episode 3.1 woulda been a coupon to get Episode 3.2 1$ cheaper.
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I've read 650 Millions somewhere in those links. They seem to have some money in their Icecream boxes ...
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Looks like you haven't discovered Mass effect, Dead Space, FIFA & Battlefield yet. Thanks them later
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The only thing I want EA to let go is the NFL rights to make the game. Let 2kSports handle the sports game.
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Bioware made the ME franchise, after they got purchased by EA, ME was certainly worse for ware. Pun-ny ;|
DeadSpace/2 certainly were not the the best games ever.
FIFA.. never played it, never will.
Battlefield use to be grand. 1942 is STILL fun. BF3 feels more like MW3 then it should. Granted still better then MW but not as grand as id like to think it could be. Though that certainly more ideological then factual.
That aside, if you had read my comment, you should have guessed that I was hinting at EA's quality and basic attitude towards consumers has been deteriorating for years. EA's core dev team isnt actually existent, its all OTHER devs that they bought up. All of THAT aside, I never said everything ever made or released under the EA logo was shit.
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EA originally started out as a publishing house. They never truly had a 'Dev' team as you put it until the late 80's (87 I think with Skate and Die). They eventually started purchasing Studio's to have more control over the project's in development and to cut costs, after all less sharing out if they own the team.
Also the EA Sport's team has not changed much at all over the year's since it was branded as such, which is what EA Canada work's under, which is the original EA team from way back in 83.
I agree that BF3 doesn't quite feel as 'big' as 42/2/Vietnam but with Armoured Kill you can feel the old game-play breaking through the shiny graphics which is great.
Fifa is probably one of the oldest game franchise still going, and definably one of the game's that keep's EA floating above the debt along side other EA Sports titles and a few of the big IP's (Mass Effect, Dead Space and so on).
An interesting thing about Mass Effect was, Bioware was bought during the final production day's of the game, whilst the game was being published by Microsoft. I'd love to know if Microsoft had any input on the first game's creation and what changed under EA's ownership.
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Kinne is right. Portal 2 was great but they need to make some better games. Crappy prequels and sequels. Its like a video game version of Apple. Bring the same shit out year after year.
The only reason Valve is worth so much is because they sell other companies games for profit. So really they rely on other companies for their survival. At least EA got to where they are by themselves, not hitchhiking on on other developers.
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What both of you are doing is nitpicking. Portal and Portal 2 alone have more quality than everything EA has produced in the last few years combined. And no, the Portals are not the best games ever, it's just that EA has turned into a developer of crapware.
This is why I can't take anyone saying EA is better than Valve seriously.
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tf2 runs great, what should we do?
valve: f2p!
tf2 runs ok, what should we do?
valve: mtp!
tf2 runs like shit, what should we do?
valve: mvm!
tf2 needs to be fixed NOW, what should we do?
future valve: another update that noone wants that will make the game run even worse, and continue our year long no-bug-fix marathon!
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Heck yeah thats a win for valve if they did that then there would be no competition :DDD hurray ! on side note i'm glad EA didnt buy Valve cause you know what would happen if they did... EA already has there own client so what better way then to completey shutdown valves steam client for good and make us use origin
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Well, if that would happen, they'd probably merge Steam and Origin into one client. They might even keep the name "Steam", because, hey, it's a very well-known trademark. And they'd own it anyway.
However, that would be a completely different Steam... With EA being EA and all.
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gaben's words: "we would rather disintegrate than be bought out"
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Ahh EA I love you :). If you bought out Valve my life wold be complete!
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JK. Please do yourself a favor and go die before someone kills you.
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I hope Valve doesn't buy EA. I'd actually like to be able to afford my games, thank you very much.
(P.S. If you don't understand, Steam will have a monopoly then and be able to sell $100 AAA titles.)
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Most recent Valve game: $14.99
Most recent EA game: $59.99
Sure thing.
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If valve moved out of source their games might be worth as much. I could get a better indie game than CS:GO
Quality of most recent valve game 3/10
Quality of most recent EA games 9/10
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I'll take an identical release of tf2 every year until 2062 over tf2 with 2062 bugs any day. I used to hate how EA releases the exact same game every year, but compared to messed up games that valve shows no intention of fixing...yeah, I'll go with EA
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Hahaha. You're complaining about the engine? What about the actual gameplay?
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Not if they want to make money they won't. Demand for PC games is ridiculously elastic and $100 probably exceeds what the average buyer is willing to pay.
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161 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
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1,107 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by RobbyRatpoison
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167 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Metalhead8489
So apparently EA tried to buy a company which is worth 3 billions for 1 billions. A company that has had a grown of 200% year after year since it's creation. A company that it's worth more that his, which has had millionaire losses the last years.
I think it would be more realistic that Valve was trying to buy EA before they kill themselves. What do you think?
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