what should I do now?

I kicked some members of the group because they are the leecher type (giving less, taking all they can get) and first I thought problem solved. But now I see that they still enter all the giveaways of the group. And they are not in the group, some are kicked like 2 or 3 days ago.

what should I do know? is it allowed to write thier names here, to warn other groupleaders? (I see them entering like every new group that opens)

11 years ago*

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Support exists for this reasons, you know. Writing their name here is calling out.

11 years ago

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I already contacted them. As some of my members have done too. They dont allowed the reroll and the members have to give gifts to the kicked leechers.

11 years ago

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Did they win before they were kicked? If support doesn't want to reroll a giveaway if they won after being kicked from the group that's a bit odd...

11 years ago

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I know, one person in fact won before he got kicked, but all the other got kicked before they giveaway has ended.

11 years ago

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I had a similar situation a few months ago. The support rerolled the giveaway but said it's the last reroll since there were A LOT of those cases in that group. Still for a new group it's weird - joining giveaways after being kicked out should be against the rules since it's clearly an exploit.

11 years ago

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There was this problem in one of the groups i'm in too, something about having to prove they were kicked first and it ended up being a lot of hassle and in the end some members of the group just gave them the games.

11 years ago

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I think that happend here too.

11 years ago

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They don't have to "give gifts" to anyone yet. Don't gift the leechers and wait from response, Support will answer you in a few days. The leechers can't do a thing unless a week has passed since the giveaway ended

11 years ago

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If they win the giveaway, you can just ask for a reroll, I think.
They won't be able to enter the group giveaways after the auto-sync.

11 years ago

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the problem is, as it seems some of our members conatcted the support, asking for reroll but they forced them to give the game or get not recieved. (thats what the member reportet to me)

11 years ago

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They haven't resync'd. But it should auto resync eventually.

And no, you aren't allowed to call out, contact support.

11 years ago

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I know. How ofen does it autosync?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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But if they'll decide to join other groups they will have to resync.

11 years ago

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hmm than maybe theyre using a bug? I really dont know, but I see like 2 or 3 of them joining all the groups.

11 years ago

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Maybe they joined the giveaways before joined the groups?

11 years ago

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no theyre still entering, one is out like 3 days and still entered a giveaway one hour ago.

11 years ago

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You sure they entered those new groups after they left your's?

11 years ago

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Every 7 days.

11 years ago

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Well you can disable your giveaway group untill you kick all the leecher account and wait a couple days the time their account get sync'd

11 years ago

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We're having the same issue in our group. The problem is they haven't "synced" their profile with the site, and when the profile of the leechers are "private", the problem seems worse... :(

11 years ago

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omg...one of my leechers (maybe the same person that is leeching from you) has a private steam profile...

11 years ago

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dont panic) just a reroll.

11 years ago

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a groupmember told me that steamgifts support says no, he has to give it or get a not recieved...

11 years ago

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"How do I request a new winner?"
"Available reasons: 5. No Longer a Group Member (Group Only)"

11 years ago

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we know how to do that, as I said the support forced at least one member to give 2 giveaways to one leecher that was not in the group, when the giveaway ended (lucky leecher).

11 years ago

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You have the option to NOT give the gift. Who cares about 1 lost slot. I would rather have a "Not-received" than give a leech a nice game.

11 years ago

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I think there really should be something like a sticky leecher people thread to warn groupleaders. I m new to all this, I didn't know and expect that people like this are here. I don't expected that someone can be so rude and so shamless. Going in every group only leeching all the games and still leeching after they got kicked. And I see them entering every new group, leeching more and more games, that the decend group members will never recieve...because reroll not allowed....

I think they should get banned on steamgifts for stealing games and if thats not possible (because not breaking sg rules) at least there should be thier names in a leecher thread, so everyone is aware of them and what they do.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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thanks I will definitly do this!

11 years ago

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Support should do a reroll. Try and submit your own ticket explaining. Or tell your group member to do it again. I've never had a problem with that before.

11 years ago

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Also, whenever you kick a member or they leave, make an announcement about it on the group page that way everyone knows.

11 years ago

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Coooofffeee you are right. Maybe She doing that.

11 years ago

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If they were kicked first and continued to enter after, this is a SG issue as the sit has not sync'd them since the kick.

Support should be rerolling these giveaways. If they refuse, open a ticket and fully explain the situation. No one should be forced to give a gift to a rule-breaking leech.

Also, put all giveaways to 400 CV and kick all your leeches. What are they gonna do? Complain?

11 years ago

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they were removed from the group BEFORE the end of the giveaway, then it's a standard re-roll reason. There's even a specific choice for it in the list. We do them all the time. People who continue entering group giveaways after being kicked from the group are either entering whatever without paying attention or else just dumb. Or both.

11 years ago

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only one was in the group when the ga ended, and he got the game and is not leeching after he got kicked. But two or three are really rude, still leaching. And we have giveaways with like 4 enterys after two rerolls still the lecher wins. Just happend.

11 years ago

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It sounds like if the entries are as low as you're saying, if there are a few of them, they may be causing it to be so that there's a greater chance of one of them getting picked than not. Can you put in a support ticket with links to the giveaways and users in question so I can have a look at it? A screenshot of the group history for reference wouldn't hurt either.

11 years ago

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It will be hard topic coz many ppl doing that.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Someone royally screwed over the group?!

11 years ago

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One of the leechers have a private profile right?
Well.. Create a new Group and invite all the current people in this group there... and then Close the group.. :)

11 years ago

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You kicked them but they haven't synced their accounts with Steamgifts, thus SG still thinks they are part of the group. Wait about a week and they won't be able to enter.

11 years ago

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Tahnk you for your help! I will now only allow giveaways with CV of 400$ so the leechers can leech elsewhere...its sad that you have to do this, because of people like them.

thanks for your help and advice, I appriciate it!

Now we already lost like 3-5 games, maybe less or more, but it cant be changed anymore.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Eismondengel.