possibly. When the 7 days is up, mark it as not received and put in a support ticket about it.
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Don't do anything before contacting the gifter first. If he admits it was his mistake, ask him to have the giveaway deleted. If he ignores you/does not add you, mark as not received and report him once the 7 day deadline has passed.
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Don't rush it, let the giver contact you. No the other way round.
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well, last month I won a game @ galagiveaways. 3 days passed without any notice. I checked that the giver had made a bunch of completed giveaways along with the one I won.
I thought that he might forgot it or had the impression that he sent the gift because of mass giving. So I contacted him and my thinking proved right.
So sometimes you should check various parameters.
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Mine is a bit colored :(
Also OP, wait 7 days...you won't suffer, much during these 5 days :P
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Not all good games giveaways are fake. Several great giveaways are made by CG and other big contributors, and if you join some giveaway groups they have awesome giveaways as well :3
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Sometimes when people add and bug me for their gift, I don't give them until the last day. lol
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Just wait. Do not add the guy, or send him messages. Be patient, he will contact you. Otherwise he has every right to reroll because you are harassing him.
Whenever I make giveaways, I send an email with the code, or add people. I would hate for someone to add me and bug me about the game.
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I don't think that someone asking for the gift that you agreed to sent constitutes a valid reason for a re-roll, even if it is annoying.
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Maybe not just asking, but there are some winners who constantly ask, post all over their profile, etc, asking for the game. People have even mentioned in threads how some winners get rude, or even get their friends to add the gifter, asking for the game. I think that would be a fair reason for a reroll. Personally, if someone added me and started asking/demanding for "their" game, I would wait till the last day to send it to them.
In my honest opinion, I do not believe the winner should add the gifter, he/she should be patient and wait. If there is not a response on the 7th day, try to add the gifter, if not, mark as not received and move on.
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"I think that would be a fair reason for a reroll."
Then you are grossly mistaken. There is nothing in the FAQ/Rules that state that you can and will get a reroll for such a petty reason. If the giveaway creator won't be available for a couple of days to gift the game then it's their responsibility to at least mention it either in the giveaway description or in the comments.
And from what the OP has said it seems pretty clear that the giveaway creator is ignoring him, which is much more rude than just simply adding him on Steam and sending a PM.
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Unless OP edited out something outrageous he did before I read it, it sure as hell doesn't look like he's harassing the creator to me. As far as I can tell, OP is being polite and is refraining from being annoying.
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you should simply wait until the 7th day, i have won some games and the winner sent me them at 4th or 5th day.
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For me it's rude to contact the person who made the draw, It has been several times that winning people added me impatiently asking for "their" game. It is logical to expect that the person making the draw contact you, he has 7 days to do so, if after 7 days he has not been in touch with you, will be undertaken. I don't know if i am the unique weird about that but i feel it is the correct way to do it, not contacting the gifter.
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As soon as I win, I check the gifter's history, so I have a general idea of what to expect. I always wait until the very end after the win. The only one I had to contact was the unreceived one, and all I did was just send a friendly reminder along the lines of "Hey, I realize you might not be checking SG regularly, but I just wanted to remind you your giveaway ended." I don't think I contacted him until after the seven days? I don't remember, exactly, but it was either the last two days of the waiting period or after. I won't do it unless I have reason to believe that the gifter won't follow through. I'd rather contact them with a reminder and allow them the chance to give it away before I mark it as unreceived. Depending on when mine end, I usually do my research on the winner (make sure they're following the rules, etc.) before I contact them. If I have a concern, I give them a chance to explain it. That's only happened once, though.
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Karma bro, karma... if you don't give nothing, don't comment your karma down )=
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You can usually tell if it's a fake giveaway if you see that they're new to SG and have barely any entries or comments or no previous giveaway history. If this is the case, there really isn't anything you can do about it except maybe report the user and be more cautious in entering future giveaways. You can also check their feedback rating to see if they're trustworthy (that's what its there for!), but most people on here have 100% feedback so it's rarely an issue. Otherwise, wait the allotted 7 days for them to send you the gift. It may be that they have more important issues in their lives to deal with than to send out gifts.
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As said before, it's only been two days. I probably wouldn't like it if the winner of one of my giveaways was being impatient and contacted me. There could be TONS of reasons he hasn't contacted you, just give him some time. And I hold a firm kind of belief that when it comes to things like user created giveaways, if you win and never get the game, just report it after the week mark and move on-- nothing to make a big deal out of.
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Me too, but I'm sending the gifts asap, so they don't have time to go first lol.
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Sometimes I just don't remember that I had a giveaway ending soon. I personally like to send my games as soon as the giveaway ends, so if they're online and can see I'm online, why not add me and ask for the game?
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Like several other people have said, I think it is in some way rude to friend and/or message the creator of a giveaway unless they specifically ask you to do so.
Everyone obviously has different opinions about manners and customs. I am not saying that my way (or that of those that agree with me) is the "right" way. However, if you don't know how the creator of the giveaway feels on this subject, the polite thing to do would be to err on the side of caution. If they enjoy a friend request or preemptive message and you don't send it, no harm done. If they like their space and read some negative personality traits into preemptive behavior, then you avoid unduly bothering them.
I normally send my gifts extremely quickly (many times within minutes of the close of a giveaway), but on the couple of occasions when people have messaged me to let me know they won, I have intentionally dragged my feet and found other things to do. Not only does it say to me that the person messaging me is impatient and possibly entitled, but that they perhaps think I am stupid and cannot check my giveaway status' myself. I do not appreciate being prodded in general in life and enjoy doing things in my own time. What's more, messaging someone to tell them you won is a tad suspicious because I know there have been a few occasions when a gifter who is too trusting has given away a gift to a scammer.
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If he doesn't already know the steam name of the winner, you'll look like some random noob adding people from the steam forums as friends. Give it some time, he'll send it eventually. Probably.
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wait longer and be mindful of the gifter's feelings in terms of possible harrasment, you don't lose anything from a free game and don't get too discouraged from people being a little too negative here. Sure you have 7 days to give something you've gifted but it's not very polite to make someone wait 7 days without some reason
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damn that is a bummer :( Feel sorry for you dude hopefully he'll send you it eventually
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Got my gift, im so happy. I hope you get lucky too.
I won Darksiders II
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