Me, personally I can't live without owning all DLC's in a game, but I'm even more obsessed with playing all the games in the series. With exception for Mafia, of course, as it is too expensive because it isn't on Steam anymore. But I'm wondering, what "person" are you in this situation?

And of course, it does depend on what the DLC offer. Didn't add that to the poll, and now it's too late ;-;

8 years ago*

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Do you care about DLC's?

View Results
I'm obsessed with DLC's and I'm always buying the Complete Edition of games, and if the games are in a bundle and the game isn't Compelete Edition, I won't buy the games.
Meh, it doesn't matter..

If it has achievements then yes, otherwise no! :p

8 years ago

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Spotted the perfectionist :P

8 years ago

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I know the pain... Just bought some stupid cars for Grid 2 a few days ago on sale X)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Potato aka I buy GOTY versions 2 years after release D:

8 years ago

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Depends on what content the DLC offers.

8 years ago

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doesn't matter, unless it's good or really cheap.

like this war of mine dlc, it was just $1 and only gives you 1 achievement. bought because the game was awesome.

8 years ago

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I believe this isn't the DLC you should be comparing to others, since the money goes to charity.

8 years ago

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but i bought it only for the achievement. :3

8 years ago

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And you also bought it because all the money from the DLC will go to charity =)

8 years ago

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yes... right

and the achievement :3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Where is that gif from? :p

8 years ago

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i tihnk it's from lost girl <3

8 years ago

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Cool, thanks!

8 years ago

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Yes and no.

If its just skins, I don't care about them. But if it has actual useful stuff like maps and guns and characters then I will usually pick it up, though I usually wait till they are at least 75% off or more.

8 years ago

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It rarely matters, the base games are long enough for me anyway, playing the DLCs feel like a chore most of the time.

8 years ago

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but the completionist in me makes me do it

8 years ago

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having to buy dlc generally irritates me. ESPECIALLY if it's launch day dlc

8 years ago

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For achievements, yes. For really good extra content, yes. From Paradox, no.

8 years ago

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Crusader Kings II is the best argument for paid DLC

8 years ago

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Depends on the DLC. For DLC that introduces story content, I want to have it, for DLC that are cosmetic or introduces some minor items, I can usually live without them unless there's something extra fancy. Cheat DLC are a big no-no for me, any DLC that introduces items or other things that are only there to make the game easier are best avoided, in my opinion (and I'm still of the mind that things that just acts as cheats should be free).

8 years ago

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This is also how I feel. I will add to your list, that I skip are more maps for the multiplayer side of the game.

8 years ago

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same here.
I mostly buy DLCs if they are expansion packs. Sometimes I also buy DLCs if they add playable classes (War of the Vikings) or a minor visual feature (blood in TW), but I don't like what these developers are doing.

I also buy cosmetic DLCs for most of Paradox' games, because I think they are incomplete without them, but I don't think high of Paradox because of this practice

8 years ago

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I must have all gameplay content in single-player games, and preferrably weapons, items etc. Sometimes I want cosmetic dlc's, sometimes I don't. I barely play any multiplayer so I don't care for those dlc's for most games. I would never buy a dlc that has no content, like for charity or something.

8 years ago

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Only interested in DLCs if they add a reasonable new amount of content.

8 years ago

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Only buy If that's a story DLC !
Costume DLC, skin DLC ... forgot it !
Well, I miss the old day, when they released Expansion instead nonsense DLC nowadays !

Sorry for my ENglish !

8 years ago

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Only the good DLCs .
Like for example the Borderlands 2 DLCs , some of them are amazing , they add tons and tons of extra content to the game , so thats totally worth it .

Then you have shit like this : ....

8 years ago

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Wow, that's bullshit.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I kind of don't like it when a DLC adds achievements because it pressures into playing it - unless it's a good one. For example a grindy game getting a DLC with more grindy achievements is trash, if it adds nothing worthwhile to the game. While story DLCs for Dishonored also added achivements, and it's the bloody bee's knees, it's awesome :)
Generally speaking I like DLCs that give extra content - either more gameplay time with new areas / new story sections (like Knife of Dunwall in Dishonored) or adding replay value by variety , for example The Wrath of the Lamb for Binding of Isaac (technically it adds new things, but the gameplay basics stay the same)
I don't really like map or skin DLCs - if I buy them, then the main reason is it being cheap, or me wanting to support the game with more money. For example Magicka 1's dlcs are varied - challenges, bonus story for the main campaign, bonus new campaigns, and skins. But even skins give new mages with different weapons, staffs and robes - possibly different melee attack, bonuses for casting elements and strenght/weakness/speed based on the robe, essentially adding new characters to the game.

8 years ago

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Only story DLCs, or the "expansion"-style significant ones. Don't care about weapons and skins and multiplayer maps. One exception - Truck Simulator.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If it is actual content, then yes. If it is just a bunch of pointless skins or MP levels/models, then no.

8 years ago

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If there is more content made to give you some extra hours of your playtime and making it worthwhile, then yes.

If there are pointless skins for your characters and weapons and also charging for these, then no.

However, if I get a game that is heavily based on DLC's cough PAYDAY 2 cough and doesn't include them all in the GOTY version, then it's a straight no. This is just milking the game long enough till the devs or publishers decide to say "Fuck it! Let's abandon it. NEXT GAME!"

Borderlands 2 is an exception. Sure, the GOTY version doesn't include all of them, but it's significant enough. It leaves 6 DLC's out (I know, they should have included these as well), but if you're a guy who doesn't have the time or patience to experience everything, then these 6 DLC's are not for you, but if you're a completionist, then get these on a discount, they're not worth the standard price.

8 years ago

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For a lot of games, such as the Fallout or Civ games, DLCs make it an entirely different game. So yes, I care.

8 years ago

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Depends on the game. Some games have good DLC that's worth getting, and others have just a slew of garbage that either adds nothing to the game or should have been in the game in the first place; it really depends on the game and the DLC, though I prefer complete editions if possible.

8 years ago

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Yes. To support the devs mainly if the game is awesome (AKA Rocket League)

8 years ago

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Depends the game and the dlc, and the price

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Or just Episode 1

8 years ago

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Just love how game industry works these days. 40% main game 60% DLC's, or shortcuts that can open everything in game... And sometime you have to buy DLC's because of multiplayer...

8 years ago

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I almost always purchase them for games I enjoy. And yes, I realize it's an industry scam going in.

8 years ago

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