Congratulations to you! I've done the same with Pokémon Yellow, but it was much less pokemon (150 - not counting Mew). :P
And lol, yeah... I've only played 1st gen, and a little bit of 2nd, a long time ago. But I've had enough.
Thanks for the giveaway!
EDIT: I'm trying to get that Pokemon X/Y free offer from Club Nintendo. Only then I'll play a new Pokemon. :P But my 3DS is Brazilian and it doesn't come with a PIN, since we don't have Club Nintendo here. I've already got a PIN from one of the eligible games. Now I'm trying to get a PIN from an eligible 3DS. :P
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I've only had Red, Blue, Yellow (150 each) and Gold (249) completed myself. Did recently get Y myself, but only got a single badge so far. I need to use more than my starter, but as a Fire / Psychic type, it combines two of my favourite types. :P
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The 150 and 249 I listed are the catchable pokemon. Sure, there are two others available in the games, but they required events that just didn't happen here.
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I never caught Mew #151 in Red, but there are people who prove he exists there, I still have the cartridge of Pokemon Red and Game Boy (no color), my father bought it even before I born xd, but I saw "missingno"( which is not a Pokemon really) in a ghost tower somewhere in the game, don't know the name, but there was a mother Cubone too.
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I'm aware he exists. But as I just said, he was EVENT only. You actually had to go to an official Nintendo Pokemon event to get a Mew, and that just never happened in New Zealand. Other methods that were mentioned back then were rumors. Since then, many years later, a different method has been revealed, but that was long after I no longer had the games.
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Mew is catchable in first gen, though it wasn't supposed to be. I've catched it myself. This method works.
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The Mew glitch wasn't well known until several years later, so I never got to do it.
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Check a later comment. I mentioned it, but I did this way back when, and the only option to get Mew would have required leaving the country.
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you left off missingno (the first pokemon to have multiple "forms" its sprite could come in. the classic Lsponge, the ghost, skeleton kabutops and skeleton aerodactyl (m' i unstable and doesn't count))that brings it back to 151, but the highest number is still 150 because it starts from zero
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Someone else already mentioned it. I told them I like my saves too much. Not corrupting them.
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if I remember right Missingno never corrupted anything(except elite 4 hof pictures and temporally your team's backsprite and while its in your party), M` did. but then again it was awhile ago
edit- just view any other pokemon's stats to fix the sprites
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And the PC, along with the 6th item in your inventory
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right, i forgot to mention that, the 6th item quantity gets changed to 120. I'd usually just drop the extras, its not a lasting corruption sort of harm thats just a commonly repeated misconception it doesn't actually harm the pc like I said that was M' any pokemon in the pc begin level 0 causes issues.
(he mentions 4, but 4 is an entirely different thing from messing with the mew special glitch, it doesn't count. thats more like hacking)
with the easily harmlessly reversible exception of the 6slot item missingno only has harmless cosmetic effects
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if i remember correctly thats not a problem if you catch missingno before you fight them
(it only corrupted existing records) just don't fight it wild again afterwards(to be safe don't use it in fights either but i don't think that was an issue for me). also you could fight them like 20 times to overwrite the corrupted hof since it only saved so many
m' is broken, missingno is safe except if you already beat the elite 4 (and thats limited to cosmetic damage(which is restricted to the existing hall of fame in that save) and not harm to the cartage or rom)
in conclusion Missingno. is easily as much a pokemon as mew
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Does that surprise you? He travels all around to avoid the police.
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I never had an original console(GBA NDS etc.) so I didn't catch em all(since trade evolvers and other exclusive pokemons was absent)[Nice comic btw]
First game I played was pokemon gold(But i didn't know english at that time in fact I learned bunch of english words with that game.oh boy beautiful times) I know first three generation (heck ı am a mudkip see) but my stupid brain won't let me forget the names of first generation.So first one is my favorite.(I remember others as well but only whole first generation)
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My first Pokémon game was Sapphire.
My favorite starter type is fire.
My favorite type is Dragon.
My favorite generation is 3 or 1.
My least favorite generation is 6 or 5.
My favorite Pokémon are Mew, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mewtwo, Shaymin, Shaymin-S, Rayquaza, Mega Lati@s, Lati@s, Dragonite, Mega Blaziken, Garchomp, Girantina-O, Kyurem-B, Blaziken, Metagross, Lugia, Victini, Mega Charizard X, Charizard and Mega Charizard Y.
Good job by the way!
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well I will say my black was the only one I finished I got close in silver and crystal but I just burnt out in black I powered though tho
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Lmao, I was reading the comic and it didn't make sense, then I figured out I have to read the bubbles right to left. XD
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Second Generation is/was best, Crystal was my favorite Pokemon game.
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I was a big Pokemon fan in the early years, but the Gameboy Color was my last Gameboy...still played some GBA games on VBA though.
I love Gen 1 the most, Gen 2 is awesome as well.
I love badass Pokemons like Charizard, Tortoise, Scyther, Mewtwo,... but the Pokemon I always played with was Alakazam (before I got Mewtwo)
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Just bought Pokemon Y. LAst game I played was Pokemon Yellow.
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I've been meaning to try and get myself to finish a main Pokemon game, but for now, my favorite has to be Pokemon Snap, as it's the only one I've beaten so far. That, and it's actually kinda interesting imo.
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3rd gen is the most nostalgic to me, even though I started from the very first. Some of my favourite pokemon were introduced and the music was really beautiful. Black is the last game I played and it was really amazing, lots of cool pokes, great deal of improvement mechanic wise, Dream World etc. I'm really eager to try the new gen, even though I think it's high time to drop that primitive battle system and I'm not sold on that whole Mega thing either.
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29,691 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MyrXIII
Welp. I completed my National Pokedex (obtained information on 718 different Pokemon) in my Pokemon Y game. So I may as well create a private GA. I was going to use this comic and hide pieces of the URL in it, but things didn't work out so I said screw it. Enjoy. :3
ITT: Your favorite main/spin-off Pokemon game/Generation. inb4Gen1isbest&Gen4isloser.
March 12 Edit: Let's talk about starters now. :3
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