you only have to buy once and the community is pretty good imo.
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Lolz...1 comment on this but 11 entries on the giveaway. :D
Anyways, GW2 is quite fun but it becomes quite a grindfest if you don't have friends to play with. :/
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On the other hand though it is easy to find people to play with. There are always guilds open to new members and they're very rarely elitist. Most just want members that will be semi active and participate in guild events.
If the game looks interesting to you i'd say get it. They come out with new short term, story content almost once a month so even once you're done there's stuff to do. The next story line is going to be new areas opening up as a new dragon awakes.
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The devs have done a good job of incorporating features that make you glad to run into random people so even if you're playing on your own for a while you won't feel lonely. They're also revamping how servers work so that even less popular zones will have more people in them.
The short term content Einherjar101 mentioned is called the Living World. They release an update to it every 2 weeks now, except for the short break they're on right now due to season 1 of the LW having just ended. LW stuff introduces new characters, sometimes new skills, changes existing locations, introduces new mobs, has added a new jumping puzzle, gives a fair number of new cosmetic pieces of gear, and so on. Even if you lose interest in the game for a little bit I can almost guarantee that a new LW update somewhere down the line will have you wanting to come back and since there's no sub fee then there's no harm in dropping the game for a while and then checking back every couple of weeks to see if there's something new that piques your interest.
A big part of whether you'll enjoy the game or not depends on how much you want the exact same features other MMOs have. There's no standard raiding, there's no gear treadmill, there's no holy trinity of tank/heals/DPS, and quite a few other things. I think that's great but a lot of people are just looking for another WoW clone so it'll depend on which side of that fence you fall on. The combat in this game has ruined me for WoW clones (and I don't use that term in a derogatory manner as I've played those for several years). It's much faster paced. For example a difference in a skill having a cast time of half of a second versus a full second often determines whether it'll go off before someone interrupts you or even if you live especially since all classes have self heals (side note there, as a former healer it brings me no small amount of joy that everyone is largely responsible for keeping themselves alive instead of being able to stand in the fire and then complain they didn't get enough heals, but you can still support groups very effectively should you choose to go that route), and the dodge ability that all characters have makes you invincible for 3/4 of a second and can require somewhat precise timing to be effective. Despite feeling like I have slower than average reflexes I still find combat very manageable and enjoyable. The skill system also limits you to 10 skills of your choice at any given moment plus 1-4 more based on your class rather than giving you dozens of skills available at once and filling up several action bars.
What are you looking for in an MMO? What previous MMO experience do you have? I think the answers to those will play a big part in whether you'll enjoy GW2. For what it's worth, GW2 is my favourite MMO now and the fact that the devs have said they won't be releasing a GW3 but will instead focus on evolving GW2 over time is very reassuring since my investments of time and money will never be wasted.
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I played it last year. You should buy it, it`s a great game.
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It's amazing. I played it for several hundred hours and I still come back sometimes. They keep the game updated and add more content over time, so there's always something to do, events to participate in... Guild system is pretty cool, PvP is great - World vs. World is one of the best features in MMO I've ever seen. Just keep in mind that GW is mainly PvP MMO, there's PvE too, but it's not that great. Probably my n.1 favorite MMO (although I have more hours played in WoW).
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Yea buy it. Also it is now (4-13th april) 50% off. You will have realy good time with the game although it may not keep you for ever but there is no subscription and you are not forced to pay anything extra and you can get premium currency (gems) for normal (gold) if you want something realy bad. I spent a lot of great time with GW2 and although I am not in mood to play it atm I know I will probably get back and play it intensively sooner or later. If you want pros and cons:
Pro - nice graphics, lots of stuff to do, most of stuff is available from the begining, a lot of different stuff from other MMOs, regular updates with new content, great story
Con - if you dont find something which you love there (PvE,PvP,WvW ...) you will probably at some time get bored and give it a rest because there is no "Endgame" and if you dont care about achievements/story there is no carrot on a stick of new better gear to keep you grinding. Also by getting it now it means you missed 1,5 year of story (and content you cant in most cases replay) which is not that big deal if you care about it but for some people it can be.
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I've got little over 2.5k hours of playtime on GW2, it's quite fun realy, if you get bored with PvE and constant content updates, you can always move to World vs. World and start massive zerg fights. Given that it's 50% off atm, I'd say go and buy it.
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Because the game scales players down and sometimes up in level depending on the content they're doing, that's actually not a big problem. There also hasn't been any power creep so you don't have a ton of catching up to do in terms of gear or anything else either. The lowbie zones are also some of the most popular for doing dailies so there are almost always plenty of people to get advice from, to run around with, or just chat with while you're starting the game. Once they introduce the megaserver system then every zone will have a decent population in it.
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If you like MMOs then it's almost a must. Even if you play it only a month it'll be worth it. And like people have said, there is no sub fee so you can always come back after a long period of off time. I enjoy GW2 and altho I don't play it atm, I also know that I will go back to it many many times. I recommend it.
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Brać. Jedyne MMO, które mnie konkretnie odciągnęło od WoWa. Fabuła w living story jest interesująca, ciągle coś się dzieje, gra z kimś to czysta przyjemność. Dodatkowo 15 kwietnia wejdzie bardzo duży update, który jeszcze bardziej wzbogaci rozgrywkę.
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I haven't played GW2 since I bought it, basically. Played it for a while but it wasn't as good as GW1. Don't bother.
...that said I'm looking for people who are looking for a guild, maybe with guildmates it'd be worth playing again.
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Didn't read the rest of the thread, but I figured put in my two cents :)
I logged about a thousand hours in GW2, played regularly for a bit over a year (from launch til a month or so after the 1-year anniversary event stuff). Between WvWvW, PvP, campaign story stuff, living story stuff, and just general PvE and world exploration stuff, there should be to keep you entertained long enough to get more than your money's worth.
Full disclosure, I am a bit biased towards games that don't have subscription fees, but GW2 is also just a great game.
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I have the game, and i liked it, even though i didn't play that much of it. I would recommend it, but i think its ultimately your choice, and there should be some kind of free trial, even for a day or two or for just a few levels, you should try it out yourself or see some youtube videos at least, so you can get the vibe of the game and whether you would like it or not
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It applies to any b2p/subscription based model. It becomes hard to catch up and that feels like the game becomes too exhausting to play.
You start as a weakling and progress. While the old players continue to progress but at much faster rate + they got new content to play with.
For new players, new content sometimes sidetracks them from progressing and that makes the player feel that the game is grindy.
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It does not apply to everything just because it has an MMO label. There is not that much to catch up to, the game has had no expansion yet, while there is newer content people are still doing the vanilla stuff as well. It's too early to complain about it being too hard to catch up.
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Not entirely true with GW2. The content scales players down (so older players don't one shot everything) and sometimes up (so lower level players can participate too). For example, a major city was recently invaded & destroyed as part of the Living World story. Players were automatically upscaled to max level for the event so anyone could participate. Yes higher level players were at an advantage due to having more skills availble and slightly higher overall stats but I took my 24 thief (level cap of 80 for anyone who doesn't know) and had a blast. Not only that but it was a great way to level and get gear so I was still progressing while being part of the world/community/story. Fractals, which are probably the closest GW2 has to endgame content, also scale players up and I've easily completed a lower difficulty one (10 for anyone who's familiar with them) with ease when my guardian was in her mid 20s.
Progression of some variety is a part of every MMO I've played so if you don't want to progress then that's just not the genre for you. If building yourself up in the way that you want sounds fun though, then GW2 is definitely for you.
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I would recommend it since now its 50% off (just 20€ and u dont have to pay ever again!).
I think the most important pro is that it has great updates, both on stories, quest, as in balance and features. I play mostly PvE and you have tons of stuff to do, quests, bosses, dungeons, exploration, etc... If u get a nice guild, the WvW seems to be funny to. On the other hand, the PvP seems to be a bit forgotten (I havent played it but heard that),although they are doing some competitions... I really dont know very much abot PvP in GW2.
If u like the PvE side of MMO´s I would totally recommend you.
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I don't know how its now, but Feb or April last year i completed the game in 5 weeks. Yes, is possible complete that game. If you like the MMORPG its good buy, but you will have the feeling the game needs something more. Also, here you can find good prices if decide buy it GOCDKEYS
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It sounds like you didn't understand the game. You might've gotten a character to max level, you might have even gotten 100% map completion, but it's not possible that you completed the game because the servers are still up and new stuff is still being added.
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Buy it. Even if you get bored of it in a month or two you will still get more /played out of it than most other games for the same price. And you can always come back to it later since it has no sub. The classes are different enough that you will roll at least one or two alts . Don't listen to people who say you're late to the party or it's been out for too long. The game is more alive than ever, you can get into PvP at any level and it's not gear dependent and you should have no problem finding dungeon runs, even easier if you get into any half decent guild.
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Well people here have already mentioned most of the more obvious pros and cons of the game so I'll give you one pro that many have forgotten to mention . That is , It has one the most awesome and most engaging tutorials in a MMORPG ever. I think from my experience its the only mmorpg that has you fighting an epic boss right at the end of the tutorial and makes feel like a boss, gets you pumped up for the rest of the game.
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But the thing about MMORPGs in general is that you need friends to play with you or else you'll be bored to tears .....
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Hey folks! Tell me pros and cons of gw2. Im thinking about buying, but im 100% sure. Allways prefered to ask gamers instead internet sites. Tell me as player! Price its not so cheap, so I need advices. Also here you are for helping:
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