Please only reply to this post with additional Fortix giveaways. Anything else can be posted below this comment.
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I like this idea!! Here is one from Maru: The chain of Fortix must be continued!!
The only thing I'm worried is what will happen when the giveaways end, since they're all for the same game and all end at the same time. We have to be careful if someone wins more than one of these Fortix giveaways, to not give the same person multiple copies. I smell some rerolling in the future.
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Whoops, I already posted my stuffs before I saw this comment hehe. Ah well, here's a copypaste of it!
Oh goody, you've posted it!
Welp, I promised I would do a 26 copy giveaway when you did this, but sadly, It wouldn't let me do a giveaway for that many, so here's a giveaway for 25 copies and a giveaway for a single copy :P
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Here is a single copy. Sadly couldn't afford much more since all my cash should be going to getting my car fixed later this month so I can stop having to walk everywhere.
And I so missed the part about the time, but am not a fan of long giveaways anyhow, so it can be for impatient folks like me!
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5 copies, $45 contrib public right here. Lasts 68 hours.
But I'm sure I'll be called out for redundancy. Bring it. I revel in going against the Man.
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I just realized I've never done a Fortix giveaway.
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I don't have it myself but I will join in with one MOAR Fortix!
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I LOVE Fortix. I tried Fortix 2's demo out a couple years ago to get a badge for the Summer Camp sale event and liked it so much I bought it when it went on sale.
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I look these days at My Entries, and i see.
I heard you can't buy Fortix, you have to win it on a giveaway... so
Why not contributing then?
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I'm very late to the party, but looks like people stayed even after the official end, so hey, let's party with a copy of Indie Gala 2 Care Bear, containing Fortix 2 (as well other other fun but of course less important games and music albums).
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this is a fun game if i had more money to buy more i would put a few in but unfortonally im broker than the joker
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No worries. I'll be happy with people who can't afford some. After all, I have enough copies to make up for 24 of those people.
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oh btw what group are you in and how do i join groups?
uve been woundering how
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The main private group I'm in is one I run to give to people I know on another forum, not open to just anyone. If you want in to a group, best to watch the forums, and hope you can pass the requirements for some private group, like comments and contribution.
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I just noticed who won your one giveaway. Check out some of his other wins. :P
Now that is some coincidence.
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FROTT u mean he won from both of us lol im confused
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Well, I already did via email, Facebook & Twitter :P
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60 private giveaways available at this time? I want to break it even more.
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105 now. Hope it won't stop there, even if it is far over any other number on that graph.
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I was expecting more copies. Guess 105 is where this will stop.
Well, still plenty enough copies for people to enter for.
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Oh goody, you've posted it!
Welp, I promised I would do a 26 copy giveaway when you did this, but sadly, It wouldn't let me do a giveaway for that many, so here's a giveaway for 25 copies and a giveaway for a single copy :P
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No , That's Realy Fortix !! never heard about that !! =(
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As it is the cheapest game on Steam outside of sales, it became incredibly popular for this to be a low price choice for gifting on this site.
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Ok, now I challenge everyone to do the same thing with Dishonored. lol
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Yay for more Fortix! Maybe I'll actually win a copy, or maybe not since I just won something else. See, giving away Fortix gave me good luck and this is why everyone should sacrifice a copy to the Steamgifts altar (aka, do a giveaway for it).
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Sank you I've always wanted the game Fortix.
I've always wanted it.
14 hourssssss
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Just a suggestion, its probably best to check the winner lists against each other due to so many giveaways ending at same time, to make sure there are no double winners.
Edit: And then I realize Marumisu already said that.
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I don't have Fortix... That didn't stop me from buying a copy to give it away! This is a nice idea! I hope I manage to finally win Fortix! Good luck to everyone! :D
I would suggest making a list of all giveaways on the main post! ^_^
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I was actually having everyone link their giveaways to the first post
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Well, made the edit, just that people are hiding other giveaways, and I wanted to give them that chance. Even if it was just in here, and not hidden links or in my old giveaways. But then, maybe that was done too.
And a shame some of the newer giveaways are public. Not that others don't deserve it, but that Private bar on the chart hasn't gone up.
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Hidden giveaways I wanted the chance to stay hidden. There is another I know of that I haven't linked. It has 3 entries right now.
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328 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by medion
98 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by jojo1241
16,722 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Vee79
391 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by SeefKroy
29 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by scap
914 Comments - Last post 15 hours ago by wigglenose
37 Comments - Last post 15 hours ago by spodamayn
23 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by PatchmaN
1,355 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by grandrey
52 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Ashtart
123 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by AceBerg42
3,753 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by masterbubu87
112 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by samwise84
168 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ev4Gr33n
Scoops has a private giveaway, but there isn't a link anywhere I know of. This is a problem, its been up three days and nothing. D:
Edit - CG gave us an update, he is just waiting on confirmation from the devs now.
Still active - Dsc (King of Fortix, who refused to let me outdo him) - 26 more copies for 4 weeks, here and here
Devs will soon giveaway 162 keys to match us. Looking forward to it.
Most recent update on dev giveaway
Edit - Daylight Savings Time broke the giveaway times on older giveaways, but the ones posted after it still have some time left. Get in now!
Edit - Check this out, the Fortix devs will match us when this ends. Get gifting guys!
Right, for anyone who hasn't already heard, I've been wanting to make the ultimate Fortix giveaway, even purchasing 25 copies for users to enter for. However, after a previous Fortix giveaway topic where other users posted some more copies, I decided that why should this stop at 25 copies? Instead, I'm hoping to see many people post Fortix giveaways in this topic, even having them all end at the same time, thanks to a countdown clock that will be posted below.
At this point, I'm creating the topic early so many people can get their Fortix giveaways up and ready before mine starts. I have mine to run for exactly a week, and would prefer others to follow that. I'm also posting below this topic, piggyback your giveaways there and they will be easy for everyone to find and enter. Not that you can't create a few hidden links here and there on other posts, but this topic is so many people win Fortix.
Anyway, for those who wish to take part, here is where you will find the countdown showing the end time and date.
And now, the first Fortix giveaway, with 25 copies.
Other open giveaways
Timmaeh - 10 copies
Jelly00 - 1 copy and 4 copies
Damien1p - 15 copies
Marumisu - 1 copy
Ishmaeel - 2 copies
Eaglebart - 1 copy
Broax - 1 copy
file986 - 1 copy
Cheeseburgermafia - 1 copy
Vector7 - 1 copy
Oxol - 2 copies
Caerbannog - 1 copy
misterhaan - 1 copy
Dsc - 10 copies
Angel9RakouCobra - 1 copy
paranoid4ndroid - 1 copy
Cha0sSt0rm - 1 copy
SietseB - 1 copy
Enclear - 5 copies
Zharwyn - 1 copy
CoolieMcAwesome - 1 copy
MrCastiglia - 3 copies
tallpaul02 - 1 copy
dys - 1 copy
TheMiMicKitteH - 1 copy
Detnom - 3 copies
zakw - 1 copy
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - 1 copy
Probrotector - 1 copy
iffy - 5 copies and 4 copies
Aserith - 1 copy
GambleGuy - 1 copy in the SteamGifts public group
NCKKO - 1 copy
DzejPi - 1 copy
Silverma - 5 copy
AzureFang - 1 copy
CryonSeris - 1 copy
Fleegon - 1 copy
CriplledLamp - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy
122 copies listed here, plus the ones below.
Ended earlier
ladynadiad - 1 copy
vector7 - 1 copy
CallsignX - 1 copy
flip972 - 1 copy
wotgamer - 5 copies
DzejPi - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy
Hidden giveaways that have ended
Vector7 - 1 copy
mep - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy
162 Fortix copies in total that I know of for this topic.
For anyone doing a giveaway, be sure to check they didn't already win other copies of Fortix.
Winners who might be lucky enough to have that happen, don't break the rules and try to claim both, let others also get a copy.
Lastly, don't forget to look for some more. You might find some hidden in a fruit bowl or something.
And thanks to dys, FORTIX 2.
Also, darn DLS, making the giveaways end before the clock. :P
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