It's sad to see you go, and I tell all members that if you're being harassed in any way to please report it. I don't mind banning the lowest of beggars from this site, but I've never seen a single report of any incidents. I've only had ex-members come to me about being removed from the group, never any actual member of the group. I hope in time you return to the community if things change.
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Wow dude. My policy on gifting is that I don't want to add them or know them. Sure, I add them, ensure they have taken the game and thats about it. I've had beggers and I block them instantly. People saying "oh you seem a cool dude on steamgifts" is nice enough but the fact they add you and never chat to you after that... only to hit you up when a sale comes? Pisss offfffffffffffffff. Blocks
It's a shame to see you going but good luck in whatever it is you're going forward to do, wishing you the best. :)
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Gl and take care mate, was nice to have you around :)
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may i be the first non admin/mod to say, you will be missed, not for your generosity, but your input, time and effort to making this place better. good luck with future endeavors ShadowEW
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I agree with this. I didn't really get to see you, but I'm grateful for your contributions of all kinds, Shadow.
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Farewell, Shadow. You were a great asset to this site. May the fury of loko strike down those who are responsible for pushing you away.
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That is very sad to hear.
I didn't get to talk/chat with you personally, but it seems like you're a nice guy and you've definitely given away a lot to this community. Sadly there are just too many greedy and jealous people in this world.
I wish you best of luck, in getting back to a regular live with a regular sleep pattern and maybe in the future you're going to decide to come back.
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That's sad. :/
Thanks for everything, whatever you need just call me.
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It's sad to hear that you let people get to you like that.
The reality of the situation is that large elements of the community (the silent majority, as well as certain not-so-silent elements) are only motivated by greed. Given the nature of the site, it's a small miracle that we even have people participating the way you used to do. So, I'd like to at least thank you for the contributions you've made to the community.
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It's always a shame to lose someone who has given as much to the community as you have. I hope that you find peace in whatever you do, and I hope that those who pushed you to this point are found and punished appropriately. I shall send you off the best way I know, with a Kirby dance party.
<(''<) <('')> (>'')>
Note: Please do not take the dancing Kirbies as meaning that I'm happy you are gone. It's just my way of showing my gratitude for how generous you have been.
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I don't know anything about the situation, but I'll say one thing: get the hell more than 6 hours of sleep a day! Seriously. :-)
When I get that little sleep (which happens uncomfortably often), I spend the whole morning yawning, feeling tired and grumpy and all. :-)
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I had beggars to, but damn that sounds extreme. I'm often surprised how much some people suck.
You should have reported them, such people should be perm banned right away. Personally I have zero tolerance for people who break the rules so blatantly.
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At first I was wondering why you told me this. Was I supposed to care? Then I realized you were "trolling" as it were. A quick Google check confirmed this. Well played, you have confirmed yourself as a person I neither need to care about nor care about offending. Bravo.
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While I rarely stand up for my brother OG Geary, I must state that this comment is stretching the truth. OG Geary is an inferior racial theorist to myself, CM Geary. Although the Geary bros have long been renowned for their style, grace and elusive efforts, OG Geary is by no means a saint. However; he is my brother, and I'll not have you tarnish his legacy out of some sort of political correctness mumbo jumbo, Obama nonsense.
When in the jungle, remember to bring extra water.
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'Edit: Removed "Limited verbal repertoire?" as the person seems to have a verbal repertoire.'
I can only thank you for your kind words. Consider yourself welcome over at [SB] Towers any time. Ignore the 'No Spooks Please' welcome mat; we've had issues in the past...
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see yah around ShadowEW. may your journey be blessed by the emperor.
and hopefully ull have a better sleep now and enjoy ur social life, and not just talking to those insolent people. but talking to real people and friends.. take care buddy.
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I'm new here and I didn't know who you are (or else I would have begged you games MUAHAHAHA! just kidding) but it is pretty sad to see a contributing member of the community leave because of people's stupidity. I can only say farewell, and that I hope you get better for leaving the community.
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I've made lots of great friends too. But there is always that handful of pricks annoying everyone else.
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Sad to see anyone leave here. At least you are taking the high road out and not on a rampage about beggers.
That said, if I were to beg and be casual/funny about it I'd say please dont go
Good luck and keep on keeping on.
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I can only apologise for my erratic behaviour; I have recently suffered a family bereavement and my sense of humour is lacking as it is. I offer my personal apologies to the OP and I wish him well in his future endeavours both on and offline.
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"I don't like to ignore people, at all, thus why I've accepted every friend request and attempted to have a conversation with everyone who has added me."
How are you still sane?!
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Not to sound rude or anything but I don't believe that you ignoring their friend requests makes you arrogant or pigheaded. If you have absolutely no idea who that person is, I fail to see why they should be adding you to their Friends list in the first place.
Yes, there are cases where people add you because they played with you on a server or, maybe, they have a genuine question. However, in the former case, you would, most likely, recognize that person's name which would make things easy for you in terms of accepting their friend request. In the latter case, there are other ways of contacting you that don't require a friend request such as posting a comment on your Steam Profile (assuming you have the correct permissions set).
In the end, based on everyone's comments about you, it seems like you were a great addition to the SteamGifts community and it's a shame that a small number of people have affected you in a negative manner. If I were in your position, I would never have added people I don't know in the first place nor would I have had the patience to talk to each and every single person. While these qualities may be admirable in most situations, this would not be one of them. You shouldn't be wasting your time with beggars when you have other things to worry about.
Hope you get everything worked out.
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