As far as i've seen, only cards dropped from booster packs and the ones you purchase on the market get the lock.
I've been farming my cards in the last week and the cards from regular drops are not locked.
I don't know about the ones you get in trade offers though...
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I just got an Oniken boosterpack and those cards are tradable and marketable.
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They get money out of it in bulk at first, but then the economy gets broken and the market is left untouched. I think it's somewhere in Economics 101. You can't hold a monopoly for a product if no one can afford that product.
I'm just guessing, that or they actually care about their customers.
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I've just crafted a badge and the mysterious card I got from it is also restricted to trade/sell for a week.
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of course it's against lord gaben, trading atm is the last thing that doesn't bring any profit to steam.
and look closer how it's happening, step by step, not at once, steam is trying to achieve something slowly, well i'm pretty sure it's heading to something much bigger in restrictions, just with small steps so people won't notice.
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Yeah this really going to hurt peoples ability to craft the summer sale badges. I can only hope the cards they give for voting or buying games don't come with the trade restriction because I've already got a Mystery 9 that can't be traded until the 14th.
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Only if you buy cards from the market,all cards that drop game playing games can be traded right away.That does not mean bugs will not happen and such though.
I never buy cards i refuse to let Gabeen get silly fees from cards because the card drops are so gimped you almost forced to buy from the market,sure you can trade but that can be a hassle,and to many want 2:1 for trading,so they can profit off you.
Still i think it is silly for cards to not be marketable lol.Also people that complain about how bad trading has got,also forget trading is not a right but a privilege.As people like to say Lord Gaben does not have to allow it at all,Most trading was a rip off anyhow as you had to over pay because traders want to profit,it was places like Russia and such that made it competitive and easier to get cheaper games,since then you pretty much have to over pay,but most people can't not wait for big sales so they are willing to over pay.
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It's all about the stolen credit cards, which were artifically inflating prices anyway. One week is probably enough time to usually ban the account.
Take a look at November - February and you'll see ridiculous spikes from 10 cents to 50 dollars on almost every background/emoticon (and some cards) when a fraudulent user bought out every item on the market to get to his own overvalued item on another account to put funds there (no reason not to overpay when you're getting things for free).
The one week trading delay is much better for buyers on the steam market all in all, since you're not competing with stolen credit cards and bots, which would put in 100s of orders for everything underpriced and immediately flip them.
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Obviously, only the stuff you buy on market will be locked for a week, if you got them from drops or from a trade, then they won't be.
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I'm guessing it's to prevent the Bots that were doing Buy Low-Resell Higher instantaneously.. that Scheme doesn't work well with a 7 day waiting period on those purchase. It sucks for Trading, I agree, but I see why there can be a good reason for it.
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Was I too long away, or is it really new that also the steam trading cards have now a Tradable & Marketable for a week issue?
I mean wtf? Why do I have to wait one week to be able to trade even a card in which steam already earns more than he deserves?
Ok we got it with items and games, but cards? Come on!
Hail lord Gaben!
GA will be included...
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