I´m sorry i never put up hints, but i was working more hours and then had a guest over last week, so never really had the time.
As for how to solve everything, i´m goin to post the solutions:
As you probably noticed, the map was not north up, and by tourning would have revealed this to be Australia, which would have given you a bit of an hint as to some puzzles.
Small Settlement:
koala or koala bear
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
spiny anteater
australian echidna
Question 5
frilled dragon
frilled lizard
frill-necked lizard
frill necked lizard
Question 6
the "center" beeing the small square
Market Town:
25 copper
Jungle Island:
Dragonbird Room:
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Now for the Picture in the Dragonbirdsroom
the colors meant to pick the fruit of the same color, the arrows pointing up or down stand for lower and upper case, the numbers meant the letter int the name of the fruit and for the A with an - on top of it it meant to pick the number of the fruits. This would have sent you to a few GAs that were "hidden".
Hopefully you all had fun and sorry again to those that were waiting on hints, i really wanted to set some up but never had the time to do that.
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thanks, i will try this, you may add this link https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ttmOO/ so we can check if we are blacklisted or not
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if you are talking about the small settlement - i fixed that.
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I solved Small Settlement, but when I tried to enter, a blacklisted message appeared to me. Anyway, bump for solved! (one of the puzzles at least ^^)
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i´ll set up hints a week before this ends - so if you are till stuck by then you can come back and check again
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I'm stumped in one way or another on all of them. Will wait for some more hints. This is really well made though :)
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hint´s would depend on how people struggle, so some info on that?
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In the mines, I just can't find 1 and 6. I was so sure about what they were, but I've exhausted my guesses.
In the small settlement I'm assuming you need to fill in the empty spaces with black or green, and I did it according to the sum of both vertical and horizontal numbers, but the crest looked like nothing, so I definitely did it wrong.
In the Labyrinth, I'm just not sure what exactly is considered the center of the labyrinth, and what orientation you start at.
In the oasis, I assumed you need to just write down the numbers in the 3 blue blocks. And to figure out what they are, you need to have numbers 1-9 within each 3x3 box, and no repeats along vertical and horizontal lines. I did it for about 1 hour and as I was getting to my last few spaces I started having many conflicts with numbers and just gave up.
I'm not sure if I was going in the right direction with these or not, but if you think my comment here gives away too much feel free to let me know and I'll edit or delete it :)
This is hard as hell, but I'm still having fun, so thanks for that!
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the oasis one is an actual hard sudoku - so yeah it won´t be as easy but can be solved using logic only. for the others i´ll set up hints i guess, because the labyrinth i figured would not give much problems seems to be one of the most problematic.
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I'm back for a bump. There is still something I see and I did not solve, but I am puzzled on its meaning. Nice variety of puzzles, fantastic artwork (if only I could draw...) Maybe back later when more hint added on the last (I guess) part.
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I happy that you had fun - and yes, hint´s will go up a week before it ends
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check back a week before it ends - i´ll set up some hints to the most problematic stuff
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Bump for stuck at the settlement too...
Don't know if you need to fill with both colors oronly with green...
Tried both, but both lead to some impossibilities
Also, stuck at the market as well, maybe I did something wrong with the equations I'm just dumb
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Hello and a happy new year to you all,
I wanted to do a second part to my old puzzle adventure for quite some time and finally came around to do it. So you are invited again to a sad excuse of a story, needlessly complicated puzzles and probably a lot of typos - sorry not sorry.
Before you start some reminders:
So let´s start:
After a little over a year you now got used to beeing a teacher to the young adventures to be and enjoy living in the Castle City. Today you were ordered to the Princess herself as she has a special request of you. After waiting for nearly an hour in the mainhall she finally appears with the royal Key Keeper in tow.
"I have need of your service, as the Key Keeper found a scroll with a language we can´t translate, so we ask you to please have a look at it."
You are given a old looking scroll and take a look. Well that seems easy, so you go and tell Princess Adlez you´ll just read it out.
As soon as you finish and look up from the scroll you notice you are no longer in the Throne Hall, well at least not the one you are used to and a lot of people are staring at you.
A pretty looking girl walks up to you and ask who you are and how you got here.
"Well i am the teacher to the adventurers to be in Aferon and i was just reading out this scroll for our princess. As soon as i looked up i was here, whereever that is."
"Oh, you are in Veistrias. My name is Flora and i am the princess of this kingdom. But seeing as you are from a Land we only know from legends from before the great calamity i guess the only way to get back there will be asking the Dragonbird to fly you back. Which shouldn´t be a problem as long as you bring him his favorite fruits. The thing is we don´t store them here, so you would have to collect them from all over."
Great you think, stranded somewhere in the middle of nowhere and the only way back is collecting food for a potentially deadly bird? COUNT YOU IN - the last year hasn´t been bad but a bit booring, so an adventure sounds great.
"Sure no problem, tell me where i can find them and i´ll be on my way."
Flora hands you a map and gives some last pointers before you are on your way.
Where to first?
West towards the Mines
South-west towards Small Settlement
North-west towards a Labyrinth
East towards an Oasis
Directly to the Dragonbirds Room
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