Which of these would you most wanna see in a giveaway as well?
I wouldn't say i've been on SG enough to have any embarassing posts, but god damn, if some of the forums i used to visit as a kid still existed you would have a goldmine of cringe. (Rip nk.pl, i wish i saved my data from there before the shutdown...)
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Never heard of nk.pl, but for me I think it'd probably have to be old skype chats that would be the very worst cringe goldmine. Or Google+... As a teen I was part of the collection of (similarly and not so similarly..) very weird ppl that actually used that site
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nk.pl was Poland's Facebook, but bigger than FB for some time until it's slow demise. But damn, i did totally forget about Google+, not much cringe there posted from me but scrolling through there you could encounter so much dumb stuff, good times...
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My oldest post was from a month ago and I was asking how long does it take for the mods to add newly released games to the site lol.
I have defnitely done one or two embarrising stuff in this website that I'm not proud of but I learnt my lesson.
Happy new year!
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As far as first posts go that's a pretty good one / there could definitely be a lot worse. "is this site a scam?" or, "how do I level up?" are ones I'm glad I managed to avoid. My very first post was just about a points bug with a game.
Happy new year! :)
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Ha! Nice try, but I'm not coughing up any of old shame. I shall take all of them to my grave.
Also, nice train.
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Happy (very belated) cake day! A couple weeks late, but considering the topic, it only felt right to mention it :) I'm not sure if there's an easy way to view comment history, but I only have one forum post I can share, all the way from six years ago. It definitely makes me cringe to look back at, knowing how much I've changed as a person since, but I'm sure I'll cringe at my current self in another 2-3 years as well, haha
I hope you have a wonderful 2024 <3
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Thank you! And wow I actually think I remember seeing your post haha, and thinking it wouldn't work well for ppl like me - who have the most unspecific of tastes, and use their steam wishlist more than anything as a way to filter games here on SG (rather than trying to hide all the countless "trash" games). I don't see anything particularly cringe about the post though, damn! Ur posts from 6 years ago definitely beat mine. ๐ญ
I hope you have a wonderful 2024 too phaedra!
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I don't have many post but my oldest one was a cringey joke to some hidden giveaways LINK (although I don't think everyone understood that), and my one and only puzzle LINK (which I was pretty proud of and most seemed to really enjoy).
I had another puzzle idea, but it involved the use of itstoohard specifically which is dead, although it might work with 2Solve.Me.
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Yeah the first one had a bit of a rough reception haha... Harmless enough though. And I dunno how only 29 ppl made it to a rogue legacy giveaway damn?? Wasn't even that hidden!
The puzzle looks really creative, and definitely too hard for me (only manages sub 100 piece puzzles + the posts with specially formatted letters that add up to the giveaway link code)
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May have been thinking more on the lines of embarrassing personal stories or cringe social media posts,, but with this sort of motivational thinking-of-the-silver-lining attitude I'm just gonna have to deliver on that promised silver lining aren't I :D ... ๐ญ
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Nah I don't think it is at all. That's definitely the type of posts forums like this benefit from the most / could always do with more of, even if it fell through. Some of my fondest gaming memories is definitely in playing L4D2 growing up on the xbox 360 with friends, it's such a good co-op game. Shooting the witch while they're close, immediately dying, and then watching them die as well is a classicccc. Keeping the safehouse door shut as they get violently massacred outside by 3 different hordes? :D
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It was my first game on steam (and the first time I even heard about steam) and I was blown away with the game at that time. I am also close to 1000 hours so I definitely had a good time. I just miss people to play with again, then I am sure I will be back (I can always make a new thread) :D
And yeah what you are writing... does wring a bell ;)
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Welcome back!
Ok this was kind of embarrassing
"Can anybody see any reviews on steam? A bug in steam, or something. But they seem to have disappeared. So, maybe Bad Rats will have another chance" (a few minutes later) "Well, the reviews came back too fast. No time for any jokes"
Yeah, basically, I saw your typical downtime in steam and I thought all the reviews were gone.
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I think you just created a new embarassing moment here accidentally xD
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https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/3tBW5/can-anybody-see-the-reviews-in-any-steam-page It was a post. I guess it wasn't too bad. But I even made a poll.
I guess, being the first post and all, I was trying to "look cool", or something, and I was trying to hard to make jokes. And yeah, I don't know why steam reviews didn't work and the page did. I guess I got lucky and entered in the middle of the downtime, or something.
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Welcome back and thank you for the train. I've only been here for a year so not many posts yet. And I was one of those people that preferred the outside and was too shy to hang around in forums. I've only been on steam for 3 years and only opened it up to the public earlier this year. (เน>แด<เน)
Happy New Year! :)
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Welcome back, happy belated cake day and (almost) happy new year! :)
Created threads are actually publically available unlike posts in others' threads. Not much to be embarrassed by from me though:
And thanks for the ride, pretty nice selection!
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I have been on this site for 8 years and I had no idea at all of this wtfff. But yeah, apart from that one glaringly awful, embarrassing, absolutely cringe post you've not really got anything else embarrassing. Lucky...
Happy new year to you too! :D
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Welcome back!
Im not too active in formus actually for now but my first one is at least a lil bit embarrassing in hindsight ^^
I wish you a happy new year and if i will have time today for it maybe i will try to figure out how to find those
hidden trains :P
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Oh it's pretty much the anniversary of your first post too. I wouldn't say it's an embarrassing post at all personally--it even seemed to help someone else haha
Happy new year! And I wouldn't look very far at all for the train, other than just a few first letters :)
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Although I have been a member of this community for more than 3 years now, I have never created a post.
For the same reason that I no longer create giveaways for keys that I am not 100% sure work. I have a big problem with social anxiety, I don't want to bother people or support with my silly stuff; it makes me uncomfortable.
But only when I'm the first to write, leaving a comment instead doesn't bother me.
Idk I think this is already quite embarrassing ๐
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Oof yeah, ngl I'm really thankful my social anxiety hasn't ever extended to my online presence, past just your average self-doubt about any/everything there afterwards. Finding spaces to be a menace some times is defo important to me
But only when I'm the first to write, leaving a comment instead doesn't bother me.
Idk I think this is already quite embarrassing ๐
The contradiction tho... ๐ญ
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I started leaving comments in 2023, before that I never did. I'm trying to improve my situation, let's see if in this new year will come my first post ๐
I wish you a happy new year Zaugr ๐
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Embarrassing story? Well, when I was in school and we had a test,
one of the questions was "Who was Napoleon?" and I wrote "a cake"
I mean, I wasn't wrong but the teacher didn't appreciate it.
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I hope the teacher at least secretly appreciated it a bit smh. Surelyy most of the joy in teaching little kids, if there is any joy to be found in such a thing,,, is getting to watch them be entertainingly stoopid, nah?
I guess this story would change a fair bit depending on if you were 5 or 15 haha...?
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Well that one teacher was quite strict so I don't think they appreciated it, but my mom did enjoy my answer so much she brings up the story whenever we go to a cafe that sells Napoleon cakes, I'd probably have forgotten about it by now if she didn't.
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i cant believe that theres a a space for the unbound giveaway, i wanted that game for so long! sadly i dont have any discussion post but an old embarrassing memory... i know i have so many but lets see.. i used to wear short sleeves when there was snow outside cause 'i wasnt cold', i guess it was showing off kinda thing. also i had a heated argument with a classmate about whats the superior/most primitive emotion. (she was on the side of love and i was on the side of being scared/despair) and i defended it like my life depended on it. it wasnt for the class or anything idk how we got to that point in our random conversation.
oh and also when i first find out that i can see my stats in steamgifts i looked up and found it that i had 5 blacklist and i cried. ig i have 9 now and i still feel sad when i see it (โ ๏ฝกโ โขฬโ ๏ธฟโ โขฬโ ๏ฝกโ )
edit: its 10 now....
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Relate to both those stories too much haha. I think partly cause of my ADHD, I had so many of those sort of heated-despite-being-on-something-entirely-meaningless-to-me arguments growing up. The worst is when they started making actually good points, and you could see them, but mentally you've already sold every part of your being on where you "apparently stand" on this dumb thing, and no longer have the capacity to swap ships anymore... ๐ฌ
You were defo right on that one tho! It's definitely fear. I mean every animal fears, idk if I could say every animal loves ??
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havent thought abt it for a while but ur point is actually great! love comes with fear too, fear of losing, fear of not being loved etc... but fear doesnt always comes with love.
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Can't remember any old embarrassing stories. So gonna share current ones.
Tried watching a beginner home workout. The first exercise was 3 sets of 50 wall push up. I couldn't even do 1 set. Of WALL PUSH UP.
Decided, fuck it. Seached exercise for really obese. Found a 20 minute exercise video. My body gave up in 14 minutes. And when I say gave up, I mean gave up. I am writing this while my head feels like it's spinning a bit.
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Man that's not embarrassing - you just worked out to the point of your body giving up, on what seems like one of your first home workout attempts. DEFO only a point of pride. Maybe not an ideal point to reach every time,, but you should be patting yourself on the back for managing to exert yourself that much - not putting yourself down for not managing to reach some arbitrary point?
The most important thing about a workout has got to be that it's actually a workout for you. If it's a workout for you, and it can feasibly get you to that point of your body giving up, it's a big success. If you can do it easily without much exertion it's very much a failure as a workout. Reaching X minute or X number of sets isn't really a factor anywhere in this. I'm sure these video tutorials are setting the reps/workout length to cast as big a net as possible while not being unrealistic, hoping to be useful for the most amount of people, rather than for everyone to be able to complete them first time. Also being at a "low level" to start with only makes it a more impressive commitment, and thing to progress at.
I expect better dirt than this smh
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I've only been in SG for a short time, so I don't have any embarrassing posts yet. (I believe it won't take long for the first one to appear, I'm a bit detached and can post something crazy without meaning to).
I hope you're well, happy holidays. Sorry for any English mistakes, I'm using Google Translate
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i do respect ramen!
i don't think your old posts are that bad, they are just very unique :D
it took me about a year after joining to discover the discussion section write my first post which isn't really that interesting, just me trying to share a key that i wasn't able to give away otherwise
four years later i wanted to learn about region restrictions to offload my unloved bundle keys, a habit which continues to date
with the newfound confidence i set up my first leftover train which set the tone for most of my following posts: trains, trains, trains :D
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i don't think your old posts are that bad, they are just very unique :D
Why does this have the same ring to it as when your partner says "noo I dont think your outfit is bad! it's just very different from what you usually wear..." to an outfit she just gave a very much disapproving look to... :D
I think it took me awhile to discover the forum section as well. was definitely too focused on the FREE GAMES!!11
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Not exactly embarrassing, but my oldest post is about search strings and logical OR operators on SG. Unfortunately, the feature does not exist as I would've liked.
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Embarrassing posts? That's pretty easy! Here's the one post I have that I'm pretty sure qualifies...
Long story short, I basically complained about what was in retrospective a non-issue. I learned from that one pretty quickly... XD
Also, thanks for the great train and hope you have a happy New Year! :)
P.S.: If you want to see my other posts, here they are! Although I honestly doubt they are as embarrassing as the one I mentioned... XD
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Well, as pointless as a post may be, you can still call it a contribution right? Or "discussion creator"? :D But honestly I've definitely been caught out by an unspecified level requirement after solving a puzzle before too, neglecting to check the user's profile first. Dunno if it's more the time wasted or just the disappointment after getting excited about a giveaway. I've always to tried to specify it in my forum giveaways because of this
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22 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Formidolosus
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It's been over 3 years since I made a post here on the forums, and 5-6 since I was active. Looking back at the posts I've made, my forum legacy definitely paints a very.... chaotic picture
I may have came to this forum a bit too often during some formative late-teen years? ๐ฌ It's hard for me to judge my old self too harshly here though,, he was certainly way more generous with his small part-time retail job than I am now as an adult!
Anyway to celebrate the new years, and change, in the spirit of one of my old posts where I gave away games I really liked the look of that hadn't been given away on this site before, I thought I wouldโyou guessed itโshare some cool games that have never been given away on this site before!
Train (level 3+):
david yodeled, xenophobes ran rapidly
I'll also do a sort of similar whitelist thing, as I have some whitelist giveaways going. But instead of asking you to uncomfortably force out a compliment to someone on the forums for the whitelist chance, I will just ask you to uncomfortably share your oldest posts like I did here for it! :) Share a potential blast of nostalgia - I might recognise some
If you don't have any old posts, then... idk. Share something embarrassing about your old self? Social media posts or a story/fact.
Whitelist giveaways:
A Space for the Unbound
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