If you were serious (i am not sure)....
Nope, i am not responsible for actual free/reduce tickets. I am "only", one of the guys that is responsible that the cheated cv of the last, around, 3 years got nuked, by a big part.
And if i could i would ban the 50 - 100 extrem abuser accounts, that use each and every loophole at any time. That would be much lesser work for all involved
But i bet i know 80% of the users that do the tickets nowadays.
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I'd say you're suffering collateral damage wigglenose as you're one of the very few people in this community who try to level up for the sole purpose of leveling.
People abusing the system try to trade trash for treasure i.e. cheap garbage games bought for a few cents for much more valuable games they can win by giveaways they're able to enter with their undeserved level or group stats.
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Only bought games for paperweight? Heh, you should look at some of the high level folks that do "sponsored by dev" giveaways, gets me every time because no one would actually giveaway those games if they had good intentions. A broken light bulb has more value than those games.
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I didn't think those were supposed to give CV though, do they now?
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It gets to be a real grind when you get to level 7 lol. I've been trying to give away a 15+ point game almost every day and I'm only at 60% through level 7 after reaching it at the start of the year. You also start losing ground from games losing value too - my chart now shows I didn't make level 7 now mid February. I can't imagine what levels 8 or 9 is like.
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But My Gifts Won that had wrongly increased hasn't gone down.Can someone please tell me what to do? After Winning 7 games(Won=$60),I gave away 3 games,so My Sent got raised from $60 to $91 but due to no reason the Won also got raised to $97 from $60.I haven't won any games but My Won keeps increasing.Should I open a support Ticket?
Edit:Those who replied to help me have been added to my whitelist.Thank you people.
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That amount is based on Steam price for USA. It changes when prices change on Steam.
Hover over the amount for Received Value. It behaves like Contributor Value. It will go down when a game CV changes if the effective date was before you won the game.
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Received Value... i thought it was REAL Value this entire time when people said RV
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You think that's bad...
All this time I thought RV meant Recreational Vehicle! Mind = blown. 😳
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for future reference, that stands for eat my black a$$. kinda like saying get bent
it isnt halo if somebody didn't tell you that at least once a game
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It must be because of RUNE II: Decapitation Edition. Probably Steamgifts treated it as 0P for some time and now it's back to 30P.
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If you hover over those amounts on your profile, you will see your "Real CV" value. That's what determines the level of your account, not the current retail value of the games.
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It's not wrong though. That value can change over time.
CV is calculated 15% of value for bundled or 0 CV if the game is free at the time of your GA. If you've given the game away before it was ever bundled and it's base price was $30 you'll get 30CV. Right? If it's been bundled you get 4.50CV. The value shown on your profile without hovering the mouse will reflect the $30.
So, if a year later that game is reduced to $20 on Steam (as base price not sale) then the value of the game is going to reduce in your SG account too. You will have 20CV for full price game, or 3CV for bundled.
Sometimes a game's base price will increase, and those values will increase on your SG account in the same way.
It's all calculated off the current American base price of games on Steam. There isn't really anything that can be done about that I'm afraid. It's working as it's supposed to.
Besides, when you see people going on about "ratios" they're looking at the "hover over" (Real CV) value on people's accounts. That seems to be the value that matters to people who care about that stuff.
They're just numbers. Shouldn't stop you enjoying the site. =)
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Thanks Shannon.It was just giving me discomfort but all the Good SG users have made me understand that its about the GAs and smiles they bring not about numbers.I gave em all whitelists and wanted to do the same for you BUT You ALREADY are in my whitelist so take this💙 instead
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I'm imagining a level 10 person coming on the site at end of July, seeing they are suddenly level 9, then immediately dump a lot of GAs to climb back up to level 10... then log in the next day only to see they're level 9 again, and this process repeats for this individual for weeks 🤣
Edit: Thank you Moderators and Ticket writers for doing all of this!
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Let's say a good bunch of members had fun seeing how some bad guys struggled and tried each day to raise their cv with new freebies, that weren't marked as free, or new 40 or 50p trash games that weren't marked as 0cv.
And each day that gained cv got nuked shortly after or before the GAs ended.
They switched then in the end, partly, to lower p trash games and partly to normal bundled stuff ( which i haven't seen since a year on one of the accounts... so it was something that surprised me :-D ).
But 90% of this guys don't changed something, they still try to abuse/exploit each loophole that is available.
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Good to see the results of the work that some members of the community and mods have been doing fighting against this trash.
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I've sent some tickets myself that got handeled. Still i've noticed some games are not set as no value from the first giveaways made but on later date, i just don't have the free time to check them properly and i don't have knowledge of the russian stores where these come from to provide proof if i make a ticket.
I surely know who that user on No 1 is, someone could say he is the king of freebies, he even asks for whitelist exchange in his giveaways.
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Was waiting for this discussion to appear as kept a close eye on what was going on :)
Few facts:
Everything started around Jul 28, when one motivated Junior Moderator (who finished SG twice) become Senior Moderator and declared the crusade open. (that is not calling out, right?)
Total number of games/DLCs/bundles that got "stars" since Jul 28, 2022 to Aug 28, 2022 reached 1155 titles.
Top 5 days with most titles added to the bundled list per day:
Aug 14, 2022 197 titles
Aug 01, 2022 162 titles
Aug 04, 2022 101 titles
Jul 28, 2022 70 titles
Jul 29, 2022 68 titles
On 04.08.2022 there were 400 open tickets in support with a requests to add games to the list. By 09.08.2022 there were only 5 open tickets left. Since then maximum amount of open tickets in this category I've noticed didn't go beyond 15 (currently there are 10 tickets).
The oldest "Bundled effective since" date got Killing Floor: Steampunk Character Pack, it got reduced value since Apr 01, 2013.
Change in amount of users by level from 29.07.2022 to 29.08.2022
0 lvl | 1 lvl | 2 lvl | 3 lvl | 4 lvl | 5 lvl | 6 lvl | 7 lvl | 8 lvl | 9 lvl | 10 lvl |
0,16% | -0,10% | 0,28% | -0,16% | -0,89% | -1,39% | -1,67% | -1,50% | -4,23% | 1,55% | -9,09% |
1547 | -117 | 52 | -22 | -111 | -82 | -58 | -30 | -28 | 8 | -41 |
Please note, that ~1118 new users were registered in that period. So if we assume that all new users are level zero, then 429 people returned from higher levels to level zero.
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429 people returned from higher levels to level zero
Damn, that's crazy...
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Freebies were a very good way to gain levels because the few active mods weren't able to add them all, each day.
I gave up with new ticket writings when 550+ free/reduce tickets were still open. Others done the same.
So a bunch of freebies/bundled stuff are still not reported and is now harder to detect as when it were done on a daily base.
But it is how it is and the big hit was a big and good step in the right direction.
Maybe it had a learn effect for some people.
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It took me almost as long to go from 7 to 8 as it took from 0 to 7, fwiw
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Happy Cakeday :o)
On the "lower" levels you see a difference. On level 7 you make many GAs and the level don't change. After, i don't know, maybe 2 years i lost the motivation.
And all the abusers/exploiters/multiaccounters/autojoiners don't raised my motivation too.
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How do you know how much you've lost? I'm looking at my CV and can't tell the difference. Or maybe I wasn't aware of my exact number before the purge.
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I only remembered it because i were "forever" on that level. It burned itself into my memory.
But in the end it isnt important. It make no difference if 7.58 or 7.42, special because i don't believe i will ever reach level 8.
Only my stats "nerd" part is always active with such stuff :-D
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Ah, got it. I was only curious. At this point, I don't really care. I'm already at a level where I can access the vast majority of the giveaways and have enough giveaway slots to get rid of my bundle leftovers when needed, so even if all the giveaways I give going forward are only there to fight attrition and never level up, I'm fine with it.
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Oh well, even good games which i gave last year with full value went to bundle status because it had a big discount a few weeks/months ago and my cv went down massively... I was level 4 and it went down to level 1, it's not all "junk games" that got affected.
Has i see it, if a certain game goes free today everyone should lose the cv even if they gave away the game 10 years ago.
Time to make more giveaways haha!
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It doesn't work that way, games only get lower CV if they were given away AFTER a bundle date. They get added to the bundled list manually though, and this sometimes happens a bit later, not right on the date of games being discounted (sometimes months later); that can affect your level indeed. According to your profile, you only gave away 1 game that wasn't bundled yet at the moment of the giveaway and only 17 bundled games, everything else was free before you gave it away.
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It doesn't work that way
i know, i know, i just think was a nice idea to keep people making giveaways haha
I actually was thinking about Pest Control, went to check and i gave it on 2021 and it got a 60% on 2020 oof... these tickets are really old :D
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Because of that had the title the * with
*and after hundreds of handled reduce/free tickets
Of course were not all bad/fake games but the reduced/free status was incorrect and got, in many cases, corrected now.
So be not sad about the lost levels, be happy that you had so long a higher level as you normaly should had.
The date get retroactively set to the date the game was free or bundled and you loose only cv if you gave the game away after this date. 10 years are unlikely but 3 years were not rare in this cases because a lot of my tickets were 2 years old and reported not only "new" (at that time) bundled or free games.
I stumbled from time to time about something on barter, old freebie sites, forums, reddit etc..
Masa sees all^^
Time to make more giveaways haha!
Good decission. The users will be happy :o)
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Well, it looks a little funny, but it seems pointless to me.
Trash games are not the worst way to level up. Personally, I'm much more worried about closed multi-user groups that require members to give monthly giveaways, count their contributions, and so on. It seems to me that this is much more vile, but for some reason no one even tries to fight this.
P.S: Maybe I just don't like numbers. xD
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I think it is hard to define the "worst way to level up", that it fits for each ones opinion.
For me is the worst way to level up with cheating in any form.
Grabbing 30 copies of freebies on all sites with the help of bots as example and then give it away as fast as possible to have a advantage till the mods handle the game and partly have full cv forever.
And when someone base his account on 9k of such games then he is the trash not the games.
Groups can be bad but that depends much on the members and if abusing/exploiting GAs are allowed or not.
Some people don't like, nearly all, groups and fight against them with giving Blacklists to the members.
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Were there even level 10 users that were giving out those 50p asset flips? Disappointing
Still, congratulations to the community for finally cleaning all that.
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A good bunch.
Or how do you think so many reached level 10 ? ;o)
I would say a much bigger part as the "catched" 9% don't deserve their level 10 but i am (since) "not so long" active on sg and weren't experienced enough in the first year. And not many hunted in the past the cheated levels.
One of my members found something, in the past, that pushed partly the cv of people $1k up (multiple copies, extreme high price, available for free for one country). It got nuked, retroactively for, if i don't remember wrong, 5 or 6 years ago.
Was a big hit for some high level accounts too.
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This is absolutely amazing and while (as far as I can tell) this doesn't affect me in any real way, thank you. It's fascinating.
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Wow, I knew there was a lot of people using these games to gain levels, but I didn't know there was that many. After seeing the stats, I am very happy that these games are having their value removed. Thanks for all the hard work from support, you, and the other members that helped to find, report, and add these games to the 0 CV list.
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Nice work, good to hear the clear exploiters are getting their comeuppance!
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Your link came up unavailable. Heres a recent live.
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Strange, for me is with my link all ok.
So i will not exchange it with your link, now, and hope that the majority can hear it from my link.
If a few users can't look at the link they can search shortly on YT. If the majority have problems, i will exchange it with your link.
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Im Us.
Could be censorship.
Heres a age old one for me.
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You send 550 tickets about reduce/free games? That's some dedication, Well done.
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You need to work harder, I still have 8 level!
Sometimes it's sad when game you paid for becomes noCV or bundled, but thankfully, such cases are rare. So I'm thankful for your job here. Sometimes I don't like your witch hunts, but CV abuse harms everyone, so here I'm totally with you, and I even reported a few such games too (nothing comparing to your numbers of course). If only there were also some way to prevent developers to get unlimited CV by giving away thousands keys of their games, but I guess it can't be helped.
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Sometimes I don't like your witch hunts, but CV abuse harms everyone, so here I'm totally with you, ...
Why call it witch hunt then? Your wording indirectly implies irrational behavior hurting innocent victims a rhetorical figure of speech all to well known from politicians manipulating public opinion.
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I'm opposing actions, described in this thread, and actions, that I called "witch hunts" (if that's not obvious to you). It should be obvious, that I called those actions that name because I consider them harmful (or at least dubious). Also, I said "I don't like" to show that it's my opinion, not some absolute truth - something that I consider witch hunts, other people may consider totally justified. Can't see how this is manipulation.
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Late reply, i needed a bit more free time without sg stuff. So i write/answer only a few messages each day (sg [stuff] don't run away^^).
Each one can have their opinion and that is fully ok.
But the words "witch hunt" give someone that read it, the feeling as multiple persons hunt, unjustified, one person or one type of persons.
I am, def., extreme in some, but far from all, cases because i really dislike people that are so greedy that they need multiple accounts, resell wins and such stuff or use technical cheating help (autojoiners etc.).
So yes, when someone steal 9k freebies with the help of bots and around 30 accounts on each freebie site, to abuse with them sites like sg (give free stuff, win daily paid stuff or to resell and trade all his stolen keys, then i wish him something very bad.
But in the most cases i collect infos, evidences etc. alone and i don't say to someone "blacklist all cheaters".
So, from my point, is "witch hunt" the wrong description and too negative.
I think hbarkas sentences go in the same direction, which gives me the feeling as other ones share my point of view in this case.
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I'm sorry, my words were indeed too rude and not deserved. I greatly appreciate what you do (or did, since you've said you're retiring) for SG. As you said, I'm just not quite agree with some (but far from all) of your activities, and that's all I meant to say. When judging who is greedy and who is not - one always need to draw a line somewhere, and, in my opinion, sometimes you draw it a bit too far. I agree that "witch hunt" is way too negative words to describe this, and I apologize for that.
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I think hbarkas sentences go in the same direction, which gives me the feeling as other ones share my point of view in this case.
You got that perfectly right. There are no innocent victims here accused by an inquisition without factual proof. Instead it was a long overdue reaction instigated by members dissatisfied how autojoiners, cheaters and exploiters are handled on the site.
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10,141 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sno1
*and after hundreds of handled reduce/free tickets
Fake games = high price for the delivered, mostly not existant/very bad, content. Could be called overpriced trash. Mostly available for a few cents in different, mostly very shady, stores.
Hundreds of reduce/free tickets = all in all were 800(?) open
Thanks to the 3 mods that done in the last few years nearly all reduce/free tickets and special to the one mod that handled over 800 tickets + done extra work in only 2-3 weeks.
I collected the stats because i have fun on such things and were curious.
And i had a eye on different "special friends", so it was very easy to spot that a good bunch of them lost much of their, cheated, levels.
Later i seen that other ones collected stats too but started later or only collected a part of the stats.
So i thought that maybe the one or other is interested on them.
That is the reason for this Thread.
The +/- numbers are based on the comparing with the first stats from the 29.07.22.
More stats collected from Andy Frost:
Below a few "special friends", so much anonymized (only a around $ worth nothing exactly, no $ start info, no names) that it should be not traceable from which exact users i write but the general direction should be visible.
$3,800 down (Level 10 --> 7)
-thousands of freebies, all collected with multiple accounts and bots-
$1,400 down (Level 7 --> 4)
$1,100 down (Level 10 --> 9)
First checked after 4 days, maybe lost more.
$1,100 down (Level 9 --> 7)
First checked after 4 days, maybe lost more.
$900 down (lvl 9 --> 8)
It gave much more with "only" $600 lost, which often mean from level 6 to 4.
All is better with music...
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
Fitting to the theme^^
Have fun
EDIT: The screenshot is from someone else and show the difference from 27th August to 13th October.
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