What can I do? I bought a russian Dragon Quest XI key and I can't activate with my vpn. Some months ago, I didn't have any problem to activate Mortal Kombat 11, but this game is a real headache...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Oh man...guess I have no chance to activate it, right?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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You mean you bought the game cheaper to save money? Seems very fair you can't activate it then. It is against Steam TOS to use such VPN to activate keys/buy stuff. I will report your account.

5 years ago

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Oh thanks for that...I just admit a mistake and you report me...

5 years ago

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Mistake? What do you mean?

5 years ago

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Buying a russian key, of course. I was an idiot? Yes. But I wanted to find a solution. I won't do this again, just want to solve this.

5 years ago

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Wow. I agree this is "cheating", but regional pricing is unfair AF to begin with... I don't do that VPN dance myself, but I sure understand why some people are tempted by it. It's sickening to see all games are always priced 50% cheaper (or even more) in Russia than in my region.

5 years ago

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Yes, specially when a game still costs 60€ after one year of it's release. I am not proud of this, this is the second time I try it and had to learn in the hard way.

5 years ago

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Unfair you said...
Didn't you know we have almost everything twice more expensive in Russia since 2015?
Bread, meat, milk, even fking fuel with own oil production

5 years ago

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Those are physical goods, for which price differences can be explained by real world constraints. Still unfair, but at least it's not just the shop owner who decides to fuck a whole country for arbitrary reasons like Steam does.
Although I'm curious about fuel: here we pay about 1.5€/L, I'd be surprised if Russian prices were double that...

5 years ago

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Nope. We pay 0.7-1.1€/L depending on fuel type. But you have to understand - Russian oil (as the rest resources) belongs to Russian people

5 years ago

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quick google: in Moscow today: octane 92: 38.90-44.16₽; octane 95: 41.90-49.99₽; diesel: 42.80-49.79₽; gas: 20.40-24.50₽

However at current €1=70,5475₽, while before 2015 it was about half than that, however salaries weren't updated much ever since, they are still on before-crisis levels, people don't get much €€€€, therefore everything is considered expensive for locals.

5 years ago

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nope, not unfair. you don't want to live in russia

5 years ago

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Definitely, he doesn't

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Well I don't know about your region, but for Russia the regional pricing is totally fair. By 2019, the salary of an average russian hasn't improved much and if the steam prices would be, say, like in the US - then PC games piracy could still be as big as it once was here. It also was really profitable for Steam to make buying games by legal means here more accessible. And because of all this, the games that were bought here are region-locked for CIS countries use only. Using VPN to activate such keys is bannable, and fairly so.
Also, I'm pretty sure that the regional pricing is controlled by publishers/developers of the games for a while now, so if, for example, they think that their game will make good sales even without applied regional price for that region, they can just set a higher, other region price

5 years ago

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On the flipside, japanese steam users often get screwed royaly by regional pricing and restrictions.

5 years ago

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That's toxic af, and FYI he did not break any rules.
It is forbidden to buy games on the store with VPN activated, however buying keys and activating them with a VPN isn't punishable. Correct your information smartass

5 years ago

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Out of curiosity, where does it say that it's completely fine to activate keys via VPN? I've always thought that it's againts the TOS to both buy through VPN, or to activate via VPN. You're circumventing something either way.

5 years ago*

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I've always thought that it's illegal to both buy through VPN, or to activate via VPN

Not illegal, against the TOS. Which are themselves kind of illegal. The irony.

5 years ago

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Yeah, poor choice of words. I meant against the TOS :)

5 years ago

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Actually the Steam subscriber agreement clearly states that it is forbidden to use a VPN to mask your country of origin FOR ANY REASON.

I suggest you stop giving advice on contracts you clearly don't understand.

5 years ago

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Mind your own Problems, not everyone is rich, thought about that too? Why you care about what others do, we all want just to have fun. But not everyone can do it or has enough Money for something.

There are worser things out of the Window, then that People buy cheap Keys and use VPN and such. I dont get it at all, no one gets hurt at all. If i would run something like Steaam or such, i wouldnt care what People do, they just want to have fun, play Games and all.

So fuck it and before you come and want to report me, cause think im one of them. I never used VPN and activated a Key with it. So your reporting would be nothing worth for me, my Account is all legal and they know it. ;-)

Care better what is happening outside your Window, if People hurt other People and such, not what People do in Steam with VPN.

Get that in your Head, not everyone has much Money to buy stuff at a full Price and besides, what if its wasted then for a bullshit Game and very buggy?

So dont have to be pissed, to have payed much for it. So saved for some other, better things in Life.

Life is already hard enough to survive and all things getting more and more expensive and like many times said already from me. Not everone has a wonderful Life, where has or earns much Money to have a litte joy like playing a Game they want. ^^

5 years ago*

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Real talk

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Who made you the Steam key police? And I believe it does not violate TOS when buying or activating keys bought from third party stores. It only violates TOS when you use a VPN to buy on Steam's store. It's basically none of Steam's business if you buy outside of their store. I could be wrong but I remember reading endless discussions about this topic and this was determined to be the case.

I don't blame people for doing it. Gamers in Australia and New Zealand get ripped off big time on video games. A $60 game for us can cost them $100-120, for a digital copy, which makes no sense.

5 years ago*

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Thanks, couldn't have said it better! That's what pissed me off about his reply

5 years ago

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Rather than just guessing, why don't you actually read the contract you agreed to when joining Steam

Steam ToS

What you're doing is giving people advice that could get their Steam account permanently locked. That's incredibly negligent.

5 years ago

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lol get a load of this salty weeb

5 years ago

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If I remember right Steam made some changes to their activation process to prevent exactly what you were trying to do ;) But I'm not sure where I read it 🤔

5 years ago

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Must be very recent then, because I remember I didn't have any problem with a russian MK11 key some months ago. Anyway, I already lost my money. Bad luck, my fault.

5 years ago

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I live in Russia. I had a situation where I won GA, but could not activate the key. I certainly did not spend money, but it was also a shame, although the author of GA warned that the key may not be activated in Russia

5 years ago

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It must have been quite many months ago since the full region restriction policy is getting nearly a year old.

5 years ago

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I activated the russian MK11 key maybe in april or may, no problems then.

5 years ago

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Sell it via g2a or kinguin. Or gift here.

5 years ago

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Thanks, guess it's my best choice

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

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let me call a friend

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Will he buy it?

5 years ago

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Will he buy it?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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No, but he activates it on sight!

View attached image.
5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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You need to change your steam store region to Russia too, in order to be able to activate it, that's the only way!

5 years ago

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It won't allow me. I already tried to do that with a vpn and only can change the region on the website version. Anyway, it's impossible for me to change it from the game client.

5 years ago

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I think I have a solution for you. You have to create one more steam account with active VPN and set the country for this account on Russia. Then activate the game there and add your main account as a friend. After that activate family sharing so you an play the game on your main account without VPN. It's the only one working solution i know. Important I don't use this myselfy so please search for this on Google to find step by step what exactly you have to do. I have read some times last 3 Months that people in my country are using this method now, because here are the games most expensive and many of them not available too.

5 years ago

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Family sharing cannot bypass cross-region blocks.

5 years ago

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so far i know it can without problem, but better read yourself

5 years ago

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vpn wont help you to activate. because steam s detected unusual activity on your account.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Buying Russian keys is always a bad idea. I remember buying Far Cry 4 RUS back then and yep, the whole game is in Russian lmao

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Simply trick to get English subtitles in Far Cry 4 RUS

C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\

Open the GamerProfile.xml with notepad.

Search for "language" (it should be at the top)

Change to "english"

Save and exit.

Audio requires swap files ;)

5 years ago

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I hated the game and really didn't ever wanted to reinstall it but now I'm gonna do it simply because of your post haha

5 years ago

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It could be worse. Much much worse.

Steam could lock your account for breaking their TOS, and then you lose all the games you bought (not just the recent one).

For your own sake - don't fuck with Steam.

Remember - we don't own the games we buy\activate on Steam, we just rent them with Steam's permission.

5 years ago

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Locked accounts cannot buy games nor activate keys but library is still playable.

5 years ago

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Steam is just a store. The licence for each game is issued by the game's publisher, only they can revoke it.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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you should always check steamdatabase, this game still need russia ip to play if you manage to active too.

5 years ago

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But this block lasts three months I think. After that time, the games can be played with no issues.

5 years ago

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I using for gifts PrivateVPN if you wish I can share mare login and Pass to this app.

5 years ago

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Please, can you give me more info about it?

5 years ago

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No Russian

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by NeoZeed.