Use friends and family on Paypal. It cannot be disputed.
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This is the answer.
Always request the buyer use Friends + Family and make a comment in the memo box on Paypal (i.e. "This is a digital item that I am purchasing. I am receiving a Steam key from this seller."). You can take the comment even further and include the title of the game in the comments and links to both of your Steam profiles if you need to prove that you were scammed. Keep screenshots of the conversation on Steam and just file it away. Most likely you'll never need it. Being wary of being scammed is important and necessary, but you can be "too worried" as well. Just the fact you're making this topic leads me to believe you're a little bit overly worried but this isn't intended to be a criticism either. It's very easy to move excess games quickly and safely.
If you stick to someone with high rep, your chance of getting scammed is extremely low even if you're going first. Rep matters to people like this (including me). If you both have low rep or you're within a reasonable amount (below 50), request the buyer go first. My typical rule is regardless of rep, Paypal transactions must go first. You'll find someone who will accept at some point. Don't be afraid to walk away if it doesn't feel right. There's other people out there who will be interested.
I've literally done at least 1000 unique transactions involving all matters of Steam trades. I've been scammed once (a seller had a bunch of shit charged back) and have been accused of scamming once (I had an impersonator). This includes key sales like you're attempting and almost every single type of trade you can think of. There is absolutely no risk free option bar your buyer going first, but the chance of being scammed is low to begin with. It seems excessive to those who don't participate in these type of transactions because those who get scammed tend to yell very loudly (and rightfully so).
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Don't go first.
Gonna have to argue that one. Anyone that'd be willing to go first for a high profile trade with a no-rep trader like Sonikko is suspicious in their own right, and I'd be worried about key revocations/etc in that situation. Given Sonikko's current reputation, if the trader quickly tries to claim scam on them, it'd be very hard for Sonikko to argue that point.
I can't say how likely such a calculatedly nefarious situation is- but the fact is, few reasonable traders are going to go first with Sonikko, at least not with anything of value. [And if absolutely nothing else, that may limit Sonikko's trading pool to less favorable trades.]
Rather, a trusted middle-man would perhaps be the best option in such a scenario. A lot depends what's being traded- for example, there's always a risk with Paypal, in one direction or another. And if you include a middle-man for that, it may get even more risky.
Basically, the key point in trading [or much of life] is to never put yourself in a situation where you feel doubt over the arrangement. If Sonikko doesn't feel comfortable going first with the trader, then they may want to find someone that they do feel safe doing so with [rather than trying to force the issue of trust with someone they aren't comfortable trading with, by insisting they go first].
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agreed, BUT in my time on barter i have noticed that seasoned traders jump on 0 rep traders for those "unbelievable" trades. my guess is that more often then not you get a crazy deal and if you get scammed report and move on. and it always surprises me because im like who the hell is going to trade you all those high priced games for your garbage and it happens, again and again. so long story short, youd be surprised, the high rep guys jump on these trades if its worth it, damn vultures
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well, id have to say yes and no, technically its not a scam in the sense that you gave them something and they gave you nothing but in a way they are preying on your inexperience. in my first trades i thought i was making decent trades but later learned that MANY games are given freely time and time again, so those games i traded for were FREE, lol, im like "ohhhh im getting 2 games for my game, yayyyyy" they were run of the mil given away every other week freebies!! lollllllllll. i saw someone trade besieged the other day for minion masters!!!! and ask if that was sufficient enough for the trade. do you know how many times ive tried to trade for that game!? lol
are they the types of "scammers" we think of when we think someone just got scammed, no, but those people are still pretty damn bad, i mean id have to say its possible to get scammed and receive something in return. should create a term for this type of scam >.>
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youd be surprised, the high rep guys jump on these trades if its worth it, damn vultures
I covered that. :X
few reasonable traders are going to go first with Sonikko, at least not with anything of value. [And if absolutely nothing else, that may limit Sonikko's trading pool to less favorable trades.]
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Install "Enhanced Steam" -> best google it so you get the version according to your browser. It adds all the important links to people's Steam profiles, so you can check their reputation. Even when trading with someone with high reputation make sure to follow your instincts.
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I thought you were just antagonizing the poster actually. People do it because they... are silly and want to believe, I guess, or maybe as a show of blind faith that you agree not to chargeback the funds even though that part should be pretty obvious when you make a F&F payment. Maybe it's the equivalent of a signed contract... who knows.
It's a stupid thing because it doesn't dictate anything.
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I don't think there's anything to research. F&F isn't eligble for refunds (people could bring up a claim with their bank or credit card if they REALLY wanted to, though). Notes in PayPal transactions won't change anything. It's more like a 2-step process of trying to be convinced you won't get screwed over, I guess.
One is the action of sending money and then the second are (written) words you won't refund it.
If you care, most people there with a decent amount of rep will probably not try to screw you over. There was this one user at 9/0 that soon turned into someone with high negatives.., so just try to deal with someone that has done PayPal trades mentioned in feedback if you're going to use ST.
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theres a bit more to it than dont go first, you can easily get scammed going second
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Nevermind that you can just directly contact the developers and tell them the key is defective and ask for a replacement, if you want to take that approach. Seriously, the recommendation above is really just of merit if you intentionally want to do the dickest move possible. :X
I guess if you want to really try and encourage the developer to revoke the key (so as to make sure the scammer doesn't profit), that may be the best option- but still.. if they're not willing to revoke it when you bring it up with them, then that's really their decision to make, not yours. Trying to force the situation to what you feel they should do, by screwing them over, just puts you in a similar boat to the scammer.
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You can ask for a middleman, some prob do it for cheap but be careful on who you trust.
And to simply avoid paypal charge back let the buyer only pay you in steam items (like csgo keys/knifes). That way they cannot be reversed even if said person charged back, because after the 7 day limit to make the item tradeable all virtual items from steam market cannot be revoked since paypal will deny any charge back after these.
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CS:GO keys are steam items, they go in your inventory. You can cross-check them to the marketplace to see if they have the value you expect them to. Example.
Just keep in mind that Steam's 15% transaction fee takes effect any time you purchase or sell through the marketplace.
Though I'm not sure what else is being mentioned here as far as 7 days goes, as Paypal has a 60 day unauthorized transaction buffer, and a 180 day dispute buffer [assuming you use Paypal Buyer Protection with your transaction, which is by default not part of Friends & Family interactions; otherwise there is no protection span of any length.].
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WOW I nearly backed Yooka Lalee, but in the end I didn't due to lack of funds at the time.
Now when I see at what price the game hits the stores, I deeply regret not having backed it!
I wish you good luck trading/selling the key!
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Hello Sonikko,
Pete warned you about it, I guess there was nothing we could do about "distracted" users that decided to reply to you, maybe next time try to avoid it or just delete the comment since it has indeed become a trade chain comment.
Avoid these situations.
Thank you and have a nice day
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Please don't handle trading on the forums, it is against the rules, trading has it's own section.
Sonikko was warned by Pete since being trigger-happy with suspensions aren't healthy for the forums, in my opinion, but don't repeat this.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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Yes, I am interested ,will add you on Steam, so we can talk xD
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Please don't handle trading on the forums, it is against the rules, trading has it's own section.
Sonikko was warned by Pete since being trigger-happy with suspensions aren't healthy for the forums, in my opinion, but don't repeat this.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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Thanks for the warning.
We/I tried to thread lightly, but I guess we still broke the rules; sorry about that: won't happen again!
Any chance we/this site could get a real private message system?
That would certainly help avoid this rulebreaking situations were actually no rule breaking was intended!
Just a question, cause one could hope!
Have a nice day too!
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I'm glad!
As far as I know, that's not even discussed to be a future feature and if you wanna discuss something with someone, why not add them on steam, leave a comment on their steam profile, replying to one of their giveaways, checking their sg trade section, etc? I personally don't think it's needed. This isn't facebook ahah
were actually no rule breaking was intended!
That's why I only handed warning instead of punishments (:
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Please don't handle trading on the forums, it is against the rules, trading has it's own section.
Sonikko was warned by Pete since being trigger-happy with suspensions aren't healthy for the forums, in my opinion, but don't repeat this.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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Shocking mysterious activity.
Create a giveaway, preferably in a group where people will play it. And if it is about making money, you probably could compare how much effort and time you invest in these deals w.r.t. money you get against how much you can earn doing job, eh? And why ever backing if it is something so expensive for you to bother with trading back a half?
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Well, I backed the game 2 years ago, many things change in 2 years.
What if I need money now, from every possible source? Assuming things without knowing somebody is just rude. Especially in situations like this where you should obviously take in consideration that a very long period of time has passed since I backed the Kickstarter.
Besides, it's not that easy to get a job here, I'm a University student and I need money to pay fees, and I HAVE to study in order to get a job.
Two years ago I was in a different economical situation that allowed me to spend money differently.
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I feel sorry if that offended you.
I am also a student. In out places students can still find a part-time job or job for thesis etc. Also I am not assuming anything. Literally, even doing some extra job which is hour-fee based (as distributing post etc) and can be done just few times according to agreement, can probably be more profitable than spending a lot of time in trading channels, + risks. I just remarked that person should keep attention on global result top-down, not from fact that you have something you need to sell and that's why you could lose much more in alternative resource. Good luck.
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Are people saying that it's easy to get a refund via PayPal with no dispute process for the seller? I've never sold through Paypal, but I've had a prick of a time recouping money for undelivered goods through them. I've had to get my credit card provider bank involved (because PayPal just washes their hands of it if the seller uses delaying tactics to prevent lodgement of a dispute for long enough - not hard on physical goods being sent internationally) and submit copies of correspondence showing the effort I've gone to and the delay tactics, deception and admission of not sending the goods. I never shop online with my own money for this very reason - banks are responsible (at least in Australia) for losses on credit cards due to fraud, provided you report things promptly.
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Physical goods are different than digital. Theoretically Paypal doesn't offer refunds for fake digital keys, but in practice the buyer almost always get their money back. This means that as a seller, selling a digital key through Paypal is dangerous, since if the buyer wants he can get both the key and the money back. Physical goods need to be tracked and 3rd parties are involved, digital keys cannot be tracked at all, so it's the buyer's word against the seller's.
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Also, it's just as easy to charge back a PayPal payment than it is a Steam one. Even if you send it as friends and family.
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I've found generally it's easy to filter out the dishonest ones. If you sell it to someone who has a good reputation on steamtrades, a higher level steam account with lots of games and a few years behind them you will be fine. Almost all users of that level value their accounts and reputation more than worrying about trying to get one or two free games. Just make sure the person you are chatting to on steam link to the correct profile if you 'view profile'. Yes you may be alright selling it to someone with fewer games or hardly any rep on steamtrades, but if you're going for the highest chance of success you're allowed to be picky.
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Sell it in a place where scams at the expense of the seller are not possible (or very hard).
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Fair enough! I kinda meant the infamous key marketplaces, though.
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Not sure of value of game you are selling, but when I want to sell something for "money" I ask them to get steam wallet codes, depending on value, and depending on community we use middleman or they go first. It takes time to find someone to accept your conditions, but let me tell you I sold everything I was offering eventually.
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if you're talking selling as in Selling for money, then you have no real way to ensure you'll 100% not get scammed.. You can also use the many reputation sites around to ensure you're dealing with someone who is reputable. If you're smart you can "sell" the key with little issue..
If you're not just looking for money, you can sell it for various keys,, that way once the person submits the keys to you, they have almost no way of getting them back.. Once they confirm the trade they are pretty much out of luck in terms of getting them back..
Then you can just resell the keys on the market and not have to worry..
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As the title says, I backed the game but I don't want it anymore, I'm thinking about selling the Steam key I'll get on April 11th, any advices? How do I avoid getting scammed?
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